A great concept that works: After-work meetings as a formula for success — French business partners extended invitations in Nantes and Angers

After-work meet­ings have already been estab­lished in France, because they offer a deci­sive advan­tage: A large num­ber of peo­ple can be reached, since even work­ing peo­ple are able to par­tic­i­pate! If you choose an appeal­ing, eas­i­ly acces­si­ble loca­tion like a hotel, noth­ing stands in the way of a suc­cess­ful event!


On Sep­tem­ber 19 and 21, for exam­ple, a num­ber of ded­i­cat­ed busi­ness part­ners of Marie Claire Poiron joined forces to organ­ise after-work meet­ings in Nantes and Angers with the goal of pre­sent­ing the new col­lec­tion, pre­sent­ing the ENERGETIX busi­ness idea, and attract­ing new cus­tomers and busi­ness partners.

An addi­tion­al bonus was that even those busi­ness part­ners who could not attend the 2017 col­lec­tion pre­miere in Berlin were able to enjoy the jew­ellery presentation!


In addi­tion to the jew­ellery stand, the orga­niz­ers also attract­ed a great deal of inter­est with infor­ma­tion stands on ENERGETIX and the bril­liant busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ty it offers. The video of the col­lec­tion pre­miere helped to suc­cess­ful­ly con­vey the atmos­phere of the com­pa­ny. And cus­tomers and inter­est­ed par­ties were of course able to make appoint­ments for jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions at home direct­ly on site! Com­pre­hen­sive infor­ma­tion with­out any oblig­a­tion, and all of that in high spir­its was the mot­to of the evening!

The result is plain to see: more than 180 cus­tomers came to the events in west­ern France, and eleven new busi­ness part­ners have already joined local­ly, “whom we will wel­come to our team with open arms”, said Marie Claire Poiron. In addi­tion, 22 jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions were set-up! With the after-work meet­ings, the French busi­ness part­ners have found a very good oppor­tu­ni­ty to advance their busi­ness in the long term. These events will cer­tain­ly not have been the last of their kind!