Exemplary motivation: a sports success story — Running for running’s sake and for a good cause

It all start­ed with the appear­ance of Iron­man Slat­co Sterzen­bach at ENER­GETIX’s annu­al kick-off meet­ing for 2013 in Will­in­gen: his excit­ing pre­sen­ta­tion impressed ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors, Andreas Räwel and Andreas Kasulke, so much so that both decid­ed to stop smok­ing there and then! But that was­n’t enough: they also changed their diets and set their sights on tak­ing part in the half-marathon in Mainz (FROGBLOG report­ed).


Andreas Räwel

That was at the begin­ning of 2013 and both start­ed train­ing for the first time in their lives on 26 Jan­u­ary with the clear­ly defined goal of tak­ing part in a half-marathon. And also of mak­ing a con­tri­bu­tion to the funds gen­er­at­ed for the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion (link).

They trained three to five times a week to achieve these goals. In this way, both were not only able to run the half-marathon but also to fin­ish in under two hours! „Now we’ve caught the bug com­plete­ly and we have con­tin­ued to run and train!“ Both con­tin­ue to enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly run half-marathons … always out­fit­ted with ENER­GETIX’s run­ning shirt that also has the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion’s name on it.


Andreas Kasulke

They have now joined forces with Sabine Kaiser-Mar­tin, also a dis­trib­u­tor, her part­ner and two oth­er run­ners. The group has already col­lect­ed 120 euros for the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion through their run­ning and intends to run the com­ing half-marathons togeth­er as the „ENER­GETIX-Tem­pel­man Team“ – clear­ly vis­i­ble in their pink-and-black ENERGETIX shirts. And they’re real­ly enjoy­ing „doing some­thing for oth­ers and for themselves!“

We say thanks and keep up the good work!


Cheque presentation at the Berlin Launch: 175,000 euros were again collected for the Hugo Tempelman Foundation in 2013

The set­ting was the Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin on 31 August: the man­age­ment board pre­sent­ed Hugo and Lies­je Tem­pel­man with a dona­tion cheque for the foun­da­tion they ini­ti­at­ed – a fur­ther 175,000 euros col­lect­ed for the good cause! 

ENERGETIX Kataloglaunch 2013

Our sin­cere thanks to all the ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors whose unbri­dled com­mit­ment has been respon­si­ble for mak­ing the cheque so big once again! 

New videos on the ENERGETIX YouTube channel

The ENERGETIX YouTube-Kanal con­tains a lot of enter­tain­ing and infor­ma­tive videos from and about ENERGETIX Bin­gen and their num­bers are increas­ing all the time.

You will find plen­ty of things worth see­ing on the ENERGETIX YouTube chan­nel – from Ronan Keat­ing’s video mes­sage, the ENERGETIX image film, mak­ing-of-the-cat­a­logue films and reports on the com­pa­ny’s char­i­ty activ­i­ties to the „his­to­ry trail­er“ on the fir­m’s tenth anniver­sary and videos of the cat­a­logue launch­es. It’s worth check­ing them out! 

We have also just cre­at­ed three new prac­ti­cal trail­ers for you. The infor­ma­tive and instruc­tive videos „New book­ings“, „The busi­ness idea“ and „Online train­ing“ pro­vide begin­ners with help­ful tips and insights and expe­ri­enced dis­trib­u­tors are sure to prof­it from the expe­ri­ences and sug­ges­tions, too.

We hope you enjoy them!

An unforgettable experience – the 2013 Catalogue Launch in Berlin

Impressive stage show at the 2013 Catalogue Launch

Impres­sive stage show at the 2013 Cat­a­logue Launch

Joey Kelly inspires his audience with a riveting talk

Joey Kel­ly inspires his audi­ence with a riv­et­ing talk

The pre­sen­ta­tion of the new mag­net­ic jew­ellery col­lec­tion and the „Pow­er of Nature“ cat­a­logue in Berlin on 31 August was accom­pa­nied by a gigan­tic stage show. A week after the most impor­tant ENERGETIX event of the year, the over­whelm­ing impres­sions of the occa­sion still res­onate in the minds of those who took part.

If you always want to keep up to date on ENERGETIX mat­ters, in addi­tion to FROGBLOG you now have the pos­si­bil­i­ty of „lik­ing“ the offi­cial ENERGETIX Face­book page – as over 2000 users have done since the Launch.

Good news: ENERGETIX Customer Support will be open from 8 am in the next few days

ENERGETIX Cus­tomer Sup­port is reg­u­lar­ly con­tact­ed by dis­trib­u­tors through­out the world on all man­ner of sub­jects. To help dis­trib­u­tors get off to a good start to the new sea­son, Cus­tomer Sup­port will be open – until fur­ther notice – from 8 am onwards.

Call center team

You will be able to get through to the Cus­tomer Sup­port team from 8 am to 6 pm each day.

The con­tact details for Cus­tomer Sup­port are:

Tel.: 0049 6721 1823–21
Fax: 0049 6721 1823–29
Email: info@energetix.tv

See the highlights of the 2013 Catalogue Launch in a short video

We are now offer­ing the chance to view the high­lights of this year’s ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin to every­one who was unable to be there at the mega event. And of course this video ret­ro­spec­tive also offers a beau­ti­ful mem­o­ry of a great event to every­one who attend­ed the Launch. 

The new ENERGETIX Face­book page also gives all the users an oppor­tu­ni­ty to see the video. So take a look at the offi­cial ENERGETIX Face­book page! We hope you enjoy it.

ENERGETIX Bingen launches the first official fan page on Facebook

Head of IT and Man­age­ment Board mem­ber Alexan­der Link announced the good news at the ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin on Sat­ur­day, 31 August: ENERGETIX is launch­ing its own Face­book page!

ENERGETIX is expand­ing its social media activ­i­ties – in addi­tion to FROGBLOG – and is now offi­cial­ly and active­ly join­ing the Face­book social net­work, which enjoys world­wide popularity.


Whether they be ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors or ANYONE inter­est­ed in mag­net­ic jew­ellery, Face­book users can now receive up-to-the minute news, announce­ments, prod­uct pre­sen­ta­tions and note­wor­thy pho­tos from ENERGETIX. Of course the ENERGETIX Face­book page also offers users the oppor­tu­ni­ty to “like”, to com­ment on and to share entries.

Neti­quette: Please respect the guide­lines for accept­able behav­iour on the Inter­net, which you can find on the ENERGETIX Face­book page under the head­ing “IMPORTANT”.

Click here to access ENERGETIX Face­book-Page and become a fan of the company.