Your opinion is important to us: the winners of ENERGETIX’s on-line surveys

ENERGETIX car­ried out two on-line sur­veys to ask its busi­ness part­ners what they thought about the „Cat­a­logue Launch“ and the „STARCLUB“. There were sev­er­al incen­tives to take part because ENERGETIX was giv­ing away attrac­tive jew­ellery sets to thank those who offered their feedback.


The fol­low­ing peo­ple have each won a jew­ellery set to the val­ue of 100 euros for respond­ing to the sur­vey about the Cat­a­logue Launch:

• Gaby Schell (D)
• Char­lotte Koch Svensen (DK)
• Ange­li­ka Hessling (D)

The win­ner of the prize draw for the STARCLUB ques­tion­naire was San­dra Häh­nel (D) who may also look for­ward to receiv­ing a jew­ellery set worth 100 euros.

ENERGETIX already used a ques­tion­naire in spring to ask its busi­ness part­ners to get active­ly involved and the win­ners of the jew­ellery sets worth 100 euros each are:

• Clau­dia Wigge (D)
• Anne Bon­nefoy (FR)
• Ange­li­ka Schnei­der (D)

We thank all busi­ness part­ners who pro­vid­ed their feed­back and hope that the lucky win­ners enjoy their jew­ellery sets.

Joey Kelly on the road

This sum­mer was ded­i­cat­ed to tack­ling the sec­ond major leg of the pic­turesque North Sea Cycling Route. So Joey joined up with Jean­nie Lon­go-Ciprel­li, French Olympic gold medal­list, record-break­ing pro­fes­sion­al cyclist and – with 13 world cham­pi­onships – the most suc­cess­ful female cyclist of all times, along with pro­fes­sion­al cyclist, Rudi Altig, to con­quer the remain­ing 3,000 of the just under 6,000 kilo­me­tres in total. 

The leg­endary inter­na­tion­al cycle route runs through the Nether­lands, Ger­many, Den­mark, Swe­den, Nor­way and Great Britain. This year’s trip took the cyclists from Calais in France to North Cape in Nor­way. There will be a five-part pro­gramme pro­duced by Arte and ZDF about the trip to look for­ward to (trans­mis­sion dates haven’t been set yet). But here’s a first pho­to of the bike trip for you.

Joey Nordseeküsten-Radwanderweg

„New Opportunities“ – the 2014 ENERGETIX newcomer event with Joey Kelly

Bingen-Event 04The third cat­e­go­ry for the „New Oppor­tu­ni­ties“ train­ing-trip com­pe­ti­tion is reserved for new­com­ers to ENERGETIX.

More than 40 new busi­ness part­ners from Den­mark, Ger­many, France, the Nether­lands, Aus­tria, Switzer­land and Spain met at the two-day event last week.

Bingen-Event 06

The Eber­bach Abbey

The first day was reserved for the new­com­ers‘ trip to the pic­turesque Rhein­gau region. A nos­tal­gic old-timer bus took them to – among oth­er places – the Eber­bach Abbey, an impres­sive for­mer Cis­ter­cian Abbey near Eltville, which is famous for being the loca­tion where the clas­sic „The Name of the Rose“ was filmed.

„No lim­its – how to achieve top performances“

The sec­ond day was reserved for a guid­ed tour of ENER­GETIX’s head­quar­ters in Bin­gen. Fol­low­ing a warm wel­come by Roland Förster, Alexan­der Link, who is head of the IT depart­ment, talked about the switch to the new IT system.


Pro­vid­ing first-hand infor­ma­tion: ENER­GETIX’s Sole Share­hold­er and CEO, Roland Förster, and CIO, Alexan­der Link.

Con­tin­ue read­ing

Johannes B. Kerner and ENERGETIX visit the Hugo Tempelman Foundation

Char­i­ta­ble work is and always has been a spe­cial con­cern for ENERGETIX Bin­gen. The man­age­ment at ENERGETIX became aware of the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion through a show that was on tele­vi­sion a few years ago and has since then – and in con­junc­tion with its busi­ness part­ners – sup­port­ed the char­i­ty in its active bat­tle against HIV and tuber­cu­lo­sis in South Africa.

Accom­pa­nied by Johannes B. Kern­er, the host of that TV show, ENER­GETIX’s CEO, Roland Förster, recent­ly vis­it­ed the foun­da­tion’s med­ical and social facil­i­ties in Elands­doorn. The foun­da­tion’s ini­tia­tor, Dr Hugo Tem­pel­man from the Nether­lands, told the vis­i­tors on loca­tion about the impor­tant work that was being done and that was only pos­si­ble with the help of donations.

The vis­it was record­ed on film and the results were shown at ENER­GETIX’s 2014 Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin with an intro­duc­tion from Johannes B. Kern­er dur­ing a live feed. You can watch that film here!