Magnificent! The Collection Premiere 2018 in Wiesbaden

ENERGETIX and its business partners have been developing continuously for 16 years. The Collection Premiere in Wiesbaden was the place to experience the latest highlights in this success story in the field of international network marketing: a modern and creative new collection of jewellery, a top-class motivational event and enthusiastic business partners all around. 

Sole Share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster opened the event in the usu­al man­ner and was hap­py to see more vis­i­tors at the event than in the pre­vi­ous year. He – and TV pre­sen­ter Jörg Pilawa – wel­comed the guests to the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere who had trav­elled there from 20 countries.

The impor­tant stand­ing that new­com­ers enjoy at the net­work-mar­ket­ing com­pa­ny was already appar­ent from the fact that they were the first busi­ness part­ners to be invit­ed on to the stage.

The new­com­ers were imme­di­ate­ly able to expe­ri­ence at first-hand that the busi­ness idea for mag­net­ic jew­ellery is geared towards a long and suc­cess­ful pro­fes­sion­al life: the sec­tion of the pro­gramme that fol­lowed cel­e­brat­ed those busi­ness part­ners who have already been with the com­pa­ny for 10 years and whose con­tin­ued pres­ence con­sti­tutes an exam­ple for every­one, espe­cial­ly for those new to the activity.

Jewellery show

The jew­ellery col­lec­tion is the foun­da­tion for all the suc­cess that ENERGETIX enjoys. It has also devel­oped from year to year – always on the wave of cur­rent fash­ion and design trends.



And the 2019 col­lec­tion was the absolute focus of the day again this year. The accom­pa­ny­ing show was unique: mul­ti­me­dia, dance and cat­walk – a stir­ring expe­ri­ence that cul­mi­nat­ed in the pre­sen­ta­tion of the new catalogue.


Here’s a look behind the scenes of the pho­to shoot.

Still bathing in the glow of the show, the guests immersed them­selves in six cre­ative­ly staged Worlds of Jew­ellery – pre­sent­ed in line with the mot­to of the event: ‘Get in touch!’ Close up to the jew­ellery: see, touch, try.



The lunch break was fol­lowed by vibrant the­o­ry: Man­age­ment Mem­ber Jes­si­ca Schlick played host to the best in PSV and in team-build­ing who talked about ‘expe­ri­ences from the real world for the real world’. The audi­ence lis­tened very atten­tive­ly to the valu­able tips that were presented.


The expert for the day was Michael Stra­chowitz. The con­sum­mate net­work-mar­keter shared his 40 years of expe­ri­ence with the even­t’s par­tic­i­pants and talked about his approach to team-build­ing with­out limits.



Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Alexan­der Link pre­sent­ed a wide range of infor­ma­tion from the IT depart­ment to the audi­ence. He talked about the suc­cess that the addi­tion­al sup­port to busi­ness part­ners was enjoy­ing, e.g. ‘Boost your Busi­ness’, and about the pro­fes­sion­al­iza­tion of par­ty man­age­ment with the help of the MMS. He also intro­duced a new web­shop, which received a great response from the audience.

Alexan­der Link also launched the new com­pe­ti­tion, which was also warm­ly wel­comed and greet­ed, as always, with spon­ta­neous out­breaks of approval. A mur­mur of ‘I want to go there’ went through the hall as South Africa and Mar­rakesh were revealed as des­ti­na­tions, pre­cise­ly the moti­va­tion­al effect that the com­pe­ti­tions are designed to achieve over the next few months of the qual­i­fi­ca­tion period.


The day was con­clud­ed with the cel­e­bra­to­ry gala evening, which at the same time pro­vid­ed the appro­pri­ate set­ting to cel­e­brate the STARCLUB. These ENERGETIX stars had already arrived on Thurs­day to take part in the STARCLUB event.


The One Year STARCLUB and the cur­rent STARCLUB were appro­pri­ate­ly cel­e­brat­ed in front of the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere’s large audi­ence at the gala for their out­stand­ing achievements.



Mov­ing moments dur­ing the sec­tion reserved for the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion – which was also cel­e­brat­ing 10 years of part­ner­ing with ENERGETIX. Dr Hugo Tem­pel­man talked about the progress and cur­rent devel­op­ments of his admirable work in South Africa. A very touch­ing film showed how impor­tant ENER­GETIX’s dona­tions are to this char­i­ty part­ner of long stand­ing. This year’s cheque for € 50,000 brought dona­tions from ENERGETIX up to an over­all total of € 1.5 million.

The Kel­ly Fam­i­ly’s per­for­mance was absolute­ly sen­sa­tion­al. Their sell-out tour was unbe­liev­able. And now the exclu­sive con­cert for ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners only! The atmos­phere in the hall was inde­scrib­able but the pic­tures say enough about this bril­liant high­light of the evening. Peo­ple then danced and enjoyed the par­ty atmos­phere at the new Con­gress Cen­ter in Wies­baden until the ear­ly hours of the morning.

Boat trip

The har­mo­nious get-togeth­er dur­ing a boat trip along the Riv­er Rhine on the Sun­day rep­re­sent­ed anoth­er ide­al oppor­tu­ni­ty for busi­ness part­ners to swap notes with each oth­er and the man­age­ment. The atmos­phere was unique­ly warm here as well.


The per­fect end to a top-notch moti­va­tion­al event with all-round enthu­si­as­tic busi­ness partners!

 More impres­sions of the event are avail­able here:

Pho­tos: The day / Gala / Boat trip


The STARCLUB meeting ahead of the Collection Premiere 2018

Focus on har­mo­ny and teamwork

The cur­rent STARCLUB already met for the moti­va­tion and team event in Wies­baden on the Thurs­day in advance of the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere. The focus was on har­mo­ny and mutu­al sup­port. It was the inter­na­tion­al char­ac­ter of the exclu­sive group in par­tic­u­lar that turned the meet­ing into an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn from each oth­er’s expe­ri­ences and strategies.

Team spir­it was also put to a very spe­cial test at the event as dur­ing a drag­on boat racethe par­tic­i­pants were able to expe­ri­ence at first hand what effect good team­work has on suc­cess. The small regat­ta was lots of fun for all and pro­duced the required desire to win along with the impor­tant real­iza­tion that it’s only pos­si­ble to achieve progress when peo­ple work togeth­er har­mo­nious­ly and take care of each oth­er – right in line with the mot­to of ‘lead­ing by exam­ple and fol­low­ing the lead’.

The stars were award­ed their well-deserved recog­ni­tion over the course of the evening in the boathouse of the Schier­stein Row­ing Club that pre­sent­ed a won­der­ful view of the Rhine. That was also when all the new mem­bers received mov­ing praise and recog­ni­tion by men­tors and part­ners alike. All STARCLUB mem­bers were then pre­sent­ed with excep­tion­al items of jew­ellery from the new col­lec­tion as a spe­cial thank you. Sole Share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster sub­se­quent­ly pro­vid­ed an overview of the lat­est devel­op­ments at the company.

The evening was round­ed off by a deli­cious meal and atmos­pher­ic music, which, as at so many events, prompt­ed the par­tic­i­pants to get up on the dance floor. A suc­cess­ful event with lots of fun and an effec­tive exchange of experiences.

This way to the pho­tos.