ENERGETIX celebrities gain media attention: the exclusive ENERGETIX photo shoot with Ronan Keating and Franziska Knuppe

The fact that pop star Ronan Keat­ing and mod­el Franziska Knuppe go very well togeth­er – and not just visu­al­ly, either – was rec­og­nized even by the Berlin-based Bild-Zeitung (Ger­many’s most pop­u­lar tabloid) in its 13 June edi­tion. The paper fea­tured an arti­cle on the ENERGETIX pho­to shoot (for the eager­ly await­ed 2013–2014 ENERGETIX cat­a­logue) with inter­na­tion­al stars.


ENERGETIX Franziska Knuppe and Ronan Keat­ing clear­ly had a lot of fun dur­ing the ENERGETIX shoot and ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors can look for­ward to the pho­tos and the new jew­ellery col­lec­tion with great antic­i­pa­tion. The cre­ative devel­op­ment process is in top gear: the cat­a­logue and jew­ellery will be pre­miered on 31 August at the Cat­a­logue Launch in Berlin.