”uutta korumallistoa”: ENERGETIX Catalogue Launch in Finland

On 2021 Octo­ber 2012, our Finnish dis­trib­u­tors were giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty in Rauha­lahti to acquaint them­selves in detail with the new ENERGETIX col­lec­tion and meet with oth­ers to exchange experiences.

Mar­i­anne Kostamo

The launch – which was kicked off with a greet­ing by Roland Förster (CEO) – was host­ed by the Finnish dis­trib­u­tors and train­ers, Mer­ja Fer­ahyan and Mar­i­anne Kostamo. 

Mar­ja-Leena Martikainen

TV host and mod­el train­er, Mar­ja-Leena Mar­tikainen, ded­i­cat­ed her coach­ing ses­sion to the effect that one’s own pos­ture and body lan­guage have on oth­ers. Sporty out­door team-build­ing activ­i­ties and the raf­fle for three jew­ellery sets suc­cess­ful­ly round­ed off the Finnish Cat­a­logue Launch.

Mer­ja Ferahyan

Mer­ja Fer­ahyan revealed that dis­trib­u­tors in Fin­land have respond­ed well to the new col­lec­tion. Thanks to their ele­gance, the items of jew­ellery go real­ly well with the Scan­di­na­vian style. 

The making of… pictures of the photo shoot in New York City: II/II

Take o look behind the scenes ans see how the pho­tos for the EX in the City Cat­a­logue were cre­at­ed in Sum­mer 2012.

Ralf Bauer at the top: the actor ascend­ed to dizzy­ing heights for the photos

Relax­ing between shots

A look behind the scenes: the equip­ment of the styl­ists and make-up artists

FInal brush strokes of the make-up artist: Juan Anto­nio before the shots on Brook­lyn Bridge

Heiko Prigge and team in action

Sport-ori­ent­ed set on the roof of a Man­hat­tan skyscaper

Unfore­seen ‚vis­it‘: a typ­i­cal New York dog-sit­ter tra­vers­es the cup­cake set

sportEX: advertising materials with Franziska van Almsick

sportEX Fly­er with Franziska van Almsick
and mod­el Juan Antonio

ENERGETIX Bin­gen seems to have struck the nerve of the times with sportEX. The sil­i­con sports bracelets shot to the top of the ENERGETIX sales rank­ings as soon as they were launched on 1 Sep­tem­ber 2012.

The com­pa­ny offers its dis­trib­u­tors pro­fes­sion­al mate­ri­als with the image of sportEX ambas­sador Franziska van Alm­sick. They are a very effec­tive way of adver­tis­ing the bracelets at sports events, fit­ness and dance stu­dios, swim­ming pools, leisure and well­ness hotels, golf clubs and fairs.

sportEX dis­play stands

The fly­ers, dis­play stands and two ban­ners are sure to catch the eye and arouse inter­est if placed in a promi­nent position.

Catalogue launch questionnaire: thank you for the feedback

The high response to the 2012 Cat­a­logue Launch ques­tion­naire was very grat­i­fy­ing: we were delight­ed not only by the great enthu­si­asm but also by the con­struc­tive criticism.

Thank you for the large num­ber of returns, which will enable us to plan future events even bet­ter and opti­mize them if necessary.

The win­ners of the draw for three sets of 100 € jew­ellery were:

Ener­getix Ver­trieb Grund GmbH, Rüs­selsheim, Germany
Rain­er Buck, Horb, Germany
San­dra Mas­troian­ni, Diels­dorf, Switzerland

We hope the jew­ellery sets give the lucky win­ners a lot of pleasure!

Background and a look behind the scenes: The new jewellery collection — interview: part III/V

Inter­view with Janine Eisen­hauer, head of jew­ellery design at ENERGETIX Bingen.

Over the com­ing weeks, FROGBLOG will be upload­ing parts of the entire inter­view. So it’ll be worth com­ing back to take a look!


The „Inspired by Ralf Bauer“ cat­e­go­ry is very pop­u­lar. Are there any new pieces that have been cre­at­ed in coop­er­a­tion with the actor and declared Asia enthu­si­ast, Ralf Bauer?

Inspired by Ralf Bauer — page 66

Inspired by Ralf Bauer — page 72

J. E.: We’ve devel­oped a new range of bracelets appro­pri­ate­ly enti­tled „MOVE“ for the Ralf Bauer collection.

It works real­ly sim­ply and is made up of a plain leather bracelet with sim­ple clasp to which these ele­ments may be attached.

One of the ele­ments is adorned with the knot motif that is very fre­quent in Asian symbolism.

We have tak­en up an addi­tion­al sug­ges­tion for the hand-made pen­dant. There is a small clip loop so that the pen­dant may also be worn on a chain. The loop also goes with some oth­er pendants.

We have also returned to the mate­r­i­al of amber and slight­ly mod­i­fied the bracelet.




Cat­e­go­ry Pow­er — chain 2044

Long and mixed chains are the absolute trend. The asym­met­ri­cal Chain 2044 in the Pow­er cat­e­go­ry suc­cess­ful­ly takes up the style… 

J. E.: Yes! This chain is one of my favourite pieces! On the one hand, it is lav­ish but, on the oth­er, it is also light and pleas­ant to wear. Its spe­cial fea­ture is that we mixed dif­fer­ent chains togeth­er. They are joined on the side by two tri­an­gu­lar ele­ments. The entire chain pos­sess­es an asym­met­ri­cal design. Match­ing ear­rings that also take up the heart shape are also available.

Category Power - page 74

Thank you, Janine, speak to you in Part 4.

The world – a village: Training via Skype

A very spe­cial meet­ing of ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors took place last weekend. 

Diana Feli­ciano

The train­ing sem­i­nar was attend­ed by some of our top dis­trib­u­tors and fea­tured a Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tion by Puer­to Rican dis­trib­u­tor Diana Feli­ciano which was trans­mit­ted live from Puer­to Rico to Kirch­heim via Skype! This is the first time in the his­to­ry of ENERGETIX sem­i­nars that Skype has been used in this way. 

Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tion trans­mit­ted via Skype

Ulrich Lang and Sjaak Janssen pro­vid­ed simul­ta­ne­ous trans­la­tion of the Eng­lish and sup­ple­ment­ed the pre­sen­ta­tion with addi­tion­al use­ful advice.
The 100 or so dis­trib­u­tors were extreme­ly enthu­si­as­tic – last but not least because Diana Feli­ciano was mag­nif­i­cent­ly suc­cess­ful in com­mu­ni­cat­ing all her ener­gy to her audi­ence in Ger­many. A com­pelling and tech­ni­cal­ly demand­ing pre­sen­ta­tion that will cer­tain­ly not be the last of its kind! 

The Skype pre­sen­ta­tion was, of course, only one ele­ment of the mul­ti­fac­eted three-day sem­i­nar. Thank you to the orga­niz­ing team for a suc­cess­ful weekend!

The making of… pictures of the photo shoot in New York City: I/II

Take o look behind the scenes ans see how the pho­tos for the EX in the City Cat­a­logue were cre­at­ed in Sum­mer 2012.

Make-up artist and mod­el Lucin­da on set

Con­cen­tra­tion on set: Roland Förster and Heiko Prigge’s cam­era team

Men at work: Ralf Bauer and ENERGETIX Art Direc­tor Jörg Olejnik

A pho­to is creatted

Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Heiko Prigge’s team is always busy mak­ing sure the light is right

Roland Förster and the cam­era team look at the first pho­tos while Lucin­da is pre­pared for the next shots

Tech­nol­o­gy out of doors: work­ing on the rooftop set

Background and a look behind the scenes: The new jewellery collection — interview: part II/V

Inter­view with Janine Eisen­hauer, head of jew­ellery design at ENERGETIX Bingen.

Over the com­ing weeks, FROGBLOG will be upload­ing parts of the entire interview.
So it’ll be worth com­ing back to take a look!


Janine, let’s look at the Clas­sic cat­e­go­ry: the pen­dant 2068 and match­ing ear­rings 2142P are par­tic­u­lar­ly outstanding.

Pen­dant ele­ment (2068) and soli­taire (2079) in the Clas­sic range on cord (1779)

J. E.: Yes, we devel­oped a frame to sur­round the soli­taire pen­dant for this piece in the Soli­taire series. The frame puts me a lit­tle in mind of a rose tree. The sug­ges­tion of thorns on the edge and the ten­drils in the cen­tre. It was cre­at­ed by our design­er, Robin Ash­by, and you could think that the Tudor rose was his inspi­ra­tion.  The Tudor rose rep­re­sents England.

Janine Eisen­hauer and Heiko Prigge cre­at­ing the Clas­sic pho­to on cat­a­logue page 27

Clas­sic — EX in the City: the pho­to an cat­a­logue page 27


Let’s talk about the Basic cat­e­go­ry: what is char­ac­ter­is­tic for the jew­ellery in this easy-to-com­bine category?

J. E.: The Basic cat­e­go­ry stands for sim­ple jew­ellery that also does­n’t have to be expensive.

New jew­ellery in the Basic Range

We have a jew­ellery set here that we designed specif­i­cal­ly to sat­is­fy these require­ments. It is small, sim­ple, and, with its sparkling Swarovs­ki crys­tal, it goes with every­thing. Here, the ENERGETIX heart shape, which is very typ­i­cal for the style used in ENERGETIX jew­ellery, was tak­en up. The crys­tal is even set in three very fil­i­gree prongs.

The real­ly well done mod­el pic­tures stand out in the cat­a­logue. Where were the atmos­pher­ic pho­tos for the Basic cat­e­go­ry taken?

J. E.: The pho­tos for the Basic cat­e­go­ry were shot in the TRIBECA dis­trict of New York. The pho­to with the umbrel­la was, for exam­ple, tak­en oppo­site Hugh Jack­man’s café, at the „Laugh­ing Man“. That’s where I had the best cof­fee that I’ve had in a long time.

Mod­el shoot in the New York dis­trict of TRIBECA

Thank you, Janine, speak to you in Part 3.

Yoga with Ralf Bauer

The Bin­gen event on 27–28 Sep­tem­ber 2012 was a great suc­cess. All the par­tic­i­pants found the yoga lessons con­duct­ed by self-con­fessed yogi Ralf Bauer very relax­ing and grat­i­fy­ing, both the sun salu­ta­tion and the bal­ance train­ing. The dis­trib­u­tors‘ enthu­si­asm knew no bounds when Ralf Bauer agreed to all requests to sign the green yoga mats spe­cial­ly designed for the event by ENERGETIX Bingen.

The next day was devot­ed to train­ing with the Man­age­ment Com­mit­tee and jew­ellery design­er Janine Eisen­hauer, togeth­er with prac­ti­cal tips from Meike Bur­dorf and
Jean­nette Bal van Schijndel.

Here are the first photos.