The Collection Premiere 2021: more creative, more professional, more motivated

Even more cre­ative, even more pro­fes­sion­al, even more moti­vat­ed and even more sup­port for busi­ness part­ners to make more time for sales talks and team-build­ing – those are just a few words that describe ENERGETIX’s Col­lec­tion Pre­miere on Sat­ur­day, 19 June 2021.

CEO and Sole Share­hold­er Roland Förster wel­comed guests from 13 coun­tries live from the company’s head­quar­ters in Bin­gen – with assis­tance from the management’s Alexan­der Link and Jes­si­ca Schlick. Pre­sen­ter Markus Appel­mann was also in atten­dance. It was the sec­ond time that he accom­pa­nied the audi­ence through an inten­sive pro­gramme and his charm made the time sim­ply fly by. 

Even more cre­ative: the new Jew­ellery Col­lec­tion for 2021/2022

Once again, the col­lec­tion sur­pass­es that of the pre­vi­ous year – as Biba Marseglia, who’s been one of ENERGETIX’s lead­ing fig­ures for years, said. The cur­rent trend towards gold has been afford­ed the sig­nif­i­cance it deserves with each item of jew­ellery being turned into a work of art. Fun, joie de vivre and ener­gy – that’s what the jew­ellery express­es, which is why it’s sim­ply bound to inspire cus­tomers, espe­cial­ly at this time of year. A time that’s also char­ac­ter­ized by the need for feel-good moments. Moments that ENERGETIX’s range of well­ness acces­sories – to which new prod­ucts have been added and which is now being pre­sent­ed along­side the jew­ellery in the cat­a­logue – is able to cre­ate. The new and larg­er-for­mat cat­a­logue with its cre­ative and sus­tain­able design makes you want the originals. 

Even more sup­port for busi­ness partners

Argu­ments that authen­ti­cal­ly and cred­i­bly sup­port sales – who bet­ter to deliv­er them than the jew­ellery design­ers at ENERGETIX? The cre­atives shared the tech­ni­cal back­ground to the pieces in casu­al one-to-ones with Markus dur­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion. And these impor­tant expla­na­tions have also been includ­ed in the cat­a­logue right next to the products. 

Even more pro­fes­sion­al: on-line communication

It’s now pos­si­ble to access all the oth­er impor­tant prod­uct details on-line in a tar­get­ed and pre­cise man­ner. The top­ic is gen­er­al­ly becom­ing more and more impor­tant. Jes­si­ca Schlick intro­duced a new addi­tion­al tar­get group with the on-line con­sul­tant. The ‘Hap­py from home’ ver­sion will open up a new field of activ­i­ty not only for busi­ness part­ners who are accus­tomed to work­ing on-line while the new par­ty code and Par­tyShop that Alexan­der Link pre­sent­ed will deliv­er effec­tive sup­port for home and on-line presentations.

WOW: the artists of the day

The den­si­ty of celebri­ties, as Markus put it, grew in inten­si­ty as time pro­gressed. And it was indeed so: Joey Kel­ly and his chil­dren Luke and Lil­li with their ver­sion of the song ‘I nev­er want­ed to be grown up’ as a world first at ENERGETIX’s Col­lec­tion Pre­miere; Maite Kel­ly, also with a new hit, and – sen­sa­tion­al­ly – the inter­view that Jes­si­ca Schlick con­duct­ed with Lili-Paul Ron­cal­li, the 2020 win­ner of the Let’s Dance TV show. They all shared with busi­ness part­ners advice that they had gained from their own expe­ri­ences: per­se­vere, stay flex­i­ble, be cre­ative, be open to new things, plan the day and keep on moti­vat­ing yourself. 

Char­i­ty: suc­cess and new projects

The fact that it’s pos­si­ble to achieve great suc­cess even when you find your­self in the most unfavourable of sit­u­a­tions was demon­strat­ed by the con­tri­bu­tion from ENERGETIX’s char­i­ty part­ners Hugo and Lies­je Tem­pel­man in South Africa: an incred­i­ble, emo­tion­al per­for­mance by the choir, which was brought to life as one of the projects there and which is now about to sign its first record deal. This year’s dona­tion of € 50,000 is going to help fur­ther advance cur­rent projects, such as work with dis­abled chil­dren and an urgent­ly need­ed food pro­gramme. ENERGETIX’s sup­port is help­ing demon­strate that ‘tal­ent can help grow out of pover­ty’ as Hugo Tem­pel­man said.

Moti­vat­ed down to their fingertips

Careers by the mem­bers of the STARCLUB – and par­tic­u­lar­ly the One Year STARCLUB – once again demon­strat­ed that ENERGETIX’s suc­cess mod­el con­tin­ues to cre­ate the best oppor­tu­ni­ties for both the present and the future. That was also shown by the 50 new­com­ers who were pre­sent­ed at the begin­ning of the event – many of whom have already revealed their great tal­ents that will con­tin­ue to devel­op with the moti­va­tion­al boost that the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere delivered. 

You’ll find a sum­ma­ry of the day and the fan­tas­tic atmos­phere here – it’s def­i­nite­ly worth a watch: