Thanks for your feedback: ENERGETIX’s on-line questionnaire about the Collection Premiere 2016

An invi­ta­tion went out again this year to all ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners – whether they were at the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere in Berlin or not – to take part in the sur­vey about the event. That’s because ENERGETIX cares about all its busi­ness part­ners‘ wish­es and suggestions.


Three attrac­tive jew­ellery sets from the col­lec­tion will be giv­en giv­en away to win­ners drawn from all par­tic­i­pants. The lucky win­ners are:

Alexan­dra Kirch­n­er (DE)

Elis­a­beth Oelgray (DE)

Ali­cia Verkaart (NL)

Many thanks to all who took part and we hope the win­ners real­ly enjoy their new jew­ellery sets!

BE A STAR – the STARCLUB get-together in Berlin: many countries, one team!

Berlin. With glo­ri­ous sun­shine and warm sum­mer tem­per­a­tures, the inter­na­tion­al STARCLUB mem­bers already start­ed their excit­ing Col­lec­tion Pre­miere week­end on Thurs­day, 25 August, to get togeth­er as a group and get in the mood for the upcom­ing pre­sen­ta­tion of the new collection!

After a con­vivial lunch snack in the sum­mer gar­dens of the Estrel Hotel and a wel­come speech by man­age­ment, things got seri­ous: Jes­si­ca Schlick, a mem­ber of the man­age­ment team, intro­duced all of the new STARCLUB mem­bers and inter­viewed these lucky Stars about their success. 160907_bildleiste_1_low_dg

Exclu­sive sneak preview
Before CIO/COO Alexan­der Link intro­duced the newest devel­op­ments from the area of IT,
the relax­ation mask Mag­ne­tRe­lax was pre­sent­ed to the Stars before the offi­cial launch. All of the par­tic­i­pants imme­di­ate­ly and enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly tried out this new ENERGETIX inno­va­tion with sev­en strong neodymi­um magnets!


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ENERGETIX’s Collection Premiere 2016 in Berlin: Summer, sun, magnetic jewellery … and lots of team spirit!

Busi­ness part­ners, licence part­ners and friends: more than 1,000 par­tic­i­pants from all around the world were wel­comed in Berlin by glo­ri­ous sun­shine and sum­mer tem­per­a­tures. The inter­na­tion­al guests – they had trav­elled from Aus­tralia, Aus­tria, Bel­gium, Den­mark, France, Ger­many, Great Britain, Hong Kong, Lux­em­bourg, Moroc­co, Moldo­va, the Nether­lands, Nor­way, Puer­to Rico, Roma­nia, Rus­sia, Swe­den, Switzer­land, Ser­bia, South Africa, Turkey and the USA – were the first to see and expe­ri­ence ENER­GETIX’s new col­lec­tion of mag­net­ic jew­ellery and the cor­re­spond­ing cat­a­logue for 2017!

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Top host: La Schöneberg­er was a blast
Bar­bara Schöneberg­er, Ger­many’s most pop­u­lar broad­cast­er, took to the stage at the Estrel and accom­pa­nied the audi­ence through the day with her usu­al charm and easy-going style. She first asked Roland Förster, ENER­GETIX’s Sole Share­hold­er and CEO, to join her on stage.

Inten­sive wel­come speech: Roland Förster informed and motivated
To set the mood, Roland Förster reviewed the com­pa­ny’s pos­i­tive devel­op­ments over recent years and gave spe­cial men­tion to pos­i­tive inter­na­tion­al exam­ples. But because suc­cess does not hap­pen by itself, Roland Förster also drew atten­tion to how impor­tant it is in ENER­GETIX’s dai­ly busi­ness to always have an open ear and to always be a helper and men­tor. Because, he said, that’s when suc­cess happens!

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This means that the most valu­able thing that we have to give is our time. So – in con­junc­tion with the many mar­ket­ing and IT aids, unique prod­ucts and the busi­ness part­ners‘ enthu­si­asm – noth­ing can stand in the way of a suc­cess­ful and ful­fill­ing career with ENERGETIX.

Excit­ed­ly await­ed: the Pre­miere of the new collection
Sup­port­ed by pro­fes­sion­al dancers, Mar­cel­la Fer­ret­ti and Andreas Zwier­lein, jew­ellery design­ers in Bin­gen, pre­sent­ed the high­lights of the new col­lec­tion. Three trend cat­e­gories will be gen­er­at­ing addi­tion­al busi­ness momen­tum in 2017: Exot­ic Spir­it, Urban Nos­tal­gia and Cre­ative Silence. Par­tic­u­lar­ly ‘Sol­id’, the chrono­graph style watch­es, the new Mag­ne­tRe­lax relax­ation mask for well­ness busi­ness and the new sportEX bracelets, avail­able from Jan­u­ary, were par­tic­u­lar­ly well received by the audience.


Also there: Joey Kel­ly, endurance spe­cial­ist and enthu­si­as­tic sportEX fan
None oth­er than Joey Kel­ly, the sportEX rep­re­sen­ta­tive, was asked to intro­duce the new devel­op­ments for the sportEX best-sell­er. The new sil­i­cone bracelet will be avail­able from Jan­u­ary in a revamped live­ly two-colour design: four attrac­tive colour com­bi­na­tions each with 2,000 gauss. “I’m so hap­py to wear these bracelets!”


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