Experiencing with all the senses: the STARCLUB meeting in Mainz / Wiesbaden at the end of May

STARCLUB mem­bers from the Unit­ed King­dom, France, Ger­many and the Nether­lands trav­elled to Mainz with great antic­i­pa­tion on 20 May to enjoy two enrich­ing days togeth­er dur­ing which all their sens­es were put to the test.

Fol­low­ing the warm wel­come by Roland Förster, ENER­GETIX’s sole Share­hold­er and CEO, and a joint lunch, the first day was dom­i­nat­ed by a trip to Schloss Freuden­berg in Wies­baden, where the par­tic­i­pants enjoyed an ‘expe­ri­ence that would help them sharp­en their sens­es’. This was where the inter­na­tion­al group was able to con­scious­ly explore their own per­cep­tions and to re-eval­u­ate their think­ing by using all their sens­es. Fol­low­ing a very spe­cial guid­ed tour into sound and an aper­i­tif in the castle’s own dark bar, the event­ful day was brought to a close with a BBQ and live­ly Party.

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When millennia old traditions meet colour and lively fiestas: the training trip to Mexico

DSC01584Under the head­ing of Land­scapes and Pas­sion, the first-cat­e­go­ry qual­i­fiers for the train­ing-trip com­pe­ti­tion trav­elled to Mex­i­co for nine days on 29 April!

Besides the explo­ration of Mex­i­co City – with around 22 mil­lion res­i­dents, one of the largest cities in the world – anoth­er high­light of the trip was an out­ing in a hot-air bal­loon dur­ing which the par­tic­i­pants were able to enjoy the break­ing dawn from airy heights and take in the impres­sive sun and moon pyra­mid locat­ed in the pre-Aztec city ruins of Teoti­huacán from above. And those who could­n’t get enough were lat­er even able to climb the pyra­mids and enjoy the fan­tas­tic views across the des­ig­nat­ed UNESCO World Her­itage site of the Avenue of the Dead. The par­tic­i­pants will prob­a­bly nev­er for­get these unique impressions!


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Well-being made easy! ENERGETIX business partners stage massage workshop in Bingen

The air was filled with the fra­grance of man­darin oil and mas­sage tables had been set up in the train­ing rooms: Jean­nette Bal-van Schi­jn­del from the Nether­lands and Car­o­line Rijs­dijk from Bel­gium, both pro­fes­sion­al masseurs, along with Michael Heng­ster­mann and Clau­dia Skramec from Ger­many invit­ed part­ners to take part in a two-day mas­sage work­shop at ENER­GETIX’s com­pa­ny headquarters!


Car­o­line Rijs­dijk and Jean­nette Bal-van Schijndel

Twen­ty-two par­tic­i­pants from all over Ger­many who were all eager for knowl­edge accept­ed the invi­ta­tion by the orga­ni­za­tion team to dis­cov­er the art of mas­sage with ENER­GETIX’s nice­ly shaped Mag­net­Mas­sage tool on 2 and 3 May!

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