The ENERGETIX Gala from a fashion point of view – no place for the badly dressed?

Besides the long-await­ed pre­sen­ta­tion of the new jew­ellery col­lec­tion, the Launch’s absolute high­light will be the fes­tive gala in the evening! Who’ll be attend­ing? What culi­nary delights will be served? 

© Julia —

And not least: will the dress­es be long or short? Clas­si­cal black or more colour­ful? Per­haps even­ly wild­ly pat­terned? What will the ladies be wear­ing for for­mal wear this late sum­mer; what colours and cuts are fash­ion­able at the moment? While thanks to gen­der (fash­ion) equal­i­ty, what the gen­tle­men will be wear­ing will be just as inter­est­ing to see. And not least: what ENERGETIX jew­ellery will you be com­bin­ing with your outfit?

Welchen ENERGETIX Schmuck kom­binieren Sie mit Ihrem Outfit?

So if you’ve got a tick­et for the gala but haven’t yet decid­ed what to wear: don’t waste any more time, rum­mage through your wardrobe or hur­ry to the ladies‘ or gen­tle­men’s out­fit­ter of your choice! 

Be it con­spic­u­ous haute cou­ture or that restrained lit­tle black one, the sporty-casu­al sum­mer dress or that wild leop­ard look: the team at ENERGETIX Bin­gen is look­ing for­ward to see­ing you there … irre­spec­tive of how you’re dressed on the night!

Because the impor­tant thing is that every­body feels at home in what they’ve got on! For that’s what will make it a mag­nif­i­cent evening!

© jor­gopho­tog­ra­phy — / © lynea — /
© Axel Lauer — / © Eri­ca Guilane-Nachez — /

The countdown has commenced: Just a few days to the Launch

The wait­ing will soon be over… at long last: the Rhein­gold­halle in Mainz is open­ing its doors for the ENERGETIX Bin­gen Cat­a­logue Launch 2012!

Raise the cur­tains! Sat­ur­day, 1 Sep­tem­ber, will be packed full of excit­ing things to do: in addi­tion to the train­ing events in the morn­ing and after­noon, the sched­ule will also include the dis­trib­u­tor awards, the pre­sen­ta­tion of the hot-off-the-press cat­a­logue and the new jew­ellery col­lec­tion as well as the grand evening gala. 

Top secret: the cat­a­logue 2012/2013

And the ques­tion of ques­tions: what will the new jew­ellery col­lec­tion be like? What high­lights from the design­er forge will ENERGETIX be pre­sent­ing to sur­prise its distributors?

But we won’t be reveal­ing any­thing here yet! No can do – after all, we want to keep up the suspense.

For all those who haven’t yet had the plea­sure of enjoy­ing a Cat­a­logue Launch and per­haps have even nev­er been to the state cap­i­tal of Rhineland-Palati­nate: both are some­thing to real­ly look for­ward to because it’s going to be a gen­uine­ly great event – one that all those attend­ing will remem­ber for a long time. So let us look for­ward to the excit­ed­ly await­ed jew­ellery col­lec­tion, a first-class cat­a­logue and culi­nary delights, music and dance!

Working flat out: Everybody’s giving 200% and more

Just a few days and nights to go before THE event of the year, the high­light of the ENERGETIX year: the Cat­a­logue Launch 2012 at the Rhein­gold­halle in Mainz.

It looks like a lot of work: jew­ellery design­er Janine Eisen­hauer is cur­rent­ly using these scripts to pre­pare her Launch presentation.

Expec­ta­tions are high – after all, ENERGETIX has gone from strength to strength from year to year. And so there are still some things to do: all depart­ments with­out excep­tion are work­ing flat out to make the Launch an absolute high­light. To enable you to enjoy an excit­ing day of train­ing and an unfor­get­table gala evening.

These blue box­es con­tain the still secret
new jew­ellery for the 2012/2013 season.

We hope that you – just like the entire team at ENERGETIX Bin­gen – are real­ly look­ing for­ward to the Launch and can hard­ly wait. 

The ENERGETIX team is already count­ing the days. And when the count­down – „three days / two days / one day“ – draws to its end, the excite­ment in the team will cer­tain­ly almost be tangible!

Join us in look­ing for­ward to meet­ing new peo­ple and see­ing old friends again!

The ENERGETIX team is ready, are you?



FROGBLOG: A blog is born

Sum­mer 2012, Bin­gen: ENERGETIX embarks on a new path and launch­es its own busi­ness blog, the


With the arrival of the FROGBLOG, ENERGETIX Bin­gen is ready for the start of inter­est­ing social media activities!

The FROGBLOG is designed to bring you com­pa­ny news and essen­tial back­ground infor­ma­tion, show you note­wor­thy pho­tos, keep you up to date on the most impor­tant events in and around the world of ENERGETIX … and, last but not least, let you in on the in-house, more pri­vate side of ENERGETIX Bin­gen. With short or some­times longer posts – all from a new angle.

Take a look reg­u­lar­ly: it’ll be worth it!


Do you still remember the hosts of earlier launches?

A charis­mat­ic male host and a charm­ing female host are essen­tial for a suc­cess­ful gala evening. So ENERGETIX selects its launch hosts very carefully.

The host this year will again be Ingo Nomm­sen — for the third time. His friend­ly and self-assured man­ner has proved very pop­u­lar and we are delight­ed that he will take us through the gala evening once again in 2012.

The smil­ing jour­nal­ist, radio edi­tor and TV pre­sen­ter is already known to many from ZDF tele­vi­sion’s morn­ing infor­ma­tion and enter­tain­ment mag­a­zine Volle Kanne — Ser­vice täglich and its Hal­lo Deutsch­land pro­gramme. Nurem­berg-born Ingo Nomm­sen has also made a name for him­self as an actor and announcer.


Bar­bara Schöneberg­er host­ed
the 2008 launch …

… togeth­er with
Ralf Bauer










ENERGETIX Bin­gen was also able to get high cal­i­bre tele­vi­sion and show busi­ness per­son­al­i­ties to host the gala in pre­vi­ous years. It is good to look back on ear­li­er launch­es. In 2008 the event was host­ed by Bar­bara Schöneberg­er, togeth­er with actor and yogi Ralf Bauer, who teach­es Tibetan yoga.

The quick-wit­ted Berlin res­i­dent delight­ed the 1000-odd dis­trib­u­tors in Mainz’s Rhein­gold­halle with her wit and her uncon­ven­tion­al man­ner. Ralf Bauer had two roles: as well as charm­ing the audi­ence with his cool and non­cha­lant style of host­ing he mod­elled the men’s jewellery.

Look for­ward to the high­lights and sur­pris­es that this year’s launch holds in store.

Togeth­er with the ENERGETIX staff mem­bers, you can look for­ward to a cat­a­logue launch that com­bines the unveil­ing of the brand new cat­a­logue with a pro­gramme of enter­tain­ment that promis­es to be great … 1 Sep­tem­ber is the date it will all happen!


Ivy Quainoo: the Voice of the 2012 Catalogue Launch

Ivy Quain­oo, Michael Zargarine­jad,
Uni­ver­sal Music

What would a great event be with­out a musi­cal high­light? You are right: the pro­gramme would be miss­ing a key ele­ment. So we are absolute­ly delight­ed that we have been able to get Ivy Quain­oo for this year’s ENERGETIX Cat­a­logue Launch on 1 September.

Fly­ing career start

This 19-year-old Berlin-born singer with a pow­er­ful emo­tion­al tim­bre was the con­vinc­ing win­ner of the first sea­son of the real­i­ty tal­ent show The Voice of Ger­many in Feb­ru­ary. In the grand final, the girl with the vel­vet voice (who had been coached by The BossHoss Band) sang three songs… and com­plete­ly enthralled the judges, the audi­ence and the tele­vi­sion viewers.

Since then Ivy Quain­oo has been much in demand with all the media. She recent­ly went on a Ger­many tour and has appeared at The Dome and the Blue­tone Fes­ti­val as well as in the Har­ald Schmidt Show and on the TV pro­grammes Germany’s next Top­mod­el and Ver­ste­hen Sie Spaß.

Ivy had orig­i­nal­ly intend­ed to study singing when she left high school. A nat­ur­al singer, she is already at the start of an impres­sive career. We wish her con­tin­ued great success.

Please wel­come Ivy Quainoo

Ivy will round off ENER­GETIX’s long await­ed annu­al event with her unmis­tak­ably silky, souly voice. Every­one agrees it will be a fan­tas­tic music and dance expe­ri­ence. In addi­tion to her win­ning song Do you like what you see? (which you can hear right away on this YouTube clip), Ivy will enchant the audi­ence with oth­er songs and with her stage presence.

An unfor­get­table gala evening and par­ty await you. Add a bounce to your step as you launch into the next decade!