“Making a habit of success!” Motivational boost to kick off the year in the Netherlands

Leav­ing your own com­fort zone, set­ting your­self new goals, steadi­ly tack­ling them with a step-by-step approach and then achiev­ing them! Sjaak Janssen showed the 60 par­tic­i­pants how to do that at the meet­ing to kick off the year that was held in Tiel in the Nether­lands on 27 Jan­u­ary. The event also includ­ed a pre­sen­ta­tion that showed how our prod­ucts mesh with the sev­en pil­lars of health. The pre­sen­ta­tions were per­fect­ly com­ple­ment­ed by Mar­greth Janssen’s work­shop that was enti­tled, ‘Think­ing cre­ative­ly about ENER­GETIX’s mag­net­ic jew­ellery.’ Every indi­vid­ual piece of jew­ellery is asso­ci­at­ed with start­ing points that part­ners can draw on using their own cre­ativ­i­ty to find argu­ments that will inspire cus­tomers.CIO Alexan­der Link wel­comed the many par­tic­i­pants from the Nether­lands, Bel­gium and Switzer­land on behalf of ENERGETIX and intro­duced them to this year’s mot­to, which is: ‘Your time is NOW!’. The 10 new­com­ers among the guests who are just start­ing their time with ENERGETIX were par­tic­u­lar­ly inter­est­ed in the pre­sen­ta­tions. That ENERGETIX can deliv­er total suc­cess was again demon­strat­ed by the awards for the STARCLUB mem­bers. Sev­en of the most suc­cess­ful busi­ness part­ners attend­ed the event.Both new­com­ers and the old hands were shown how they could use the new SPRING / SUMMER col­lec­tion and the new Show it! pre­sen­ta­tion sys­tem to launch them­selves into the new year. The two received a great response in Tiel and were the sub­ject of com­pe­tent exchanges. The new com­pe­ti­tion rep­re­sents a spe­cial incen­tive to make an inten­sive start. Alexan­der Link’s pre­sen­ta­tion of the train­ing trip to St. Peters­burg and the valu­able rewards that are also on offer was enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly applaud­ed by the par­tic­i­pants.There were only win­ners in the prize draw that then fol­lowed. Every tick­et was reward­ed with a nice non-cash or jew­ellery prize. The many emails received after the event show how well received it was, includ­ing one from, among oth­ers, Lotte Hulsink that said: “What a beau­ti­ful and pleas­ant day! I imme­di­ate­ly felt at home as a new­com­er. I learned a lot and met new col­leagues. It’s fan­tas­tic that every­body sup­ports each oth­er with tips. It’s real­ly some­thing spe­cial. I can’t wait for the next train­ing event!”Moti­va­tion­al boost to kick off the year in the Nether­lands! The event def­i­nite­ly increased the desire to make a habit out of success.

Thank you to all the train­ers, orga­niz­ers and helpers who con­tributed to the mak­ing the event turn out so well!

Here are the pho­tos for you!