ENERGETIX continues to show its concern for children

The char­i­ta­ble work con­tin­ues: ENERGETIX con­tin­ues its sup­port this year for the ”Creche Béu Macha­do” child day-care cen­tre in Sal­vador da Bahia in Brazil, which is financed entire­ly from dona­tions (FROGBLOG report­ed). As a result of the busi­ness part­ner raf­fle in Will­in­gen and a gen­er­ous con­tri­bu­tion from ENER­GETIX’s man­age­ment, 4,000 euros were donat­ed to the chil­dren’s char­i­ty in Feb­ru­ary 2015. 

These impor­tant funds enabled the crèche to car­ry out urgent repairs, among oth­er things. ENERGETIX and its busi­ness part­ners have donat­ed near­ly 10,000 euros to this good cause.

Charity Brasilien 02

Our thanks go out to all who made this pleas­ing­ly high dona­tion possible!

You’d also like to make a dona­tion? Please see below for the dona­tions account details:

Lateinamerikazen­trum e.V.
Account num­ber: 48004
Spar­da West eG
Bank Code: 370 605 90
IBAN: DE26 3706 0590 0000 0480 04
Pur­pose: Creche Beu Macha­do, Brasilien / Brazil (this infor­ma­tion is essential!)

Using the Willingen model for a goal-setting training session with collages: pure motivation à la Renée Piguet

As you prob­a­bly know, goal-set­ting train­ing with the help of col­lages rep­re­sents an effec­tive method of visu­al­iz­ing one’s own goals and then real­iz­ing them. Done in a team, it’s a great expe­ri­ence that arous­es emo­tions and allows the indi­vid­ual par­tic­i­pants to take a pos­i­tive look at their futures with a clear­er vision. The col­lage train­ing at ENER­GETIX’s annu­al kick-off meet­ing in Will­in­gen, for exam­ple, often pro­duces waves of applause and deliv­ers long-last­ing moti­va­tion­al boosts.

Renée Collagentraining

Every­one was inspired by the col­lage train­ing: Renée Piguet (sec­ond from left) with her team from west Switzerland

Renée Piguet is a ded­i­cat­ed ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ner and spon­ta­neous­ly took the goal-set­ting col­lage train­ing in Will­in­gen as an oppor­tu­ni­ty to orga­nize her own train­ing ses­sion using this method for her down­line. It was held with her team from west Switzer­land at the end of Jan­u­ary. A the­o­ret­i­cal part and a “pas­ta par­ty” at Renée’s house (for which she’s already famous) were fol­lowed in the after­noon by the prac­ti­cal ses­sion. The col­lage train­ing was so well received that Renée’s team mem­bers in Fin­land, France and Spain have also request­ed goal-set­ting train­ing with the help of collages.

ENERGETIX’s annual kick-off meeting in Rennes in Brittany: French-speaking business partners get together


Fol­low­ing Greno­ble (2012), Toulouse (2013) and Mont­pel­li­er (2014), the annu­al kick-off event for 2015 was held in Rennes, which is locat­ed in the north-west of France. The meet­ing on 24 Jan­u­ary pre­sent­ed a wel­come oppor­tu­ni­ty for busi­ness part­ners to acquaint them­selves with new facets of the com­pa­ny, to net­work and to start the new busi­ness year on a moti­va­tion­al high.

Rennes 1_1_low

Alexan­der Link, CIO, warm­ly wel­comed the more than 160 par­tic­i­pants and told them all about the lat­est hap­pen­ings at the company.

The pre­sen­ta­tion of the new train­ing-trip com­pe­ti­tion – “Under Nature’s Spell” – and the unveil­ing of the new des­ti­na­tions were greet­ed with great inter­est. Petra Schme­ing, ENER­GETIX’s Event Man­ag­er, had also trav­elled to Rennes to, among oth­er things, present the 2015 spring / sum­mer col­lec­tion’s jew­ellery and point out the items‘ spe­cial features.
Con­tin­ue read­ing

Exciting news from the USA: ENERGETIX’s friend and model, Juan Antonio Crawford, has released a music video!

Our pop­u­lar ENERGETIX mod­el, Juan Anto­nio Craw­ford, is not only a mod­el and actor, he’s also a musi­cian and has just released his own song and video! You can lis­ten to “Only One” and pur­chase and down­load both the song and video from his web­site at www.iamjantonio.com.

Website Juan Antonio

Have you noticed, by the way, that Juan is wear­ing ENERGETIX jew­ellery in the video? The large black pen­dant in the shape of a cross is his favourite!

He has told us that the songs on his EP are to be grad­u­al­ly released over the com­ing months (and may also be pur­chased at www.iamjantonio.com) – which means that his fans have got some­thing to look for­ward to. This isn’t his first appear­ance in a video clip: Juan also appeared in the video for the release of „Best thing I nev­er had“ (2011) by inter­na­tion­al super­star, Bey­on­cé Knowles.

Variety_Juan Antonio

Juan Anto­nio can also cur­rent­ly be seen in the new spot for the new Lexus.

This lav­ish­ly pro­duced Clip was pre­mièred to a mas­sive audi­ence at the Super Bowl 49.

And here’s the short mak­ing-of film for the adver­tis­ing clip for you.


Coop­er­a­tion turns into a bond and friendship

Katalogcover 2010_2011

Juan Anto­nio with singer, Sarah Con­nor – 2010/2011 cat­a­logue cover

The suc­cess sto­ry for both Juan Anto­nio and ENERGETIX already com­menced 2010, which was when ENERGETIX booked the US mod­el for the pho­tos for the 2010/2011 main cat­a­logue. In it, he appeared with suc­cess­ful Ger­man singer, Sarah Con­nor and the Columbian mod­el, Karen Car­reno, along with the win­ner of two Oscars, Kevin Cost­ner, to present the jew­ellery in pho­tos for ENER­GETIX’s cat­a­logue in 2011 against the fan­tas­tic back­drop of a desert in the USA.
Con­tin­ue read­ing