Unforgettable STARCLUB trip to Luxembourg

It was a week­end full of excit­ing expe­ri­ences, culi­nary delights and won­der­ful fel­low­ship. Here are the high­lights of our trip.

Exploring Vianden

We start­ed our trip with a tra­di­tion­al lunch at the charm­ing Vic­tor Hugo restau­rant in Vian­den. For­ti­fied, we made our way to the cable car, which took us to a breath­tak­ing view­point. This was fol­lowed by a fas­ci­nat­ing guid­ed tour of Vian­den Cas­tle, where we immersed our­selves in the his­to­ry of this impres­sive fortress.

After check­ing into the hotel, some enjoyed the beau­ti­ful weath­er by the pool. The evening end­ed with a deli­cious meal and the eager­ly await­ed Euro­pean Cham­pi­onship match between Ger­many and Den­mark in the hotel bar. The win­ning match round­ed off the whole thing perfectly!

Adventure in the Öewersauer Nature Park

The next morn­ing began with an excit­ing bus jour­ney to Hei­der­scheid. A huge sur­prise await­ed us there: ten vin­tage trac­tors and two cov­ered wag­ons were ready to take us through the Öew­er­sauer Nature Park. This unusu­al means of trans­port made for a lot of fun and unfor­get­table moments. The jour­ney through the pic­turesque land­scape was a real high­light and gave us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence Lux­em­bourg’s nature in a very spe­cial way.

In the after­noon, we con­tin­ued our jour­ney by coach to Remich to vis­it the St Mar­tin sparkling wine cel­lars, which are over 100 years old. The impres­sive cave vaults and tra­di­tion­al pro­duc­tion meth­ods left a last­ing impres­sion. Of course, a sparkling wine tast­ing was not to be missed, where we were able to savour the fine wines to the full.

To round off the day, we board­ed a boat and expe­ri­enced a won­der­ful cruise on the Moselle. Dur­ing the trip, we enjoyed a final din­ner fol­lowed by a par­ty. It was a great evening full of fun, good music and danc­ing — a per­fect end to this event­ful day.

Guided tour of Luxembourg City

On the last day of our trip, a guid­ed tour of Lux­em­bourg City was on the pro­gramme. We learnt a lot about the spe­cial role and his­to­ry of this small but impor­tant state. The mix­ture of old and new archi­tec­ture, the impres­sive fortress­es and the pic­turesque streets delight­ed us all.

After a final lunch togeth­er, we made our way home. It was a won­der­ful trip, char­ac­terised by good exchanges, new expe­ri­ences and high spirits.

Our STARCLUB trip to Lux­em­bourg was a com­plete suc­cess. The par­tic­i­pants not only enjoyed the beau­ti­ful sur­round­ings and the cul­tur­al high­lights, but also the time togeth­er and the live­ly dia­logue. We are already look­ing for­ward to the next trip with you!

You can find more impres­sions of this trip on our Flickr chan­nel.

They all had a dream…

… the dream of Africa, the dream of a unique time togeth­er, the dream of expe­ri­enc­ing unfor­get­table mem­o­ries as a com­mu­ni­ty! All these dreams have been more than ful­filled with our absolute ‘dream trip’ with the most suc­cess­ful busi­ness partners!

What a journey!

Over 40 excit­ing peo­ple who achieved a lot with ENERGETIX, wild ani­mals of the steppe, the most incred­i­ble sun­down­ers and great emo­tions — we are back from Namib­ia and are still reminiscing.

Expedition to distant worlds.

We all quick­ly immersed our­selves in the soul of Namib­ia. Many par­tic­i­pants were sim­ply lost for words when we went on a nation­al park tour to the old­est desert in the world, Sos­sus­lvei, with the impres­sive Ses­riem Canyon. The high­light of this excur­sion was the vis­it to Dead­vlei, the gigan­tic, world-famous dune with dead trees over 500 years old. And sud­den­ly we were right in the mid­dle of this sur­re­al land­scape. No ques­tion, not every­one has hol­i­day pho­tos like this!

The fol­low­ing days were also very spe­cial. Exclu­sive lodges, a din­ner in the desert, region­al live music and even a cata­ma­ran trip were all on the pro­gramme. It goes with­out say­ing that we were spoilt with excel­lent culi­nary delights.

Why fly to the moon when you can travel to an entire lunar landscape?

What final­ly took our breath away was a suc­cess­ful sur­prise on the trav­el pro­gramme: the sun­down­er in the Moon­land­scape. This seem­ing­ly end­less, mys­ti­cal lunar land­scape appears in the mid­dle of Africa. Rugged hills form a land­scape as if from anoth­er plan­et. You’ve seen it as a back­drop in many films, but to be there live and toast with oth­er mag­net fans at sun­set — pure goosebumps! 

The beau­ty of this south­ern part of Africa has long since mes­merised us. Being able to observe zebras, ele­phants and big cats in their nat­ur­al habi­tat for the first time, the hos­pi­tal­i­ty of the peo­ple of Namib­ia, a for­eign cul­ture and the friend­ly ENERGETIX com­mu­ni­ty made this great adven­ture of a round trip unfor­get­table. A great incen­tive for every­one to qual­i­fy for the next big dream trip. We can hard­ly wait!

You can find more pic­tures of this unique trip on our Flickr chan­nel.

Our STARS in the Netherlands

It was that time again: a group of suc­cess­ful busi­ness part­ners from STARCLUB spent a three-day break in the north. The des­ti­na­tion of the bril­liant ENERGETIX group was the Dutch province of Fries­land. The nature here is absolute­ly unique: water, wind, mudflats!

All in the same boat.

As soon as they arrived in Heeg, sev­er­al sloops took teams out onto the water for a chal­leng­ing team ral­ly with iPad, geoach­ing, quizzes and tasks. From the boat, every­one was amazed at how dif­fer­ent and nat­ur­al every­thing still is here. For­tu­nate­ly, no one got sea­sick, so every­one could look for­ward to a deli­cious BBQ in the evening. The first evening was very relaxed and, as always, very cor­dial. Get­ting to know each oth­er, hav­ing good con­ver­sa­tions, pes­ter­ing the ENERGETIX team with ques­tions or sim­ply toast­ing together.

Day 2: Pure action!

After break­fast togeth­er in the hotel, the excite­ment slow­ly rose and the atmos­phere of com­pe­ti­tion was in the sea air. This time, how­ev­er, it was not about busi­ness, but dif­fer­ent teams com­pet­ed against each oth­er in a sail­ing regat­ta on an orig­i­nal Olympic course. The almost two hours flew by and at the sub­se­quent lunch there was a lot of laugh­ter and the one or oth­er hair­do dishev­elled by the wind was straightened ;-). 

The rest of the day was also spent as a team and every­one got even clos­er togeth­er. Moti­vat­ing each oth­er, enjoy­ing life and always get­ting excit­ed about ENERGETIX and the pow­er of mag­nets. This brings the ENERGETIX peo­ple clos­er togeth­er and cer­tain­ly sets us apart from many oth­er sales concepts.

Anoth­er high­light of the day was cer­tain­ly the impres­sive herds of hors­es of the huge, black Friesians. Their pow­er­ful gal­lop cap­ti­vat­ed us and will remain in our mem­o­ries for a long time.

A won­der­ful evening fol­lowed with good food, drinks and of course our oblig­a­tory STARCLUB party! 

Sightseeing and shopping in Sneek.

We spent the third day relax­ing and enjoy­ing the pret­ty town of Sneek. Our hearts were a lit­tle heavy when we had our last lunch togeth­er before we left. But was it the last meal we had togeth­er? Hard­ly. As always, our busi­ness part­ners grew togeth­er in the short time and new friend­ships were made.

Let us sur­prise you where the next STARCLUB jour­ney will take you. 

Klick here for more photos. 

One team in Bangkok.

Our group of 29 busi­ness part­ners from Ger­many and Switzer­land, has returned from an unfor­get­table incen­tive trip to Thai­land. All par­tic­i­pants are still enthu­si­as­tic and deeply moved by this very spe­cial time. 

Tuk tuks, tai chi and street food.

From 18 — 24 May, the colour­ful ENERGETIX „troop“ immersed them­selves in the cul­ture and diver­si­ty of Thai­land. An excit­ing and at the same time pro­found pro­gramme with unbe­liev­able high­lights await­ed them, where the con­trast­ing expe­ri­ences thrilled every­one and touched the soul. 

Whether brunch on the beach, adven­tures on a cata­ma­ran, a vis­it to a tem­ple, or a street tour with a tuk tuk: lux­u­ri­ous expe­ri­ences alter­nat­ed with authen­tic insights into Thai life. 

Emotional moments at the orphanage.

All of us at ENERGETIX are involved with our hearts. For us and our group, it was there­fore out of the ques­tion to com­bine this great adven­ture trip with social com­mit­ment. Pay­ing atten­tion to oth­ers, meet­ing every­one at eye lev­el and doing some­thing for oth­ers. Because it is human­i­ty that defines us at ENERGETIX

As a result, the vis­it to the largest orphan­age in Thai­land was a high­light of the pro­gramme. At a joint lunch with 1,500 chil­dren (!), every­one was vis­i­bly moved — and also lent a hand. Food was served, win­dows were cleaned, there was laugh­ter, tears of emo­tion, smiles and, of course, gifts. 

Here, the chil­dren are giv­en prospects for the future through school edu­ca­tion. We had ENERGETIX prod­ucts in our lug­gage, which are intend­ed as moti­va­tion­al gifts to encour­age dili­gent learn­ing, as well as writ­ing mate­ri­als and toys. 

Doing good together. And celebrate.

Bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er, net­work­ing, cul­ti­vat­ing friend­ships: We suc­ceed­ed in doing that again on this breath­tak­ing trip. Of course, the fun fac­tor should not be neglect­ed either. Great food, good drinks and a ride on the dis­co bus — it was a mega trip full of enjoy­ment, new dis­cov­er­ies and price­less moments for everyone.

At ENERGETIX, we treat out­stand­ing per­for­mance with great appre­ci­a­tion. In addi­tion to income from sales and team build­ing, our busi­ness part­ners receive unique incen­tive trips like this one. They not only ben­e­fit from the exchange with the man­age­ment and each oth­er, but also grow from the expe­ri­ences and adven­tures. ENERGETIX trips are sim­ply some­thing very special. 

Klick here for more photos. 

TEAM time in Porto

As part of the com­pe­ti­tion „It’s TEAM time!“, the 25-mem­ber win­ning team had a fan­tas­tic time in Por­to in the north of Por­tu­gal from 10 to 13 April: it was fun, in a great mood, with lots of their own and local singing. The pro­gramme includ­ed an intro­duc­tion to the cul­ture of the fado, the song that express­es the Por­tuguese soul in a unique way all over the world and was even includ­ed in the UNESCO list of intan­gi­ble world cul­tur­al her­itage in 2011.

Unique like the atmos­phere of this song were also the atmos­pheres that the ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners were able to expe­ri­ence togeth­er with Roland Förster in the city with a rich his­to­ry: an evening cham­pagne recep­tion on the city’s most beau­ti­ful van­tage point, a vis­it to a fam­i­ly-run win­ery, a guid­ed tour through the secrets of Por­to and — as a final, very emo­tion­al high­light — the trib­utes at a per­fect sun­set. Sounds, atmos­pheres, expe­ri­ences that once again dis­tin­guish ENERGETIX as unique and that show: It’s worth it to be part of this team.

Click here for more photos.

Trip to the Basque Country’s treasures

A trip that took place from 5 to 9 Sep­tem­ber to the Basque Coun­try on the north coast of Spain that was fan­tas­tic in every respect was expe­ri­enced by the 18 par­tic­i­pants, who were also joined by Alexan­der Link from ENERGETIX’s man­age­ment and – as a warm­ly wel­comed guest – Dorothé Förster, the founder’s wife.

Bil­bao kicked off a whole sequence of trav­el high­lights. The city is con­sid­ered an insid­er tip and has devel­oped into a true cul­tur­al hotspot with count­less sights. Among oth­er things, the group expe­ri­enced the Azku­na Zen­troa Cul­tur­al Cen­tre, a for­mer gra­nary with unique Art Nou­veau ele­ments and the – prob­a­bly unique – swim­ming pool with glass bottom. 

Any fan of wine will be famil­iar with the name of Rio­ja. ENERGETIX’s trav­el group got to learn about ‘ver­ti­cal’ wine-mak­ing – a par­tic­u­lar­ly gen­tle and glob­al­ly unique pro­duc­tion method that pre­serves the grapes’ orig­i­nal flavour – at the Baig­or­ri vine­yard that is locat­ed in this region that is famed through­out the world for the wines that are grown there. There was, of course, also some tast­ing of the wines – accom­pa­nied by a real­ly fine sequence of dishes!

San Sebas­t­ian will also remain a very fond mem­o­ry. That’s where many Art-Deco details trans­port vis­i­tors to a dif­fer­ent and unique age – some­thing to which the many top restau­rants also make a not incon­sid­er­able con­tri­bu­tion – world city lev­el. But per­haps it’s prefer­able to take a stroll through the pic­turesque cob­bled old town to enjoy some pin­tx­os, i.e. Basque tapas, or to take a dip in the very near­by sea with its dream beach­es? ENERGETIX’s busi­ness part­ners were spoilt for choice. 

And then the Guggen­heim Muse­um! A mar­vel of lime­stone and tita­ni­um. Star archi­tect Frank O. Gehry has designed and real­ized a true tem­ple of cul­ture here. And, as an attrac­tion, it has made Bil­bao famous. Peo­ple talk about the ‘Guggen­heim effect’, which our group was priv­i­leged to expe­ri­ence: Frank O. Gehry’s work has giv­en Bil­bao a new face.

And the atmos­phere dur­ing the trip? Well, this is what one of the par­tic­i­pants had to say: “I laughed more on this trip than dur­ing the whole of the last few months!” There were also some very inten­sive exchanges between the par­tic­i­pants, par­tic­u­lar­ly about their expe­ri­ences with online com­mu­ni­ca­tions. Every­one learned from every­one, with IT Man­ag­er Alexan­der Link being par­tic­u­lar­ly sought-after as the per­son to talk to.

What remains is the mem­o­ry of a fan­tas­tic trip, an inten­sive group expe­ri­ence, effec­tive exchange of expe­ri­ences, per­son­al­i­ty build­ing through immer­sion in a neigh­bour­ing and rich cul­ture and thus the incen­tive for every­one of ENERGETIX’s busi­ness part­ners to give their all and qual­i­fy at the next com­pe­ti­tion. After all, the trip is just the ‘icing on the cake’, the ‘cher­ry’, so to speak; the short-term gain is in high­er sales, the long-term gain is in sus­tain­able income from a larg­er team.

Find more pho­tos on Flickr.

STARCLUB enjoys the sun in Zandvoort

The weath­er couldn’t have been bet­ter and the atmos­phere dur­ing the whole event was sim­ply great. ENERGETIX invit­ed its best to the STARCLUB meet­ing that took place from 28 and 30 June in Zand­voort, the Nether­lands, dur­ing which the city and its sur­round­ings pre­sent­ed them­selves from their best sides. The 51 atten­dees were also sim­ply thrilled and delight­ed to final­ly be able to enjoy each other’s friend­ly com­pa­ny, includ­ing that of Roland Förster, Alexan­der Link and Jes­si­ca Schlick, in person. 

The event includ­ed unusu­al activ­i­ties to help the par­tic­i­pants exchange expe­ri­ences and to deep­en per­son­al and friend­ly bonds. One of these activ­i­ties saw par­tic­i­pants tak­ing charge of boats with eight pas­sen­gers on board to tour the canals of neigh­bour­ing Haar­lem. Sim­ply the per­fect activ­i­ty for lit­tle adven­tures. Every­thing turned out well, of course, so every­one was able to ful­ly enjoy the evening bar­be­cue buf­fet at a beach club that was locat­ed right at the beach. Chill­ing out togeth­er while watch­ing the sun­set – sim­ply lovely. 

The sec­ond day revolved around a few sports activ­i­ties: the STARS were able to expe­ri­ence the Zand­voort Nature Park on e‑bikes and enjoy a rein­vig­o­rat­ing pic­nic in the shade by a lake after which they were refreshed and ready for the next adven­ture: beach sail­ing on blokarts. The ris­ing wind ensured that the sandy beach soon became a gen­uine rac­ing track. The STARS real­ly enjoyed them­selves. A menu with sev­er­al cours­es and a glass of good wine in an award-win­ning restau­rant await­ed the mem­bers of the STARCLUB who then end­ed the evening with a great par­ty atmosphere.

The fol­low­ing day was ded­i­cat­ed to a guid­ed tour of the city that also took the par­tic­i­pants to some of Haarlem’s less­er-known places and loca­tions. The day end­ed with a meal in a rus­tic restau­rant that con­sti­tut­ed the per­fect con­clu­sion to an expe­ri­ence that was high­ly moti­vat­ing for all those who took part as well as for all oth­er busi­ness part­ners: the effort required to join the STARCLUB is worth­while – for busi­ness and there­fore for income because the abil­i­ty to dis­cuss expe­ri­ences with both the best and the man­age­ment is worth its weight in gold as are the oppor­tu­ni­ties to devel­op per­son­al­ly through social and friend­ly get-togeth­ers – par­tic­u­lar­ly in these dif­fi­cult times. 

Click here for more photos.

Right up to speed: THE COLLECTION PREMIERE 2022

New collection, new catalogue with a new concept

On 18 June and in a great atmos­phere, ENERGETIX launched into its new 2022 / 2023 sea­son with an all-round inspir­ing Col­lec­tion Pre­miere. This year’s online event was streamed from Joey Kelly’s farm. Roland Förster wel­comed sev­er­al guests as well as many busi­ness part­ners and cus­tomers who were present at the venue with an opti­mistic and pos­i­tive look into the future. 

But there actu­al­ly wasn’t just one Col­lec­tion Pre­miere – there were more than 30 – because many busi­ness part­ners had tak­en up the idea of indi­vid­u­al­ly orga­niz­ing their own per­son­al pub­lic screen­ings of the event. 

As the live links to these indi­vid­ual events repeat­ed­ly demon­strat­ed: the atmos­phere there was just as fan­tas­tic – and char­ac­ter­ized by just as much enthu­si­asm about the new prod­ucts, which the busi­ness part­ners and cus­tomers there were able to expe­ri­ence direct­ly in the orga­niz­ers’ gar­dens and on their premis­es at the same time they were being pre­sent­ed on the Kel­ly farm.

This year’s cat­a­logue fea­tures sev­er­al inno­va­tions, as intro­duced by Alexan­der Link. It show­cas­es jew­ellery and well­ness arti­cles that will sim­ply make peo­ple want more. QR codes will then direct the prospec­tive cus­tomers to ENERGETIX’s online world as well as to more infor­ma­tion and reports about styling, well­ness and so on – areas where cus­tomer inter­est is already tan­gi­ble. It’s set­ting a new dynam­ic in motion that will take advan­tage of the new chan­nels of com­mu­ni­ca­tion while adapt­ing to cus­tomers’ chang­ing pur­chas­ing behaviour.

Andrea Hön­ne­mann explained how the new com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools may be suc­cess­ful­ly employed to book par­ties and build teams. In dis­cus­sions with busi­ness part­ners who shared their recent suc­cess­es and with new­com­ers who were from the start able to suc­cess­ful­ly take advan­tage of the new com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools, the sales expert pre­sent­ed the new way of com­mu­ni­cat­ing with cus­tomers and prospects in a clear and com­pre­hen­si­ble fashion.

They count among the best in the com­pa­ny in sales, team-build­ing and over­all per­for­mance. That’s why they deserve very spe­cial recog­ni­tion: the mem­bers of the STARCLUB and the ONE YEAR STARCLUB. Jes­si­ca Schlick praised the out­stand­ing achieve­ments of the STARS, who are role mod­els for ENERGETIX’s entire family. 

ENERGETIX was again this year able to present a check for € 50,000.00 to Hugo and Lies­je Tem­pel­man and so con­tin­ue its sup­port for the Dutch couple’s extra­or­di­nary work in South Africa. The dona­tion came from the sale of ENERGETIX’s best-sell­er – Mag­net­Heart – and a top-up by sole share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster. The funds will help run a cen­tre for the dis­abled and, as Hugo Tem­pel­man said in a very emo­tion­al speech, is a par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant help in the country.

‘An Angel’ was the song per­formed togeth­er by Kathy and Joey Kel­ly and pre­sen­ter Men­na Muluge­ta and it also went straight to the heart. Men­na lived up to her fans’ expec­ta­tions through­out the entire event and was once again the per­fect host.

A very spe­cial thank-you goes to ENERGETIX’s brand ambas­sador Joey Kel­ly, who gen­er­ous­ly put his family’s farm at our dis­pos­al for the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere – a per­fect loca­tion, also for the con­clud­ing fan­tas­tic and almost roman­tic time spent around the camp fire, which guests enjoyed very much.

The mag­nif­i­cent atmos­phere at the Kel­ly farm and the great enthu­si­asm at the many indi­vid­ual events around the coun­try sent a clear sig­nal: ENERGETIX is ready for the future and is launch­ing into the new sea­son with lots of pos­i­tive energy.

You’ll find more impres­sions of the event here.

We’ve pro­duced a short video of the event’s high­lights for you. Enjoy watching! 

Montenegro at its best

The train­ing trip to Mon­tene­gro, which took place from 18 to 21 May, was char­ac­ter­ized by a fan­tas­tic atmos­phere. A total of 24 trav­ellers were just hap­py to final­ly be able to enjoy an ENERGETIX trip, which qual­i­fi­ca­tion in the ‘BAMBE A MENTOR!’ com­pe­ti­tion had made pos­si­ble, again after the long interruption.

The men­tors enjoyed excel­lent weath­er as they became acquaint­ed with a coun­try in the Balka­ns that, with its Mediter­ranean flair and charm, delight­ed even those already real­ly famil­iar with Adri­at­ic and Mediter­ranean. They also enjoyed the beau­ti­ful green out­doors with spec­tac­u­lar adven­ture worlds and cli­mate zones that range across the entire band­width to be expe­ri­enced in Europe – from Mediter­ranean to con­ti­nen­tal to alpine.

The pro­gramme was accord­ing­ly var­ied: hik­ing through the moun­tain land­scape at the Lov­cen Nation­al Park with its vil­lages steeped in his­to­ry, trav­el­ling by boat to the fjords in the Bay of Boka and vis­it­ing the Kon­avle Val­ley close to the bor­der where the three coun­tries of Mon­tene­gro, Bosnia, and Herze­gov­ina meet – an area famous for its culi­nary spe­cial­i­ties and excel­lent wines.

The expe­ri­ence was one thing – the oth­er was the long-missed oppor­tu­ni­ty to enjoy swap­ping notes in per­son with each oth­er and with Man­ag­ing Direc­tor Alexan­der Link. All the men­tors had qual­i­fied on the basis of their spe­cial achieve­ments and were able to share their expe­ri­ences with high­ly inter­est­ed lis­ten­ers. The train­ing trip was nat­u­ral­ly also the ide­al oppor­tu­ni­ty to prop­er­ly hon­our and per­son­al­ly rec­og­nize the par­tic­i­pants’ spe­cial achievements.

An expand­ed team, top-class exchanges and a unique trav­el expe­ri­ence: BAM was worth­while and again showed all busi­ness part­ners what’s pos­si­ble with ENERGETIX.

Click here for more photos. 

NEW STARS event in Bingen – strong signal for all business partners

They’re on the best way towards a suc­cess­ful liveli­hood with mag­net­ic jew­ellery and well­ness prod­ucts: ENERGETIX’s NEW STARS. Fifty-five guests from Ger­many, France and Switzer­land attend­ed the NEW STARS event in Bin­gen on 28 and 29 April 2022.

The get-togeth­er was con­ceived as part of ENERGETIX’s com­pre­hen­sive moti­va­tion­al pro­gramme and was the first of its kind. Part­ners who are active in team-build­ing and are bring­ing new busi­ness part­ners into the fold were invit­ed to Bin­gen to expe­ri­ence direct­ly what, among oth­er things, the com­pa­ny is all about:

Man­age­ment up close

Roland Förster and Jes­si­ca Schlick wel­comed their guests at the NH Hotel on the banks of the Rhine. The two talked about how opti­misti­cal­ly they saw the future for those attend­ing. And they’re plan­ning to wel­come twice the num­ber of guests at the next NEW STARS get-together.

Effi­cient train­ing with moti­va­tion­al boost

The train­ing ses­sion with sales spe­cial­ist Andrea Hön­ne­mann, who out­lined her strat­e­gy for ‘grow­ing suc­cess­ful­ly with ENERGETIX’, was a step towards achiev­ing that goal. The day was more focused on team-build­ing because the prod­ucts vir­tu­al­ly sell themselves.

Strength­en­ing the per­son­al­i­ty and rein­forc­ing the team as well as very con­crete tips for win­ning busi­ness part­ners that could be put into prac­tice right away – these were the top­ics that were explored from a vari­ety of per­spec­tives, where­by the expe­ri­ences that the NEW STARS had already gained were made an impor­tant point in the dialogue. 

The par­tic­i­pants were able to get to know each oth­er and ben­e­fit from the mutu­al exchange.

Celebri­ty con­tact with Joey Kel­ly – up close and ‘with­out bounds’

As always, full of ener­gy, like­able and inspir­ing! That’s how ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners love THEIR Joey, who vis­i­bly felt at home in the com­pa­ny of the NEW STARS. It’s pos­si­ble to apply the prin­ci­ples of his ‘no lim­its’ approach, which allows him to keep on achiev­ing new goals as an extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty, to the busi­ness of ENERGETIX and is always invalu­able to partners. 

A spir­it that unites all

On their tour of the depart­ments at the company’s build­ing, the NEW STARS were also able to see a com­pa­ny that’s per­fect­ly set up to sup­port them. But, more impor­tant­ly, although most of the employ­ees are still cur­rent­ly work­ing from home, the vis­i­tors were able to meet some of the enthu­si­as­tic staff, who are ded­i­cat­ed to help­ing THEIR busi­ness part­ners and who show every day that every­one can always be approached and that they’re also there for every­one else. 

Opti­mism, moti­va­tion and a great atmos­phere char­ac­ter­ized the mood at this first NEW STARS event, which reached its social cli­max on Thurs­day evening with a sparkling-wine recep­tion, ster­ling food, awards and a great par­ty – a clear sig­nal that net­work mar­ket­ing is well on the road to recovery.

ENERGETIX is already look­ing for­ward to the next NEW STARS

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