Please don’t forget: the attractive early booking discount for the ENERGETIX mega event, the 2013 Catalogue Launch, ends on 31 July

Don’t miss out on this great chance and order your tick­ets at reduced prices – if you haven’t already done so: it is worth­while being present!



130712_Wolfgang_Düsener_Messe“For me the annu­al Cat­a­logue Launch is a must for every dis­trib­u­tor, for any­one who is seri­ous­ly inter­est­ed in mean­ing­ful, ful­fill­ing free­lance work that is very enjoy­able and pro­vides a sol­id and reli­able income.” (Wolf­gang Düsen­er, 2013, inde­pen­dent ENERGETIX distributor)

You can see the FROGBLOG report and a short video of the 2012 ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch here.