One team in Bangkok.

Our group of 29 busi­ness part­ners from Ger­many and Switzer­land, has returned from an unfor­get­table incen­tive trip to Thai­land. All par­tic­i­pants are still enthu­si­as­tic and deeply moved by this very spe­cial time. 

Tuk tuks, tai chi and street food.

From 18 — 24 May, the colour­ful ENERGETIX „troop“ immersed them­selves in the cul­ture and diver­si­ty of Thai­land. An excit­ing and at the same time pro­found pro­gramme with unbe­liev­able high­lights await­ed them, where the con­trast­ing expe­ri­ences thrilled every­one and touched the soul. 

Whether brunch on the beach, adven­tures on a cata­ma­ran, a vis­it to a tem­ple, or a street tour with a tuk tuk: lux­u­ri­ous expe­ri­ences alter­nat­ed with authen­tic insights into Thai life. 

Emotional moments at the orphanage.

All of us at ENERGETIX are involved with our hearts. For us and our group, it was there­fore out of the ques­tion to com­bine this great adven­ture trip with social com­mit­ment. Pay­ing atten­tion to oth­ers, meet­ing every­one at eye lev­el and doing some­thing for oth­ers. Because it is human­i­ty that defines us at ENERGETIX

As a result, the vis­it to the largest orphan­age in Thai­land was a high­light of the pro­gramme. At a joint lunch with 1,500 chil­dren (!), every­one was vis­i­bly moved — and also lent a hand. Food was served, win­dows were cleaned, there was laugh­ter, tears of emo­tion, smiles and, of course, gifts. 

Here, the chil­dren are giv­en prospects for the future through school edu­ca­tion. We had ENERGETIX prod­ucts in our lug­gage, which are intend­ed as moti­va­tion­al gifts to encour­age dili­gent learn­ing, as well as writ­ing mate­ri­als and toys. 

Doing good together. And celebrate.

Bring­ing peo­ple togeth­er, net­work­ing, cul­ti­vat­ing friend­ships: We suc­ceed­ed in doing that again on this breath­tak­ing trip. Of course, the fun fac­tor should not be neglect­ed either. Great food, good drinks and a ride on the dis­co bus — it was a mega trip full of enjoy­ment, new dis­cov­er­ies and price­less moments for everyone.

At ENERGETIX, we treat out­stand­ing per­for­mance with great appre­ci­a­tion. In addi­tion to income from sales and team build­ing, our busi­ness part­ners receive unique incen­tive trips like this one. They not only ben­e­fit from the exchange with the man­age­ment and each oth­er, but also grow from the expe­ri­ences and adven­tures. ENERGETIX trips are sim­ply some­thing very special. 

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