Sports enthusiasts wear sportEX: Triathlete Dr Claudia Bregulla-Linke

Dr. Claudia Bregulla sportEX

Dr. Clau­dia Bregulla-Linke

Joey Kel­ly, who’s famous for his feats of extreme sports, swears by sportEX – but he’s no excep­tion. Many peo­ple who enjoy lots of sports have become fans. The best exam­ple: Dr Clau­dia Bregulla-Linke.

Clau­dia is a suc­cess­ful mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary ath­lete and triath­lete from Utting am Ammersee in Bavaria (she’s respon­si­ble for train­ing new sports teach­ers at the Staatsin­sti­tut Augs­burg) and has – besides many types of win­ter and water sports – pri­mar­i­ly ded­i­cat­ed her­self to swim­ming, run­ning and cycling (which is her best dis­ci­pline). The moth­er of three (born in 1967) is very suc­cess­ful – for exam­ple, she won the Ger­man Mid­dle-Dis­tance Triathlon Cham­pi­onship in 2012. And she wears sportEX bracelets!

We wish Clau­dia con­tin­ued suc­cess in all her disciplines!

Tierra del Fuego adventure: expedition team leader Joey Kelly leads a 10-man group through Patagonia

A few days ago the Camp David Expe­di­tion set off for Cape Horn in two teams. The expe­di­tion mem­bers include our endurance ace and sportEX fan Joey Kelly!

Joey, who is just back from the Thai jun­gle, is now off on a South Amer­i­can tour with his 10-man group of adven­tur­ers, who were picked from 2000 appli­cants. The start­ing point for both teams was Pun­ta Are­nas (in Chile), the south­ern­most big city in the world. The Green Team led by Joey Kel­ly is tak­ing the over­land route while the Blue Team is trav­el­ling by water. Their com­mon des­ti­na­tion: Puer­to Navarino.

10 days, 2 teams. With 18 par­tic­i­pants in all (10 in the Green Team, 8 in the Blue Team), a four-man crew and 2 team/expedition lead­ers — Joey Kel­ly and Sven Penszuk.

Patagonoen 2012

What is more, a group of ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors has been to Patag­o­nia already. The cat­e­go­ry 1 train­ing trip to Argenti­na in 2012 includ­ed a vis­it to Patagonia!

Did you know…

… that the rec­tan­gu­lar stain­less steel pen­dant (2563–1) and the heart pen­dant with sparkling crys­tals (1177) are ide­al if you want to add a per­son­al­ized touch with an engraved name!?


Two new films – each in four language versions – have been added to the ENERGETIX YouTube channel!

Are you look­ing for prac­ti­cal tips from expe­ri­enced dis­trib­u­tors? That’s not a prob­lem – you can now watch two infor­ma­tive new videos on the ENERGETIX YouTube channel.


The short film „Dream­like and real – a career with ENERGETIX presents an exclu­sive insight into the phi­los­o­phy and way of work­ing of ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tor Renée Piguet, who lives in Switzer­land, based on com­mu­ni­ca­tion, open-mind­ed­ness, the use of oppor­tu­ni­ties and poten­tials and – last but not least – a good por­tion of fun.

In the sec­ond film, „Sell­ing jew­ellery is a man’s busi­ness“, Inde­pen­dent dis­trib­u­tor Bernd Lind­hauer gives use­ful prac­ti­cal tips and explains why the com­pa­ny’s busi­ness idea is far from being some­thing just for women. Bernd’s suc­cess sto­ry shows that men too can enjoy and be suc­cess­ful in this line of busi­ness if they work „with enjoy­ment and enthusiasm“.

Bernd Lindhauer

Both enter­tain­ing videos are now ready for you to view on the ENERGETIX YouTube chan­nel in Eng­lish, French and Dutch as well as in German.

We hope you enjoy them!