The best of the best: the international STARCLUB meeting in Stromberg

They came from Bel­gium, Ger­many, France, the Nether­lands, Nor­way, Aus­tria and Switzer­land to joint­ly kick off the new busi­ness year and to boost their activ­i­ties with new input: the ‘stars’ met for the two-day event at the idyl­li­cal­ly sit­u­at­ed Land & Golf Hotel in Stromberg.

R. Förster_Stromberg

Jessica STARCLUB-Treffen Stromberg

‘Stars’ hon­oured
Lunch togeth­er was fol­lowed by the offi­cial greet­ing by Roland Förster, ENER­GETIX’s Sole Share­hold­er and CEO. New man­age­ment mem­ber, Jes­si­ca Schlick, who has already head­ed the Mar­ket­ing and Sales depart­ment for many years, then invit­ed par­tic­i­pants to come up to the stage indi­vid­u­al­ly: each one of the 54 STARCLUB mem­bers who had trav­elled to the event from eight coun­tries was duly rec­og­nized, pre­sent­ed with a cer­tifi­cate and immor­tal­ized in group photos.


And, of course, this ENERGETIX event would­n’t have been com­plete with­out a train­ing ses­sion with added val­ue: Collin Croome, a high­ly expe­ri­enced speak­er, shared back­ground know-how and applic­a­ble tips about the top­ic of ‘Social Media’ – a top­ic that is also becom­ing increas­ing­ly impor­tant to busi­ness partners.

Collin Croome

The first day was then con­clud­ed fol­low­ing the evening meal togeth­er with live music and danc­ing in a great atmosphere.

Con­tin­ue read­ing

Worth duplicating: ENERGETIX business partners from Westerwald organize a great training session for their team!

That the prac­ti­cal exchanges at this year’s kick-off meet­ing in Will­in­gen were absolute­ly effec­tive is demon­strat­ed by the fact that Andreas Räwel and Andreas Kasulke – both suc­cess­ful ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners – used the con­cept to orga­nize a cor­re­spond­ing train­ing event for their own down­line themselves!

Impres­sive Response: Thir­ty-nine par­tic­i­pants trav­elled to the event in Mogen­dorf in West­er­wald on Sat­ur­day, 20 Feb­ru­ary 2016. “We start­ed with a busi­ness pre­sen­ta­tion and then focused on the Basis II and Basis III train­ing and Team Build­ing I and II mod­ules. This was fol­lowed by a live jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tion with invit­ed guests at the venue. Here, the busi­ness part­ners were asked to pay spe­cial atten­tion to whether all the rel­e­vant aspects – the pre­sen­ta­tion of the busi­ness, for exam­ple, or the obser­va­tion of sig­nals, book­ing and sub­se­quent book­ing and, of course, the pre­sen­ta­tion itself – were being employed in the pre­sen­ta­tion. After­wards the train­ing par­tic­i­pants were ‘all mixed togeth­er’ by draw­ing lots. The tables were pushed togeth­er to cre­ate five groups. Each group was then giv­en an enve­lope that con­tained a work­shop top­ic. The task: to devel­op ten impor­tant and rel­e­vant points in the group!”


The agen­da includ­ed the fol­low­ing top­ics – all of which are prob­a­bly most impor­tant to all busi­ness partners:

• Prepar­ing the host (up to the point where ‘host becomes a busi­ness partner’)
• Jew­ellery / well­ness pre­sen­ta­tion: how do I make my busi­ness right and important
• Book­ing / sub­se­quent book­ing dur­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion, at mar­kets and fairs
• Cre­at­ing leads (for a busi­ness part­ner­ship, pre­sen­ta­tion or customer)
• How do I get struc­ture into my busi­ness, what aspects do I need to change? 


All the par­tic­i­pants con­tributed, helped devel­op the team results and at the end one team mem­ber from each of the work­shop tables sum­ma­rized their group’s results for the entire audience! 

The result of this train­ing: every­one was absolute­ly thrilled. “The response was real­ly great and every­body gen­uine­ly had lots of fun!”

FROGBLOG says thank you to all par­tic­i­pants for their ded­i­ca­tion, keep it up! Always!