They all had a dream…

… the dream of Africa, the dream of a unique time togeth­er, the dream of expe­ri­enc­ing unfor­get­table mem­o­ries as a com­mu­ni­ty! All these dreams have been more than ful­filled with our absolute ‘dream trip’ with the most suc­cess­ful busi­ness partners!

What a journey!

Over 40 excit­ing peo­ple who achieved a lot with ENERGETIX, wild ani­mals of the steppe, the most incred­i­ble sun­down­ers and great emo­tions — we are back from Namib­ia and are still reminiscing.

Expedition to distant worlds.

We all quick­ly immersed our­selves in the soul of Namib­ia. Many par­tic­i­pants were sim­ply lost for words when we went on a nation­al park tour to the old­est desert in the world, Sos­sus­lvei, with the impres­sive Ses­riem Canyon. The high­light of this excur­sion was the vis­it to Dead­vlei, the gigan­tic, world-famous dune with dead trees over 500 years old. And sud­den­ly we were right in the mid­dle of this sur­re­al land­scape. No ques­tion, not every­one has hol­i­day pho­tos like this!

The fol­low­ing days were also very spe­cial. Exclu­sive lodges, a din­ner in the desert, region­al live music and even a cata­ma­ran trip were all on the pro­gramme. It goes with­out say­ing that we were spoilt with excel­lent culi­nary delights.

Why fly to the moon when you can travel to an entire lunar landscape?

What final­ly took our breath away was a suc­cess­ful sur­prise on the trav­el pro­gramme: the sun­down­er in the Moon­land­scape. This seem­ing­ly end­less, mys­ti­cal lunar land­scape appears in the mid­dle of Africa. Rugged hills form a land­scape as if from anoth­er plan­et. You’ve seen it as a back­drop in many films, but to be there live and toast with oth­er mag­net fans at sun­set — pure goosebumps! 

The beau­ty of this south­ern part of Africa has long since mes­merised us. Being able to observe zebras, ele­phants and big cats in their nat­ur­al habi­tat for the first time, the hos­pi­tal­i­ty of the peo­ple of Namib­ia, a for­eign cul­ture and the friend­ly ENERGETIX com­mu­ni­ty made this great adven­ture of a round trip unfor­get­table. A great incen­tive for every­one to qual­i­fy for the next big dream trip. We can hard­ly wait!

You can find more pic­tures of this unique trip on our Flickr chan­nel.