TEAM time in Porto

As part of the com­pe­ti­tion „It’s TEAM time!“, the 25-mem­ber win­ning team had a fan­tas­tic time in Por­to in the north of Por­tu­gal from 10 to 13 April: it was fun, in a great mood, with lots of their own and local singing. The pro­gramme includ­ed an intro­duc­tion to the cul­ture of the fado, the song that express­es the Por­tuguese soul in a unique way all over the world and was even includ­ed in the UNESCO list of intan­gi­ble world cul­tur­al her­itage in 2011.

Unique like the atmos­phere of this song were also the atmos­pheres that the ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners were able to expe­ri­ence togeth­er with Roland Förster in the city with a rich his­to­ry: an evening cham­pagne recep­tion on the city’s most beau­ti­ful van­tage point, a vis­it to a fam­i­ly-run win­ery, a guid­ed tour through the secrets of Por­to and — as a final, very emo­tion­al high­light — the trib­utes at a per­fect sun­set. Sounds, atmos­pheres, expe­ri­ences that once again dis­tin­guish ENERGETIX as unique and that show: It’s worth it to be part of this team.

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