Our STARS in the Netherlands

It was that time again: a group of suc­cess­ful busi­ness part­ners from STARCLUB spent a three-day break in the north. The des­ti­na­tion of the bril­liant ENERGETIX group was the Dutch province of Fries­land. The nature here is absolute­ly unique: water, wind, mudflats!

All in the same boat.

As soon as they arrived in Heeg, sev­er­al sloops took teams out onto the water for a chal­leng­ing team ral­ly with iPad, geoach­ing, quizzes and tasks. From the boat, every­one was amazed at how dif­fer­ent and nat­ur­al every­thing still is here. For­tu­nate­ly, no one got sea­sick, so every­one could look for­ward to a deli­cious BBQ in the evening. The first evening was very relaxed and, as always, very cor­dial. Get­ting to know each oth­er, hav­ing good con­ver­sa­tions, pes­ter­ing the ENERGETIX team with ques­tions or sim­ply toast­ing together.

Day 2: Pure action!

After break­fast togeth­er in the hotel, the excite­ment slow­ly rose and the atmos­phere of com­pe­ti­tion was in the sea air. This time, how­ev­er, it was not about busi­ness, but dif­fer­ent teams com­pet­ed against each oth­er in a sail­ing regat­ta on an orig­i­nal Olympic course. The almost two hours flew by and at the sub­se­quent lunch there was a lot of laugh­ter and the one or oth­er hair­do dishev­elled by the wind was straightened ;-). 

The rest of the day was also spent as a team and every­one got even clos­er togeth­er. Moti­vat­ing each oth­er, enjoy­ing life and always get­ting excit­ed about ENERGETIX and the pow­er of mag­nets. This brings the ENERGETIX peo­ple clos­er togeth­er and cer­tain­ly sets us apart from many oth­er sales concepts.

Anoth­er high­light of the day was cer­tain­ly the impres­sive herds of hors­es of the huge, black Friesians. Their pow­er­ful gal­lop cap­ti­vat­ed us and will remain in our mem­o­ries for a long time.

A won­der­ful evening fol­lowed with good food, drinks and of course our oblig­a­tory STARCLUB party! 

Sightseeing and shopping in Sneek.

We spent the third day relax­ing and enjoy­ing the pret­ty town of Sneek. Our hearts were a lit­tle heavy when we had our last lunch togeth­er before we left. But was it the last meal we had togeth­er? Hard­ly. As always, our busi­ness part­ners grew togeth­er in the short time and new friend­ships were made.

Let us sur­prise you where the next STARCLUB jour­ney will take you. 

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