He’s a real winner: Joey Kelly wins the world’s first-ever underwater cycle race

Bild4It’s a well known fact that Joey Kel­ly is game for (almost) any­thing that is fun, for any off­beat sport­ing event. So he did­n’t miss the chance to take part in one of the most unusu­al races in the world, the first under­wa­ter cycle race, which took place in Großen­brode on the Baltic coast on 27 June. The enthu­si­as­tic sportEX-wear­er lined up at the start with two oth­er extreme ath­letes – the sil­i­cone bracelets are clear­ly vis­i­ble in the photos.


Wolf­gang Kulow, the ini­tia­tor of the event, had tried out under­wa­ter cycling at mid­day togeth­er with Mar­cel Heinig and Joey Kel­ly … in a swim­ming pool. In the evening the three of them then took to the „course“, which ran par­al­lel to Lehn­sahn Pier in the Baltic.


The Fear­less Three took on the chal­lenge wear­ing a wet­suit, an oxy­gen tank and 70 kg of weights. They had to enter the chilly water three times and cycle 600 m out and back with this addi­tion­al bur­den. Joey Kel­ly won ahead of Wolf­gang Kulow, with Mar­cel Heinig in third place.


Sat1 Region­al TV and NDR region­al pro­grammes report­ed on the event, which was watched by about 2500 spec­ta­tors. And ENERGETIX was there, too, in the form of a banner.

Con­grat­u­la­tions, Joey.

Joey Kelly Unterwasserradrennen