The photo shoot of the 201314 ENERGETIX jewellery collection — the best „making of“ photos!


The shoot of the new 2013/2014 col­lec­tion was held in secre­cy at the ENERGETIX head­quar­ters in Bin­gen am Rhein. The stills of the new jew­ellery are still under lock and key of course and will not be pre­sent­ed until the Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin on 31 August – as part of the pre­sen­ta­tion of the new cat­a­logue.

How­ev­er we looked over the shoul­der of the pho­tog­ra­phy team and exclu­sive­ly show here the first pho­tos of this sev­er­al-day ses­sion!


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„Bingen Event July 2013“ – the training trip exclusively for ENERGETIX newcomers

Bingen Event QN (85)

The two-day event orga­nized espe­cial­ly for new ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors took place at the begin­ning of July. The 34 dis­trib­u­tors from Ger­many, Den­mark, the Nether­lands and Switzer­land who qual­i­fied met in Bin­gen on the banks of the Riv­er Rhine for a train­ing ses­sion spe­cial­ly adapt­ed to the needs and wish­es of new­com­ers.


The train­ing trip also con­sti­tut­ed a team-build­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty as it also offered the chance for the new­com­ers to get to know each oth­er in a relaxed atmos­phere, for instance, dur­ing a vis­it to the Eber­bach Monastery, which has been famed for its wine estates for cen­turies, dur­ing fun activ­i­ties and dur­ing the live per­for­mance by Men­na Muluge­ta, who became known to a broad audi­ence in Ger­many through the „Voice of Ger­many“ tele­vi­sion pro­gramme.

The sec­ond day focused entire­ly on the busi­ness and, besides a tour of the com­pa­ny, includ­ed an infor­ma­tive speech by the CEO and Sole Share­hold­er, Roland Förster, as well as a home-par­ty work­shop pre­sent­ed by an expe­ri­enced dis­trib­u­tor and a dec­o­ra­tion work­shop giv­en by the jew­ellery design­er, Janine Eisen­hauer. A selec­tion of pho­tos of the event is avail­able for online view­ing here.

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Joey Kelly at his most approachable

Only very few peo­ple get to meet extreme ath­lete Joey Kel­ly like this. He had invit­ed 20 dis­trib­u­tors who had qual­i­fied in the Jew­ellery Par­ty Com­pe­ti­tion to his home estate on 19 July.

Besuch von Energetix-VP bei Joey Kelly auf dem Bauernhof

Besuch von Energetix-VP bei Joey Kelly auf dem Bauernhof„Super, fan­tas­tic! Get­ting to know him was a tremen­dous expe­ri­ence,“ is how Brit­ta Hart­mann, one of the mem­bers of the par­ty, summed up her impres­sions. It was not only the men­tal strength and dis­ci­pline of the celebri­ty host but also his obvi­ous respect for his guests and his gen­uine mod­esty that impressed Brit­ta and all the oth­er par­tic­i­pants so strong­ly.

IMG_8468_lowJoey took the group around his farm, a for­mer monastery that he is restau­r­ing lov­ing­ly, talked about his event­ful life as he did so, gave a pas­sion­ate talk on the „hys­te­ria of the body“ and act­ed as pro­fes­sion­al guide on a 12 km hike to a riv­er dam. Extreme­ly gen­er­ous hos­pi­tal­i­ty and per­ma­nent respon­sive­ness in a very cor­dial and friend­ly atmos­phere. An excep­tion­al day that came to a roman­tic close around the camp­fire.

Besuch von Energetix-VP bei Joey Kelly auf dem BauernhofAfter this once-in-a-life­time expe­ri­ence, all the par­tic­i­pants are fever­ish­ly look­ing for­ward to see­ing Joey again at the Cat­a­logue Launch — this time as a charis­mat­ic train­er in front of a large audi­ence.

„Thank you, Joey Kel­ly!“


Did you know…?

… that you can cre­ate a classy and attrac­tive XXL neck­lace by com­bin­ing neck­lace ele­ments (1832) of dif­fer­ent lengths?!


You can con­jure up this extra-long, expres­sive, fash­ion­able look­ing neck­lace with a size M neck­lace, two size L neck­laces and a size XXXL neck­lace – linked togeth­er with 4 clip loops (1560). Just per­fect for casu­al­ly wear­ing as a dou­ble strand neck­lace!

All imi­ta­tions wel­come!

Please don’t forget: the attractive early booking discount for the ENERGETIX mega event, the 2013 Catalogue Launch, ends on 31 July

Don’t miss out on this great chance and order your tick­ets at reduced prices – if you haven’t already done so: it is worth­while being present!



130712_Wolfgang_Düsener_Messe“For me the annu­al Cat­a­logue Launch is a must for every dis­trib­u­tor, for any­one who is seri­ous­ly inter­est­ed in mean­ing­ful, ful­fill­ing free­lance work that is very enjoy­able and pro­vides a sol­id and reli­able income.” (Wolf­gang Düsen­er, 2013, inde­pen­dent ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tor)

You can see the FROGBLOG report and a short video of the 2012 ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch here.

ENERGETIX celebrities gain media attention: the exclusive ENERGETIX photo shoot with Ronan Keating and Franziska Knuppe

The fact that pop star Ronan Keat­ing and mod­el Franziska Knuppe go very well togeth­er – and not just visu­al­ly, either – was rec­og­nized even by the Berlin-based Bild-Zeitung (Germany’s most pop­u­lar tabloid) in its 13 June edi­tion. The paper fea­tured an arti­cle on the ENERGETIX pho­to shoot (for the eager­ly await­ed 2013–2014 ENERGETIX cat­a­logue) with inter­na­tion­al stars.


ENERGETIX Franziska Knuppe and Ronan Keat­ing clear­ly had a lot of fun dur­ing the ENERGETIX shoot and ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors can look for­ward to the pho­tos and the new jew­ellery col­lec­tion with great antic­i­pa­tion. The cre­ative devel­op­ment process is in top gear: the cat­a­logue and jew­ellery will be pre­miered on 31 August at the Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin.

He’s a real winner: Joey Kelly wins the world’s first-ever underwater cycle race

Bild4It’s a well known fact that Joey Kel­ly is game for (almost) any­thing that is fun, for any off­beat sport­ing event. So he didn’t miss the chance to take part in one of the most unusu­al races in the world, the first under­wa­ter cycle race, which took place in Großen­brode on the Baltic coast on 27 June. The enthu­si­as­tic sportEX-wear­er lined up at the start with two oth­er extreme ath­letes – the sil­i­cone bracelets are clear­ly vis­i­ble in the pho­tos.


Wolf­gang Kulow, the ini­tia­tor of the event, had tried out under­wa­ter cycling at mid­day togeth­er with Mar­cel Heinig and Joey Kel­ly … in a swim­ming pool. In the evening the three of them then took to the „course“, which ran par­al­lel to Lehn­sahn Pier in the Baltic.


The Fear­less Three took on the chal­lenge wear­ing a wet­suit, an oxy­gen tank and 70 kg of weights. They had to enter the chilly water three times and cycle 600 m out and back with this addi­tion­al bur­den. Joey Kel­ly won ahead of Wolf­gang Kulow, with Mar­cel Heinig in third place.


Sat1 Region­al TV and NDR region­al pro­grammes report­ed on the event, which was watched by about 2500 spec­ta­tors. And ENERGETIX was there, too, in the form of a ban­ner.

Con­grat­u­la­tions, Joey.

Joey Kelly Unterwasserradrennen

Career tips from the STARCLUB: Christine Moussu at the ENERGETIX headquarters in Bingen

Her career has been noth­ing short of incred­i­ble. Chris­tine Mous­su has been out and about with ENERGETIX Bin­gen design­er jew­ellery for a mere 10 months in her native France, in the vicin­i­ty of the world famous Mont St. Michel, and has already achieved phe­nom­e­nal suc­cess­es: mem­ber of the STARCLUB, qual­i­fi­er in the Kenya com­pe­ti­tion, top of the list of the best for GSV and most recent­ly proud dri­ver of an ENERGETIXDRIVE vehi­cle.

She is very mod­est when talk­ing about her spec­tac­u­lar start. „I love the prod­ucts, I love the peo­ple and I love work­ing,“ she said dur­ing her vis­it to the Bin­gen head­quar­ters on 1 July, a vis­it that enabled her and her col­league Rémy Truet to get a first impres­sion of how things oper­ate there.


Her recipe for suc­cess is very plau­si­ble: „I work in a very rur­al area. A lot of work­ers live there, a lot of peo­ple who work in agri­cul­ture. They love to have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to get togeth­er from time to time. And our prod­ucts sell best if you are sit­ting round a table with 10 or 12 peo­ple and you take your time. It’s not like being at a mar­ket or a super­mar­ket, where every­one wants some­thing dif­fer­ent. Here you can take your time, you are in good com­pa­ny, you find out about good prod­ucts and have good moments. In an atmos­phere like this, fol­low-up book­ings are a mat­ter of course. And then there’s the cri­sis and the weather’s been bad for weeks. When I show peo­ple the jew­ellery, it’s like giv­ing them a cou­ple of hours of sun­shine and a break from their dai­ly rou­tine.“

There are always 2 or 3 cus­tomers at Christine’s get-togeth­ers who are already famil­iar with the prod­ucts and more or less take over the sales pitch. „It’s like with a car that you’re sat­is­fied with. You talk to friends and neigh­bours about it and sud­den­ly they are dri­ving the same sort of car them­selves.“

Chris­tine has anoth­er tip that oth­ers would be well advised to fol­low: „If I vis­it a com­pa­ny to get new cus­tomers, ini­tial­ly I don’t sell jew­ellery – because the result would be good but lim­it­ed. No, I arrange jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tion get-togeth­ers with the employ­ees. As a rule, I make 15 to 20 appoint­ments, then sales get going again. Obvi­ous­ly the result is that I have a lot of work to do but I’m absolute­ly enthu­si­as­tic about the job. And peo­ple notice it and this con­tributes to my suc­cess.“

Thank you, Chris­tine, for talk­ing to us. Here’s wish­ing you lots of con­tin­ued suc­cess!