Background and a look behind the scenes: The new jewellery collection

Inter­view with Janine Eisen­hauer, head of jew­ellery design at ENERGETIX Bingen.

Over the com­ing weeks, FROGBLOG will be upload­ing parts of the entire inter­view. So it’ll be worth com­ing back to take a look!

Part 15

Mrs. Eisen­hauer, New York City was cho­sen as the loca­tion for the pho­tos for the new cat­a­logue. The pho­to shoot­ing in the Big Apple was prob­a­bly a highlight?

J. E.: Yes, New York as the shoot­ing loca­tion was incred­i­bly excit­ing, mul­ti­fac­eted and stim­u­lat­ing. We vis­it­ed many dif­fer­ent dis­tricts for the cat­a­logue and gained many impres­sions. From the rooftops in Mid­town very near the Empire State Build­ing to the indus­tri­al dis­trict on the banks of the East Riv­er under Brook­lyn Bridge. And, of course, on Brook­lyn Bridge itself which fea­tures in the back­ground on the new cov­er. Some­times we had to work at two or three dif­fer­ent loca­tions on a sin­gle day. A mobile home then became the back­stage area for our styling, hair and make-up as well as the pro­duc­tion office and can­teen. Every­thing in the small­est of spaces with up to 20 peo­ple work­ing on the project on a sin­gle pro­duc­tion day. So it was every­thing but a lux­u­ry hol­i­day, but it was fun and the atmos­phere was creative.

A glance at the con­tents reveals that ENERGETIX has – although the sequence has changed slight­ly – remained true its categories. 

J. E.: That’s right, every cat­e­go­ry rep­re­sents its own direc­tion, from fash­ion­able to sim­ple pieces of jew­ellery and from ele­gant to sporty designs.

Well, let’s talk about the most impor­tant new aspects in the new indi­vid­ual categories!


Sym­bol­ic is pleas­ant­ly dif­fer­ent. Where did the inspi­ra­tion for these imag­i­na­tive pieces of jew­ellery come from?

J. E.: The Sym­bol­ic cat­e­go­ry was inspired by many dif­fer­ent things, includ­ing nature and tech­nol­o­gy and even entire­ly abstract and mod­ern shapes.

SYMBOLIC: Chain sys­tem with spring ring and clip loop

This new design pos­sess­es both abstract and Asian influ­ences, the for­mer even being inspired by a paint­ing by Kandin­sky. The pen­dant may be worn with a chain of pearls from the ENERGETIX range of chains or with a clip loop or sim­ply with a string. There are match­ing ear studs and ring tops and a bracelet in the same pearl colours.

How did you get the idea to shape a piece of jew­ellery in the shape of a hummingbird? 

J. E.: We are always being asked to real­ize ani­mal motifs, which is why they were essen­tial to this collection.

SYMBOLIC: hummningbirds and flowers

SYMBOLIC : Lit­tle hum­ming­birds and flowers

The final result was achieved through many inter­me­di­ate stages. The end prod­uct is a coop­er­a­tion with the design­er, Robin Ash­by, who cre­at­ed the vir­tu­al hum­ming­bird con­tours for us in a CAD pro­gramme. Two small match­ing hum­ming­bird ear studs and match­ing ear studs with the flow­ers that are also found on the hum­ming­bird’s branch were cre­at­ed to accom­pa­ny this piece.

Every­thing is rep­re­sent­ed from nature to tech­nol­o­gy … ENERGETIX is so to speak con­quer­ing space? 

SYMBOLIC: Small robots, rock­ets and planets

J. E.: Well, we did use the work­ing title, „Out of Space“, here. The motifs are very wit­ty and cute, small robots, rock­ets and plan­ets. Real­ized here as lit­tle charms.
As a high­light, we added a large robot that pos­sess­es a turn­ing loop so that it may be com­bined in many ways with clip loops and chains: lav­ish­ly worked with Swarovs­ki crys­tals and cold enamel.

SYMBOLIC: Robot with var­i­ous details

Thank you, Mrs. Eisen­hauer, until the next and sec­ond part.

More distributors happy about their cars in the ENERGETIXDRIVE programme

The 19 Sep­tem­ber 2012 was the long-await­ed day when not only top dis­trib­u­tors, Inge Møller-Nielsen, Renée Piguet, Ciselle Elgers & Rick Wes­sels, Car­men & Ernst Maas, Pia & Fred Petersen and Ruth & Klaus Kris­tensen, received their new cars from the ENERGETIXDRIVE pro­gramme but also Anja Schuch, who is a mem­ber of the STARCLUB.

The brand-new dream car was hand­ed over to Anja Schuch, Inter­na­tion­al Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor, in Bin­gen by Dr K.-P. Thiel, Mem­ber of the Exec­u­tive Board and COO.

„I would real­ly like to thank you for this award, it would­n’t have been pos­si­ble with­out you. You have cre­at­ed and built up a com­pa­ny for which peo­ple are able to work with great joy, warmth and deep com­mit­ment. And when I speak of Ener­getix, I am talk­ing about us. Some­thing as big as this can only be cre­at­ed when a bond is cre­at­ed between us all.“

Inge Møller Nielsen

Renée Piguet

Ciselle Elgers

Car­men und Ernst Maas

Pia und Fred Petersen

Ruth Kris­tensen

Dr Thiel hand­ing over the ENERGETIXDRIVE cars at the Cat­a­logue Launch dur­ing a live trans­mis­sion into the Rhein­gold­halle in Mainz. The hap­py recip­i­ents: Ulrike Lem­mel, Sabine Dreier-Schmülling & Ralf Schmülling, Sabine & Jörg Bre­da, Alexan­dra & Peter Pape-Vic­tor, Ker­stin Zschäck­el, Mar­i­on & Sven Erich­sen, Kor­nelia & Oth­mar Rom­bach, Brit­ta Hart­mann and Diana Römer.

The ENERGETIXDRIVE part­ner pro­gramme is avail­able to all dis­trib­u­tors: ENERGETIX Bin­gen sub­sidis­es the leas­ing pay­ments for the cars by up to 100%, in addi­tion to all the ben­e­fits of the mar­ket­ing plan. Dis­trib­u­tors should not ignore this opportunity! 

ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors can find more infor­ma­tion about the ENERGETIXDRIVE pro­gramme in the down­load sec­tion of the man­age­ment system.

We wish all dis­trib­u­tors lots of fun with their ENERGETIXDRIVE dream cars!

All photos, all, everything: Impressions of the launch, STARCLUB meeting and boat trip

The Cat­a­logue Launch week­end from 31 August to 2 Sep­tem­ber 2012 was real­ly some­thing. Three days full of action, attrac­tion, fun and entertainment.

The STARCLUB gets togeth­er in Mainz

Fri­day was entire­ly ded­i­cat­ed to the stars: the STARCLUB met for the one-to-one inter­view train­ing head­ed by Klaus Pertl and for all par­tic­i­pants to swap experiences.

On Sat­ur­day, Michael Rossié, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and speak­ing train­er, „coached“ the ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors under the mot­to, „Become who you are!“ This was fol­lowed by the excit­ed­ly await­ed pre­sen­ta­tion of the new jew­ellery col­lec­tion: the stage show was a high-ener­gy mix of infor­ma­tion and enter­tain­ment. Each cat­e­go­ry was under­lined by aes­thet­ic acro­bat­ic per­for­mances, music and impres­sions from New York – the place where the pho­tos were shot.

Alexan­der Link (CIO)
presents the FROGBLOG

A spe­cial sur­prise await­ed dis­trib­u­tors at the pre­sen­ta­tion of the new sportEX sil­i­con bracelets because none oth­er than swim­ming leg­end, Franziska van Alm­sick, took the stage. The like­able sports per­son­al­i­ty is the new face for the sporty col­lec­tion of colour­ful bracelets with three mag­nets inte­grat­ed in a water­proof encasing.

Ivy Quain­oo live on stage with her band

The event was crowned by the evening gala, which the guests and ENERGETIX employ­ees attend­ed in appro­pri­ate for­mal dress.

In line with this year’s „EX in the City“ mot­to, the culi­nary range was also themed with New York in mind: the live „Lit­tle Italy“, „Chi­na Town“ and „Man­hat­tan“ cook­ing sta­tions served Ital­ian, Asian and „typ­i­cal­ly“ US-Amer­i­can spe­cial­i­ties. A lav­ish dessert buf­fet and cock­tail bars per­fect­ly round­ed off the evening’s culi­nary presentation.

The launch week­end was con­clud­ed with the boat trip on the Sun­day. The leisure­ly excur­sion on the Rhine was pri­mar­i­ly planned as a gen­er­al­ly relax­ing event.

It was sun­ny and the cruise, was a cruise

The launch week­end was full of enter­tain­ing and emo­tion­al high­lights. The high­lights were real­ly mem­o­rable! A small but fine selec­tion of launch pho­tos has already been pre­sent­ed here on the FROGBLOG (where they are still avail­able for view­ing). But the big pho­to album may now also be viewed on Flickr!

Besides a large selec­tion of launch day pic­tures, you’ll also find pho­tos of the STARCLUB meet­ing on the launch Fri­day (31 August 2012) and the boat trip on the launch Sun­day (2 Sep­tem­ber 2012).

We hope you enjoy the pic­tures and have lots of fun reliv­ing the weekend!

Wellness (not only) for frog feet – ENERGETIX’s Summer Party

Mud pack includ­ed: well­ness is writ­ten large at ENERGETIX Bingen

It was the time of year again when ENER­GETIX’s man­age­ment invit­ed employ­ees and their
fam­i­lies to the com­pa­ny’s grand sum­mer par­ty 2012.

A har­mo­nious trio even in fash­ion: the graph­ic artist, Yun-mi Jo, and jew­ellery design­ers, Janine Eisen­hauer and Mar­cel­la Fer­ret­ti (from left)

The pro­gramme also includ­ed a trip to the 3.5 kilo­me­ter long adven­ture bare-foot path in Bad Sobern­heim where par­tic­i­pants eager­ly wad­ed through mud and a „rag­ing“ riv­er, walked over bark mulch, sand and grav­el, pass a plank bridge and bal­anced across tree trunks.

The plucky bare-foot walk­ers were „reward­ed“ with an com­pan­ion­able lunch and a prize draw for two
bal­loon trips.

Ford­ing the riv­er Nahe, a splash for everyone

The training trip to Bingen

ENERGETIX is well pre­pared and the qual­i­fied dis­trib­u­tors may look for­ward to a sport­ing event with Ralf Bauer, who will be intro­duc­ing the par­tic­i­pants to the art of yoga.

At long last: the third-cat­e­go­ry com­pe­ti­tion train­ing trip on
2728 Sep­tem­ber that will be ded­i­cat­ed to the ancient Asian art of yoga

The making of: the film of the photo shooting in New York City

EX in the City… The name says it all: the pho­tos for the ENERGETIX cat­a­logue just pub­lished were shot this year in the pul­sat­ing US metrop­o­lis of New York City. 

The atmos­pher­ic „Mak­ing of“ film, which reveals all the com­plex­i­ties of a pro­fes­sion­al pho­to shoot in Man­hat­tan in a short clip, pro­vides a fas­ci­nat­ing glance behind the scenes.

Impres­sions of New York, the mod­els – Lucin­da, Car­ol, Alessia, Juan Anto­nio, Jonathan, Hali and Ralf Bauer, mem­bers of ENER­GETIX’s cre­ative team Janine Eisen­hauer (Jew­ellery Design­er) and Jörg Ole­jnik (Art Direc­tor), the styl­ists, hair-and-make-up artists, the pho­tog­ra­ph­er Heiko Prigge with his crew and Roland Förster, ENERGETIX Sole Share­hold­er and CEO

Are you ready to take a short trip to New York? Then just click on the „Mak­ing of“ film!

You can also see this and oth­er ENERGETIX films on ENER­GETIX’s YouTube chan­nel at

Launch impressions: first photos of the ENERGETIX Mega Event for 2012

This year’s cat­a­logue launch in Mainz’s Rhein­gold­halle cer­tain­ly sets new standards.

Own­er and CEO Roland Förster wel­comes ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors to the
2012 Cat­a­logue Launch in Mainz’s Rheingoldhalle

Alexan­der Link (CIO) intro­duces ENERGETIX Bin­gen’s new social media activities

The Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee presents Hugo and Lies­je Tem­pel­man with the dona­tion cheque
for the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foundation

ENERGETIX "Inspired by Ralf Bauer"

Jew­ellery design­er Janine Eisen­hauer and actor Ralf Bauer present the new
Inspired by Ralf Bauer jewellery

sportEX: Roland Förster on stage at the launch with Franziska van Alm­sick and host
Ingo Nommsen


Out­stand­ing acrobatics…

… thrilled the audience

Live trans­mis­sion of the hand­ing over of the cars by Dr. Thiel

Ivy Quain­oo live on stage with her band at the ENERGETIX Launch

New catalogue – new jewellery collection

The new cat­a­logue for the 2012/2013 sea­son has been up and run­ning since 1 Sep­tem­ber 2012 so you can now order the eager­ly antic­i­pat­ed new ENERGETIX jewellery.

The new cat­a­logue 2012/2013

Look for­ward to a vari­ety of new cre­ations such as the sil­i­cone sportEX bracelets that swim­ming leg­end Franziska van Alm­sick pre­sent­ed on stage at the Cat­a­logue Launch. The bracelets are avail­able in dif­fer­ent colours.

Also take a look at our web­site at, where you can browse the cur­rent cat­a­logue on line.

We hope you have lots of fun!

The perfect tool for people on the move: the ENERGETIX app

The inno­v­a­tive ENERGETIX app for iPhone and iPad is now avail­able for you to down­load from the iTunes Store! 

The ENERGETIX App for iPhone and iPad

This free tool is divid­ed into an area for dis­trib­u­tors and one for cus­tomers and offers you new sales and pre­sen­ta­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties. You can now have every­thing at your fin­ger­tips when­ev­er you need it, even if you’re on the move. The mul­ti-pur­pose five-lan­guage ENERGETIX app allows you to view and down­load cat­a­logues, fly­ers, brochures, videos, etc. and also gives you direct access to FROGBLOG. And the prac­ti­cal search func­tions make it easy to search for items and key­words in the dig­i­tal catalogues.

You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion about the ENERGETIX app at:

Inci­den­tal­ly, the ENERGETIX app for Android will be avail­able shortly.

We are look­ing for­ward to your rat­ings on iTunes.

Action! The ENERGETIX company film

Were you there at the Launch on 1 Sep­tem­ber? If so, you will have already seen the new ENERGETIX com­pa­ny film. For those of you who haven’t yet seen it, here is the premiere!

Cor­po­rate com­mu­ni­ca­tions video: this 10-minute film gives impor­tant infor­ma­tion about ENERGETIX. It cap­tures the com­pa­ny atmos­phere and is full of facts and impres­sions from the head­quar­ters in Bin­gen am Rhein. The film (avail­able in Ger­man, Eng­lish and French) pro­vides you with a new medi­um with which to impress poten­tial ENERGETIX Bin­gen dis­trib­u­tors. Try it!

We hope you enjoy the new com­pa­ny film.

By the way, did you know that you can watch this and oth­er ENERGETIX Bin­gen videos on the spe­cial ENERGETIX YouTube chan­nel by click­ing on: