Joey Kelly at his most approachable

Only very few peo­ple get to meet extreme ath­lete Joey Kel­ly like this. He had invit­ed 20 dis­trib­u­tors who had qual­i­fied in the Jew­ellery Par­ty Com­pe­ti­tion to his home estate on 19 July.

Besuch von Energetix-VP bei Joey Kelly auf dem Bauernhof

Besuch von Energetix-VP bei Joey Kelly auf dem Bauernhof„Super, fan­tas­tic! Get­ting to know him was a tremen­dous expe­ri­ence,“ is how Brit­ta Hart­mann, one of the mem­bers of the par­ty, summed up her impres­sions. It was not only the men­tal strength and dis­ci­pline of the celebri­ty host but also his obvi­ous respect for his guests and his gen­uine mod­esty that impressed Brit­ta and all the oth­er par­tic­i­pants so strongly.

IMG_8468_lowJoey took the group around his farm, a for­mer monastery that he is restau­r­ing lov­ing­ly, talked about his event­ful life as he did so, gave a pas­sion­ate talk on the „hys­te­ria of the body“ and act­ed as pro­fes­sion­al guide on a 12 km hike to a riv­er dam. Extreme­ly gen­er­ous hos­pi­tal­i­ty and per­ma­nent respon­sive­ness in a very cor­dial and friend­ly atmos­phere. An excep­tion­al day that came to a roman­tic close around the campfire.

Besuch von Energetix-VP bei Joey Kelly auf dem BauernhofAfter this once-in-a-life­time expe­ri­ence, all the par­tic­i­pants are fever­ish­ly look­ing for­ward to see­ing Joey again at the Cat­a­logue Launch — this time as a charis­mat­ic train­er in front of a large audience.

„Thank you, Joey Kelly!“