Wow! What a Collection Premiere!

The livestreamed presentation of ENERGETIX’s collection for 2020 / 2021

The mem­bers of the audi­ence that Sole Share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster wel­comed on Sat­ur­day evening were spread across the globe and had joined him to cel­e­brate the new-for­mat Col­lec­tion Pre­miere on their TVs and even on large screens. Some of our busi­ness part­ners had also orga­nized small gar­den par­ties in the style of pub­lic screen­ings – with the appro­pri­ate safe­ty mea­sures, of course.

It was quite sen­sa­tion­al what Ralf Schmitt, the host who’s a pre­sen­ter, author and actor, and Jes­si­ca Schlick, mem­ber of the man­age­ment, served up to the par­tic­i­pants – and not only in view of the short time that was avail­able to real­ize the event. The broad­cast loca­tion was a sky­line bar at Vien­na House Andel’s in Berlin.

What was new, what was different?

The new jew­ellery col­lec­tion is real­ly up to date and again full of fas­ci­nat­ing sur­pris­es. One com­ment from the chat summed it up: “Incred­i­ble! It’s even bet­ter than last year!” More than deserved praise for the design­er com­men­ta­tors, who were con­nect­ed live from the stu­dio in Bin­gen. They pre­sent­ed the high­lights with fresh­ness, vital­i­ty and flexibility.

And there’s even more because valu­able sales advice was also shared this year about the unique­ness of the pieces in terms of exclu­siv­i­ty, mate­r­i­al and qual­i­ty. This advice was accom­pa­nied by great fash­ion tips that showed that the new jew­ellery is once again right on the mark where world­wide trends are concerned.

Dur­ing the sec­tion ded­i­cat­ed to well­ness, Ralf Bauer and a busi­ness part­ner revealed in excit­ing unbox­ing videos which new pieces the audi­ence was now able to present to their cus­tomers. The prac­ti­cal prod­uct films that have been uploaded to ENERGETIX’s YouTube chan­nel for the new ‘100 % Feel Good’ cush­ion and the HeadSpa can be eas­i­ly incor­po­rat­ed into on-line pre­sen­ta­tions – as can the many oth­er videos that focus on the new col­lec­tion and the busi­ness idea.

On-line pre­sen­ta­tions. Don’t be shy!

Alexan­der Link, who on the man­age­ment board is respon­si­ble for IT, among oth­er things, was entire­ly in his ele­ment when he talked about on-line pre­sen­ta­tions. They’re going to be with us for some time to come so it’s all the more impor­tant that every­one gets to grips with this new tool. Besides prac­ti­cal help from the com­pa­ny, per­haps the most impor­tant piece of advice came from Alexan­der Link: “Don’t be shy! Just be authen­tic and then it’ll def­i­nite­ly work.”

The busi­ness part­ners who are now suc­cess­ful­ly using the new tool have shown that it does work and that it’s incred­i­bly fun. Bian­ca Beck­er, the on-line pio­neer, set out the three gold­en rules: “Do it, do it, do it”. And sev­er­al video exam­ples revealed that get­ting start­ed can be a real­ly big laugh.

The new web­shop, which was launched only recent­ly, is also a great help. Great design, great images and new oppor­tu­ni­ties, e.g. through broad­er options aimed at cus­tomer reten­tion, are real­ly valuable.

Is this the new Kel­ly family?

It’s no sur­prise when Joey Kel­ly per­forms at an ENERGETIX Col­lec­tion Pre­miere. But the fact that he and his chil­dren Luke and Lil­ly record­ed a song in the barn at his home exclu­sive­ly for his ‘ENERGETIX fam­i­ly’ and thus deliv­ered one of the emo­tion­al high­lights of the evening was a sen­sa­tion that no one expect­ed. Bra­vo! And please: more of the same!

The inter­view that Jes­si­ca Schlick con­duct­ed with Maite Kel­ly was car­ried along by a wave of affec­tion and was also sim­ply sen­sa­tion­al. Moth­er and job, how does that work? It works because the chil­dren pos­sess the same strengths that char­ac­ter­ize their ‘Tiger Mum’, who has worked her way up to incred­i­ble suc­cess­es after a long dry spell. A mes­sage that encourages. 

And Maite’s mot­to for life – ‘Love is Worth­while’ – which she has inter­pret­ed in her new song and which was one of the musi­cal high­lights at the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere – colours every­thing that she does.

Char­i­ty with heart

You can only be amazed at the lev­el that the Ndlovu Youth Choir has reached. The choir was sim­ply formed as a project by ENERGETIX’s char­i­ty part­ner Hugo Tem­pel­man but is now cel­e­brat­ing glob­al suc­cess. Hugo Tem­pel­man and his wife Lies­je linked to the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere from South Africa. How they talked about their work was very mov­ing. Around€ 50,000 are also going to the dif­fer­ent health and social projects dur­ing this time, which brings dona­tions from ENERGETIX to more than €1.5 mil­lion in total.

Togeth­er we’re strong

So what remains of this excep­tion­al event, of this unique ENERGETIX Col­lec­tion Pre­miere that has nev­er been expe­ri­enced in this way before? Fan­tas­tic new prod­ucts as the basis for an attrac­tive busi­ness idea, new tools to com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers in extra­or­di­nary times, the sense of belong­ing to a unique and mag­nif­i­cent com­mu­ni­ty and the con­fi­dence that togeth­er we’re strong! Help­ing each oth­er and the will to fill the vision of ENERGETIX with life – MORE POWERFULMORE SUCCESSFULTOGETHER. Thanks to all those who nev­er stop contributing.

You’ll find a video with all the new collection’s high­lights here: