Top earnings from jewellery presentations: interview with Karin Becker

Jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tions are just „a whole lot of fun“ for ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors Karin and Klaus Beck­er. Along with fairs and mar­kets, says Karin, home par­ties are an ide­al tool „if you want to make mon­ey quick­ly“. Because the suc­cess­es are cal­cu­la­ble. In con­crete terms, the suc­cess­ful cou­ple tells its new recruits how many par­ties a dis­trib­u­tor needs to run to earn a par­tic­u­lar amount of money.

Samsung 04.05.2013 135 Kopie

Moti­vat­ing slogan
When Karin joined ENERGETIX Bin­gen (just under 10 years ago), she already had expe­ri­ence in direct sell­ing. Her hus­band Klaus has been work­ing in the field for four years. They use a dif­fer­ent slo­gan every year and this year it is „Because sim­ple is sim­ply sim­ple“. It designed to echo their recipe for suc­cess, their absolute dic­tum „Get back to sim­plic­i­ty“ – which they nev­er tire of pass­ing on to their con­stant­ly grow­ing down­line. Dis­trib­u­tors don’t have to invent any­thing new. „Just be more avail­able for peo­ple and you will get bookings.“

Becker_KK_low (2)

Der Spaß darf nicht zu kurz kom­men „Geht raus, habt Spaß und vergesst natür­lich auch das Buchen nicht“, so bringt Karin Beck­er ihren Tipp an Ver­trieb­spart­ner ganz prag­ma­tisch auf den Punkt. „Es soll Spaß machen, das Geschäft. Wenn man Spaß an der Sache hat, Leute zum Lachen bringt und Leute ein­bindet, dann bekommt man auch Par­tys gebucht.“

Natür­lich sind Karin und Klaus Beck­er auch häu­fig – und eben­falls mit viel Freude – auf Märk­ten anzutr­e­f­fen: „Vier Leute am Stand und Spaß für 20.“ So bekam das Paar schon zu hören: „Ich habe noch nie so einen lusti­gen Stand gese­hen!“ Zudem rät Karin Beck­er, „nicht den Verkauf in den Vorder­grund zu stellen.“ Die unverkrampfte Herange­hensweise an ihre Tätigkeit empfehlen die bei­den nicht nur, sie leben ihr Cre­do selb­st, machen auch gerne mal „was Ver­rück­tes; nicht nur Schema F.“

Hil­fe anbi­eten – Fra­gen sind aus­drück­lich erwünscht
Karin Beck­er hält wenig von fes­ten Konzepten, einge­fahre­nen Abläufen. Sie agiert dynamisch, bietet ihre Hil­fe an, regt zu Fra­gen an: „Neue sollen ein­fach Fra­gen stellen.“


Karin und Klaus Beck­er erhal­ten für Ihre Arbeit viel pos­i­tives Feed­back. „Was war das für ein schön­er Abend“ – solch pos­i­tives Feed­back von Kun­den und Gast­ge­bern sei für sie „das Toll­ste“. Gle­ichzeit­ig ist es dem erfol­gsver­wöh­n­ten Paar auch wichtig, sehr viel ganz ehrlich­es Feed­back zu geben. Denn nur so komme man voran, könne an sich arbeiten.

Vie­len Dank für das per­sön­liche Gespräch, Karin Becker.

Strong cultures: Kenya, day 8, Diani — Nairobi — Abu Dhabi — Frankfurt


„Dear dis­trib­u­tors,

A cheery „Hel­lo“ now we’re home again. We all arrived safe­ly back in Frank­furt this morn­ing – a bit tired but extreme­ly hap­py! So much hap­pened dur­ing our last few hours in Kenya and on the return jour­ney that I real­ly have to break my promise to stop writ­ing blog reports and say: here’s another.


First of all, here are the pho­tos of the last evening in Kenya and the farewell meal. We dined in a restau­rant in a cave, 50 feet below sea lev­el but with a view of the sky. It is cer­tain­ly not called „Ali Babour’s“ for noth­ing, it felt like we were sur­round­ed by gold! (Also see the report of day 7)

Lit­tle anec­dote: some­one has opened a restau­rant called „The 40 Thieves“ not very far away, no doubt in the hope of shar­ing in Ali Baba’s good for­tune – but as far as I could see it was emp­ty. That’s the way it is with com­pe­ti­tion: if you’re bet­ter, you come out on top. So don’t be afraid, just be bet­ter! read more

„Jambo Bwana“

„Jam­bo, Jam­bo Bwana, habari gani? Mzuri sana!
Wageni mwakaribish­wa, Kenya yetu haku­na matata.
Kenya nchi nzuri. Haku­na matata.
Nchi ya kupen­deza. Haku­na matata.
Nchi ya ma’ajabu. Haku­na matata.
Nchi yenye amani. Haku­na matata.“

Strong cultures: Kenya, day 7, Diani


„Dear dis­trib­u­tors,
Today I’d like to tell you about an abort­ed cruise, four-poster beds and tears. This will also (alas!) be the last report from Kenya. All good things come to an end but … 

IMG_8275Got up at six o’clock, trav­elled to the boat by bus, cruised out to sea for 30 min­utes and then the cruise was called off – it was a bit­ter blow. But it was just too windy and rainy – the pho­to Roland took speaks vol­umes. But every­one took it like a champ and returned to the hotel with heads held high. „That’s that done then.“ That’s the Ener­getix team spir­it for you! And it’s typ­i­cal of this trip and of us gen­er­al­ly: every­one helps each oth­er in joy and sad­ness. As a „non-dis­trib­u­tor“ I’ve been delight­ed and moved to watch and remem­ber from the side­lines – and see it hap­pen time and again. Some­one helps some­one else out with mos­qui­to spray, they mas­sage one anoth­er’s sprained ankles and offer med­i­cines for minor aches and pains. And do so as nat­u­ral­ly as the way they are for­ev­er exchang­ing tips and tricks on sell­ing Ener­getix prod­ucts. Read more

Strong cultures: Kenya, day 5, Masai Mara


„Dear dis­trib­u­tors,

I hope you had a great week­end. We did, and what a week­end it was! Have you ever had some­one put a hot water bot­tle in your bed in a hotel? Not very like­ly — and even if you have, cer­tain­ly not in Africa. One was put in my bed at the Masai Mara Lodge, and all the oth­er mem­bers of the trav­el par­ty had the same expe­ri­ence. If I had seen it, I would of course have said „no thank you“. What man needs a hot water bot­tle in his bed – and cer­tain­ly not in sum­mer! But it’s not sum­mer here and I did­n’t see it, either, because the elec­tric­i­ty is turned off at mid­night sharp – which I did­n’t know. So to bed in the dark, looked for how to get in through the mos­qui­to net and end­ed up on a warm, wob­bling rub­ber bottle.

And I must con­fess — after I’d got over the shock and real­ized that a tor­toise had­n’t crept its way in – I found it very pleas­ant because it’s win­ter here, as I’ve already said! The next morn­ing all the dis­trib­u­tors admit­ted that the same thing had hap­pened to them.


Now enjoy some reports from our lucky win­ners and breath­tak­ing pic­tures of ani­mals and peo­ple from this fas­ci­nat­ing coun­try. Con­tin­ue reading

Strong cultures: Kenya, day 4, Masai Mara



„Hel­lo dis­trib­u­tors or — as the Kenyans say — Jumbo!,

I’m report­ing from Masai Mara, the land of the Mas­sai, on the fourth day of the train­ing trip. You must have all dri­ven to a shop­ping mall or paid some­one a vis­it by car: 80 km, it’s no prob­lem, I’ll be there in 45 min­utes if the traf­fic’s good. That’s what we thought too! And the traf­fic was good, very light. But the road cer­tain­ly was­n’t — the last 80 of the 500 km we drove today by jeep were across a wilder­ness. A real wilder­ness! Today all the Ener­getix win­ners got 4 hours of Pow­er Plate in the jeeps. My good­ness, the way some peo­ple dri­ve –our six dri­vers were incredible!


I real­ly want­ed to talk about some­thing else today because three dis­trib­u­tors will be giv­ing you their own per­son­al impres­sions. But I’m too shak­en. So I’ll tell you quick­ly about our flat tyre: we were the last vehi­cle in the con­voy, all on our own in the Kenyan wilder­ness, in sight of ele­phants and oth­er ani­mals that we did­n’t see but which were sure to have seen us. Read more

Joey showcases sportEX – photo shoot with Joey Kelly

Per­son­able extreme ath­lete Joey Kel­ly dynam­i­cal­ly show­cased ENERGETIX sportEX bracelets in an exclu­sive ENERGETIX pho­to shoot in Dort­mund on Tues­day 11 June. Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Thomas Stachel­haus and team and the very well bal­anced star got on extreme­ly well togeth­er. The pho­tos are still under wraps … but we can already reveal that Joey and sportEX make a great com­bi­na­tion. Look for­ward to the results! And maybe the sportEX bracelet will also be avail­able in a new colour this year…

Fotostudio Loft

Strong cultures: Kenya, day 3, Nakuru


„Dear dis­trib­u­tor,

Day 3 of our Kenya train­ing trip is almost over. It sounds almost unbe­liev­able but it was even more event­ful than yes­ter­day! Enjoy the reports of the win­ners, some of them had tears in their eyes today.
I’d just briefly like to explain why we call it a „train­ing“ trip. There is an incred­i­ble amount to see; today there were 6 jeeps with a mot­ley col­lec­tion of dis­trib­u­tors in each and it was refresh­ing to see and hear how intense­ly they exchanged ideas, even though some of them had­n’t known each oth­er before: How do I orga­nize a fair with sev­er­al dis­trib­u­tors? How do you approach peo­ple at fairs? What aspects do you focus on when run­ning train­ing ses­sions? So what’s new in the new cat­a­logue? All of them are expe­ri­enced and suc­cess­ful dis­trib­u­tors but they are always learn­ing from each oth­er, both pro­fes­sion­al­ly and in human terms.

So we call it a train­ing trip! And the ambiance is always excep­tion­al! I hope that next time it will be togeth­er with you!

Greet­ings from the Equator.

Klaus-Peter Thiel“



Nadia Mar­ti­na, Switzerland:
Après 100 km sur des routes bien chargées (per­son­nes sen­si­bles s’abstenir) nous arrivons au parc Nation­al du Lac Naku­ru. Un par­cours mag­nifique nous attend, dans un décor sauvage de rêve. Végé­ta­tion abon­dante par la sai­son des pluies. Arbres majestueux, cer­tains effon­drés, routes affais­sées, etc. … on imag­ine l’intensité des pluies tor­ren­tielles. Mais ensuite un rêve, une éten­due à per­le de vue dans laque­lle on décou­vre à quelques mètres de nous, un nom­bre impres­sion­nant d’animaux sauvages vivant sere­ine­ment dans cette réserve. A midi un sym­pa­thique pique-nique a été organ­isé en dessus du lac avec un point de vue mag­nifique. Nous sommes de retard à l’Hôtel, fatigués, mais avec des images inou­bli­ables dans la tête.“ Con­tin­ue reading