WE WILL RISE!’ — ENERGETIX is entering its 20th year!

ENERGETIX’s pro­pri­etor Roland Förster drew atten­tion to a spe­cial anniver­sary at the event to kick off the year on 15 Jan­u­ary 2022: the company’s 20th anniver­sary! The mot­to of the year sets the agen­da and goal for how we intend to con­tin­ue: ‘WE WILL RISE!’ 

The long list of busi­ness part­ners who’ve been with ENERGETIX from the out­set – many of whom are still among the company’s top busi­ness part­ners – demon­strat­ed right at the start of the event that long and con­tin­u­ous careers are pos­si­ble with ENERGETIX.

Flex­i­bil­i­ty among busi­ness part­ners and com­pa­nies has made an impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the last two years, which have been marked by the chal­lenges that com­mu­ni­cat­ing online presents. “Dig­i­tal­iza­tion has picked up speed and will con­tin­ue,” Roland Förster said.

New­com­ers and new sales expert

The new online busi­ness tools are being uti­lized to their full effect by the suc­cess­ful new­com­ers who were intro­duced by Alexan­der Link. Sales expert Andrea Hön­ne­mann, who joined the com­pa­ny in August 2021, set out how espe­cial­ly impor­tant our mind­set is – and not only for new­com­ers: “Look for like-mind­ed peo­ple and live your enthu­si­asm! Things can only be good when you’re enthu­si­as­tic.” And her tip for online busi­ness: “Be curi­ous and dis­cov­er your potential!”

The awards: high­ly emotional

The awards with which Jes­si­ca Schlick and Alexan­der Link pro­duced sur­prise and moments full of touch­ing emo­tions not only among the win­ners rep­re­sent­ed a clear indi­ca­tion that ENERGETIX has suc­cess­ful­ly adapt­ed to the changed cir­cum­stances. Such out­stand­ing accom­plish­ments as ‘10 years of ENERGETIX’, goals achieved, per­son­al sales vol­umes, team-build­ing and, of course, STARCLUB mem­ber­ship were rec­og­nized. Two busi­ness part­ners, Biba Marseglia and Wolf­gang Düsen­er, who are always open to new oppor­tu­ni­ties and who, among oth­er things, make par­tic­u­lar­ly exem­plary use of online com­mu­ni­ca­tions, were interviewed.

Cre­at­ing a busi­ness by build­ing teams

“He’s pas­sion­ate about what he does,” says coach Tobias Schloss­er of Wolf­gang Düsen­er. “His sub­con­scious com­pe­tence means that he can’t help him­self.” There are no secrets to achiev­ing suc­cess. “The key is deep iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with the sub­ject mat­ter – with the great prod­uct and the great busi­ness.” Where­by Schloss­er nat­u­ral­ly placed the empha­sis on the busi­ness. “Talk­ing about the prod­uct will win you cus­tomers; talk­ing about the system’s ben­e­fits will win you busi­ness part­ners and cre­ate the oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to build up your own business.”

With fire and pas­sion: Joey Kelly

Joey Kel­ly – brand ambas­sador for ENERGETIX – focused both on team spir­it and a men­tal atti­tude that builds on both ‘fire and pas­sion’. “You need a strong team to be suc­cess­ful,” said the artist and extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty, who’ll soon be head­ing off on his big tours again. But he also draws on his expe­ri­ence to remind us that every day is pre­cious. Even more so in the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion. “Use the time now to build up strength!” And nev­er “lose the fire”, just like AC/DC, Joey’s favourite band, who, at the age of 70+, still rock the stage like they did in their 20s.

Heart and sun­shine: the new jewellery

Joey’s advice is right in line with the year’s mot­to, ‘WE WILL RISE!’. Two new small spring col­lec­tions with exclu­sive mag­net­ic jew­ellery con­sti­tute the foun­da­tion for ENERGETIX’s launch into its next chap­ter and its sec­ond decade. ‘Fol­low your Heart!’ and ‘Sun­shine on my Mind.’ There are two fly­ers for pre­sen­ta­tions to cus­tomers along with the cor­re­spond­ing online mate­r­i­al that’s avail­able for per­son­al­iza­tion. The mot­to-based com­pe­ti­tion defines var­i­ous­ly weight­ed tar­gets and is intend­ed to help kick-start and devel­op careers.

Great incen­tive: Men­na Mulugeta

New jew­ellery, moti­va­tion, train­ing and awards were, of course, the high­lights of the event staged to kick off the year and that was broad­cast online from a stu­dio in Mainz. Men­na Muluge­ta, our singing host, con­tributed enor­mous­ly to the fan­tas­tic atmos­phere on the day. The for­mer ‘Voice of Ger­many’ con­tes­tant is today huge­ly pop­u­lar with a wide audi­ence and was avail­able for our event on Sat­ur­day. Her appear­ance full of pas­sion, pow­er, tem­pera­ment and enthu­si­asm should be an incen­tive to all of us. Thank you, Menna!

Many busi­ness part­ners were able draw addi­tion­al moti­va­tion from the online col­lage train­ing with Ulrich Lang and Bis­er­ka Marseglia that took place the next day. The visu­al­ized goals make us opti­mistic that ‘WE WILL RISE!’

An excerpt from the feed­back for the event: 

Angela S.: That was great 🤩 Joey’s pre­sen­ta­tion was sim­ply fan­tas­tic 💪The ener­gy 🎉great 🥰 A bril­liant day

Mar­ti­na W.: Such a won­der­ful­ly suc­cess­ful start to the year, thank you 🤩 for this motivation

Uschi A.: A great start with so many fan­tas­tic con­tri­bu­tions 👍👏👏🥂

Elke E.: Such a great start to what is sure to be a real­ly good year.

Renee P.: It was anoth­er won­der­ful event 👍🤩👍🥂👍