Once again: 21.0975 km to complete – ENERGETIX runs for a worthy cause yet again

In 2013 it’s once again „on with the run­ning shoes and out onto the track“ for ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors and staff. Every kilo­me­ter counts! 

Staff and dis­trib­u­tors form a team

As in 2012, an ENERGETIX team will again be tak­ing part in this year’s Guten­berg Marathon in Mainz — to run the half-marathon dis­tance. Last year an ENERGETIX group of over 50 run­ners took part. In their red sports shirts, the run­ners struck a colour­ful note among the sev­er­al thou­sand par­tic­i­pants from all over the world. ENERGETIX is hop­ing that a large num­ber of its „red frogs“ will again take part in the 2013 race. 

Marathon (2)

Deter­mined and enjoy­ing them­selves: ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors are run­ning for a wor­thy cause

All inclu­sive

Elec­trolyte drinks, mas­sages and cheers of encour­age­ment along the 21.0975 km dis­tance. As was the case last year, a high­ly moti­vat­ed ENERGETIX sup­port team will pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive assis­tance in 2013. To strength­en the team spir­it, each run­ner will be giv­en an attrac­tive sports shirt! 

When long-dis­tance run­ning meets social commitment 

Sports-mind­ed dis­trib­u­tors and staff from the Bin­gen head­quar­ters will be run­ning togeth­er in Mainz to sup­port a wor­thy cause. For every kilo­me­ter run, ENERGETIX Bin­gen will donate two euros towards a char­i­ty project. 

The reg­is­tra­tion count­down has begun 

The marathon will take place in Mainz on Sun­day 12 May 2013. Whether inter­est­ed in run­ning the 42.195 km or the half marathon dis­tance, all ENERGETIX Bin­gen dis­trib­u­tors are invit­ed to join the team on 12 May. ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors and staff can reg­is­ter at running@energetix.tv up to 15 Feb­ru­ary 2013. 

Good to know: Please remit the entry fee of 40 euros per run­ner in advance (you will find the bank details in the Quick­News item about the half marathon – it was sent to ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors in January). 

All ENERGETIX par­tic­i­pants will have the fee reim­bursed by ENERGETIX. If you have reg­is­tered but are unable to take part on 12 May, the mon­ey you have paid will be added to the dona­tion amount. 

Train­ing on a tread­mill, a for­est path or a cin­der track, on your own or in a group – there are many ways to build up your run­ning capac­i­ty and be in top form for the long-dis­tance run on 12 May. In addi­tion to the char­i­ty aspect and the unique team expe­ri­ence, there is at least one oth­er rea­son for par­tic­i­pat­ing. After all, „more exercise/sport“ is one of the top 10 good inten­tions of most ama­teur sports­men and women.

Info-packed motivational event: the 2013 ENERGETIX start-of-year meeting

The eager­ly await­ed ENERGETIX start-of-year meet­ing took place on the sec­ond week­end (10th to 13th) of Jan­u­ary in a snowy, win­tery Will­in­gen. Its slo­gan was „Fit for the next decade“.


It includ­ed a Train-the-train­er sem­i­nar, at which top dis­trib­u­tors pre­sent­ed new train­ing mod­ules on the top­ics of jew­ellery and intro­duc­to­ry train­ing. ENERGETIX edi­tor Otto
Mar­quass also gave a guest talk in which he pro­vid­ed use­ful infor­ma­tion and tips on how to use Healthy at last, the book by Dr. Verena
The cre­ative­ly and moti­va­tion­al­ly stim­u­lat­ing goal col­lage train­ing was anoth­er impor­tant item on the pro­gramme. The use of col­lages for visu­al­iza­tion helps peo­ple become aware of their own wish­es and goals.


CEO Roland Förster

2013 Spring collection
For the first time ever, the eager­ly await­ed new Spring col­lec­tion togeth­er with the hot-off-the-press brochure were pre­sent­ed at the start-of-year meeting.
In addi­tion to the new jew­ellery for ladies, men and chil­dren, a new ENERGETIX prod­uct, the Mag­netTime mod­u­lar wrist­watch, also aroused great interest.

Mainz or Berlin: announce­ment of the 2013 Launch venue 
The secret was revealed, the eager­ly await­ed answer to the ques­tion „Mainz or Berlin – where will the 2013 Cat­a­logue Launch take place?“ was first announced in Will­in­gen. The win­ner, we report­ed, is Berlin. The next ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch will be held in the renowned Estrel Hotel and Con­ven­tion Centre!


Train­er Slat­co Sterzenbach

Phys­i­cal and men­tal fit­ness: holis­tic train­ing with iron­man Slat­co Sterzenbach
Grad­u­ate sports sci­en­tist and best-sell­ing author Slat­co Sterzen­bach, whom ENERGETIX was able to get as a train­er for the start-of-year event, talked about noth­ing but moti­va­tion. The 15-time iron­man gave dis­trib­u­tors clear, prac­ti­cal tips relat­ing to diet, activ­i­ty, sleep, relax­ation and men­tal train­ing so they could in future cope bet­ter with the demands of the day.

Accord­ing to the slo­gan „Fit for the next decade“ it became a sport­ing event, as fit­ness train­er Julia Rit­tner invit­ed all atten­dees to what was effec­tive­ly a Thera-Band workout.

5,000 euros for a good cause 
The dis­trib­u­tor raf­fle raised over 3,000 euros for the cause. Sole share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster imme­di­ate­ly round­ed up the amount, so in the end 5,000 euros was donat­ed for a school in Nepal. Thanks to the gen­eros­i­ty of ENERGETIX distributors!


Fit­ness train­er Julia Rittner

Con­struc­tive exchange of ideas
The Sun­day meet­ing of the multi­na­tion­al STARCLUB focused on exchang­ing ideas. As well as com­bin­ing with the man­age­ment com­mit­tee to answer one anoth­er’s ques­tions, the „stars“ were called on to make a cre­ative con­tri­bu­tion to the new ENERGETIX decade.

ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors will short­ly receive a Quick­News about the Start-of-year event with more detailed infor­ma­tion and fur­ther photos.

ENERGETIX goes northeast: Berlin makes the running


© Peter — Fotolia.com

The eager­ly await­ed results from the online sur­vey – „Mainz or Berlin … where will the cat­a­logue be launched in 2013?“ – were announced at ENER­GETIX’s start-of-year meet­ing in Will­in­gen. Berlin clear­ly made the run­ning and so the next ENERGETIX Launch is to be staged in Berlin!

Europe’s largest con­gress and hotel com­plex – the Estrel – in Ger­many’s cap­i­tal will be the place to which ENER­GETIX’s dis­trib­u­tors will be head­ing. Jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions, a rich and var­ied enter­tain­ment pro­gramme, din­ner and accom­mo­da­tion: this remark­able event loca­tion offers ENERGETIX the ben­e­fit among oth­er things of com­bin­ing „every­thing under a sin­gle roof“.

Every­body – both dis­trib­u­tors and the entire ENERGETIX team – is real­ly look­ing for­ward to the next ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin.

Look sporty in the sportEX sports shirt

What is grass green and black, has a silky shine and makes dis­trib­u­tors look good dur­ing sport­ing activ­i­ties or at their sportEX fair / event stand? The sportEX sports shirt from ENERGETIX Bingen.

PP226_SportEX_TrikotThe sports shirt, avail­able in a men’s and ladies‘ fit (S – XXL for both), was pre­miered at the ENERGETIX Start-of-Year-Event in Will­in­gen: the pow­er­ful com­bi­na­tion of colours and the sportEX logo – small on the front and extra large on the back – catch every­one’s eye.


The new sportEX sports shirt met with a great recep­tion at the Start-of-Year-Event in Willingen

As long as stocks last – these tai­lored sports shirts (items PP226 and PP228) are in great demand. Dis­trib­u­tors who make up their minds quick­ly have a clear advan­tage — some sizes are already sold out.

Charity Art Advent Calendar event: ENERGETIX window revealed

Roland Förster und Ilona Arndt "Öffnen" das 15. Türchen des Kunstadventskalenders an der Jumeirah/MyZeil-Fassade in Frankfurt/Main

Ilona Arndt and Roland Förster reveal­ing the Art Advent Cal­en­dar’s 15th win­dow on the Jumeirah/MyZeil façade.

ENER­GETIX’s „door“ to the Art Advent Cal­en­dar was opened (as report­ed) on Sat­ur­day, 15 Decem­ber 2012 – in oth­er words, the work of art was revealed in per­son by Roland Förster and the artist, Ilona Arndt.

Patin Franziska Knuppe

The backer, Franziska Knuppe

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the mod­el, Franziska Knuppe, who was the celebri­ty backer, could­n’t make it as she could­n’t get away from Berlin airport.

Click here to see the pho­tos from Frank­furt am Main.

Ilona Arndt und Roland Förster enthüllen gemeinsam das Kunstwerk

Ilona Arndt and Roland Förster joint­ly reveal­ing the work of art

ENERGETIX Inhaber und Geschäftsführer Roland Förster, Projekt-Initiatorin Birgitt Wolff und die Künstlerin Ilona Arndt

Roland Förster (ENER­GETIX’s sole share­hold­er and CEO), Bir­gitt Wolff (ini­tia­tor of the project) and Ilona Arndt (artist in Hanover) pre­sent­ing the pic­ture enti­tled, „Zunei­gung II“ („Affec­tion II“)

ENERGETIXDRIVE: more distributors have received their new cars

A very hap­py and emo­tion­al moment: ENERGETIX COO Dr. Thiel hand­ed over a gleam­ing black dream car to Inter­na­tion­al Mar­ket­ing Direc­tors Biba and Pino Marseglia as part of the ENERGETIXDRIVE programme.

ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors Andrea Geiger, Michaela and Andreas Rey, Bir­git Speck, Christa Johannknecht and Kat­ja and Wolf­gang Düsen­er were also delight­ed to receive their new cars from the ENERGETIXDRIVE pro­gramme over the last few weeks.

Did you know …

… that bracelets 2179 and 1373 in the Col­lect series of the Basic range also com­bine real­ly well with the small ele­ments 1487 and 1489?

Com­bi­na­tions desired

As with the clas­sic beads (cat­a­logue page 6263), you just string the ele­ments on the black or turquoise mul­ti-wrap leather bracelets (S‑XL).

Enjoy try­ing out dif­fer­ent combinations!

Background and a look behind the scenes: The new jewellery collection — interview: part V/V

Inter­view mit Janine Eisen­hauer, ver­ant­wortliche Schmuck­de­signer­in bei ENERGETIX Bingen


It looks almost as if the shoot­ing even brought the traf­fic in some parts of Man­hat­tan to a standstill?

J. E.: No, of course not… we behaved and we stuck to the high­way code and wait­ed for the green lights at the pedes­tri­an cross­ings to take the pic­tures for this series. But then we did have to move quick­ly, which was great fun, and it was worth it to cap­ture the vibrant street life in these images.


What’s new in the Chevron category?

Cat­e­go­ry Chevron — page 111

J. E.: I think the ring with the Chevron motif is a high­light. It stands out because its top is open.I also par­tic­u­lar­ly like the pen­dant because at first glance it looks plain but it does pos­sess an unusu­al fea­ture: it can be worn in two dif­fer­ent direc­tions, for instance, with the arrow tip point­ing side­ways or, when the pen­dant is thread­ed in so that it is turned by 90°C, the arrow tip will point up or down.



Young Star — page 121

What’s the sto­ry behind SWAG?

J. E.: Well, it was obvi­ous that we should also cre­ate a few pieces for boys. And the word SWAG inspired us here. In Ger­many, it was Lan­gen­schei­dt’s young peo­ple’s word of 2011. SWAG describes a spe­cif­ic atti­tude, and stands for a casu­al­ly cool vibe and charis­mat­ic aura.

The surf motifs are repeat­ed on both pieces: the pen­dant takes the shape of a surf­board and the bracelet pos­sess­es a stain­less-steel ele­ment with mag­nets bear­ing an engrav­ing of a wave and a surf­board. The bracelet beads are made from coconut wood.

Peo­ple attend­ing the launch were also able to admire a new set of jew­ellery for young women on Ivy Quain­oo, the singer who won the Ger­man ver­sion of TV’s „The Voice“.

J. E.: Yes, the set includes a bracelet made from wood­en beads that have been coloured blue: it is adorned by two tag ele­ments, a star motif and a small tag ele­ment pos­sess­ing inte­grat­ed mag­nets. This range comes with match­ing large but very light ear drop­pers and a pen­dant that may be com­bined with a fab­ric cord, a fine long chain or even with the clip loop.


Young Star — page 123

And new ani­mal motifs have been added for the very young ENERGETIX fans?

J. E.: Yes, the owls in a fresh colour com­bi­na­tion and with cute details real­ly do con­sti­tute a very pret­ty motif. The small slid­er for the chil­dren’s bracelets, which may be eas­i­ly com­bined with the longer slid­er ele­ments, is also new.

Leaf­ing through the cat­a­logue, you see pho­tos with unusu­al back­grounds, real­ly spe­cial city impressions…

J. E.: These stills were all tak­en by the pho­tog­ra­ph­er, Heiko Prigge, while we were on loca­tion in NYC. We just want­ed to find excit­ing places where we could take pho­tos for each cat­e­go­ry of jew­ellery. For instance, the mar­ble frieze at the Pub­lic Library, or a mud­guard on a motor­bike or graf­fi­ti that we real­ly saw there and that appeared to be just wait­ing for us: EX NYC.

Thank you very much for the inter­view Janine!