‘Priceless’: The newcomer event within the framework of the ‘Happy Future’ and ‘TIME for SUCCESS’ competitions

“I’m so pleased to have been there!” “It has expand­ed my aware­ness of our busi­ness in my heart.”  “Exchange among col­leagues who have become friends – PRICELESS!”

The feed­back from the 40 par­tic­i­pants at the new­com­er event that took place in Bin­gen on 21 and 22 June could not have been more pos­i­tive and heart­felt. The new­com­ers had trav­elled from Aus­tria, Switzer­land, Ger­many, France and the Nether­lands to pass on their spe­cial and valu­able expe­ri­ence to the inter­na­tion­al group with great com­mit­ment.Six STARCLUB mem­bers also trav­elled to Bin­gen to be at the event – an invalu­able con­tri­bu­tion to the exchange of expe­ri­ences with the new­com­ers. There’s hard­ly a bet­ter way to learn as a new­com­er than to learn from the best. The event was nat­u­ral­ly once again cen­tred around exchange with the man­age­ment. Roland Förster and Jes­si­ca Schlick attend­ed to their guests in per­son and shared the lat­est infor­ma­tion about the company.

The per­fect atmos­phere was, of course, also expressed in the accom­pa­ny­ing pro­gramme and the social part of the event. The ‘Rund um den Nieder­wald‘ (‘Around the Nieder­wald’) team-expe­ri­ence day on Fri­day had the par­tic­i­pants beam­ing – as had the par­ty the day before. “It’s not about the fan­tas­tic food we enjoyed, the fun dance in the evening and the great day out – every­one who has expe­ri­enced all this will know that it will be hard to beat – it’s actu­al­ly about being able to enjoy these great events and con­tin­u­ing to have qual­i­ty time in the future, too. That’s why we always need more peo­ple to take part. Let’s bring the enthu­si­asm for our busi­ness to the world through build­ing our teams,” said a moti­vat­ed busi­ness part­ner in her spon­ta­neous response on Facebook.

There’s actu­al­ly no more to be said – with the excep­tion of Roland Förster’s ref­er­ence to ‘the next great event’, the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere in Wies­baden on Sep­tem­ber 1 – com­bined with a warm invi­ta­tion that was not only extend­ed to the enthu­si­as­tic newcomers.

More pho­tos are to be found on Flickr.