Anja Kling in action: video on the creation of an artwork for a good cause

The celebri­ty backer of the 20th Advent Cal­en­dar door is com­mit­ted to work­ing with ENERGETIX for a good cause (as FROGBLOG report­ed). The video on the Art Advent Cal­en­dar event with actress Anja Kling and artist Jür­gen Redelius is now ready for view­ing on the ENERGETIX YouTube channel.


The video „The 2013 Art Advent Cal­en­dar’s call for dona­tions“ – with, among oth­ers, Anja Kling and Joey Kel­ly – is also worth a click!

We hope you enjoy your viewing!

Back from her US tour: The interview with Menna Mulugeta (II/II)

Men­na, you found fame in the Ger­man-lan­guage region through „The Voice of Ger­many“. What did you hope to gain from com­pet­ing in the show and were your expec­ta­tions fulfilled?

I just want­ed to get out of the Mainz-Bin­gen area and get some expe­ri­ence. And I suc­ceed­ed in that! The dream of becom­ing rich and famous after a show like that is just that – a dream. But that’s not what it was about. Many ele­ments of show busi­ness, tele­vi­sion inter­views, for exam­ple, are (now) much eas­i­er for me.

Your coach dur­ing the show was Nena. How did
that help you and your music?

It was a chal­lenge being in Nena’s team as we work in entire­ly dif­fer­ent worlds of music. But what I did learn from her was to always be your­self and that you should always try to stick to your guns. 


What hap­pened after „The Voice of Germany“?

I received book­ings from clients and agen­cies all over Ger­many. And, of course, the show made orga­niz­ing the tour much eas­i­er. The task now is to find a pro­mot­er or a man­ag­er who can help me reach even more peo­ple with my music.

Since when have you actu­al­ly known about ENERGETIX?

I sang dur­ing an ENERGETIX event at the Eber­bach Monastery in July 2013. It was a very spe­cial show for me and my pianist, Ger­not Blume, because the atmos­phere was just so won­der­ful. The sound in the church and the spe­cial audi­ence has stayed with us. 

Do you have a favourite piece of jewellery?

That changes a lot. But, at the moment, I love the gold­en cross chain from the „Ori­en­tal Fas­ci­na­tion“ range. It reminds me of the tra­di­tion­al cross­es you often see in Ethiopia.

In your brief state­ment pub­lished on ENER­GETIX’s offi­cial Face­book page, you wrote that you always wore ENERGETIX jew­ellery for luck. Are you a lucky person? 

I’m actu­al­ly real­ly lucky. Many things in my life just come togeth­er at the right time!

And what can your fans look for­ward to in future?

I’m just as curi­ous as my fans to see what doors will be open­ing for me in the future. I would like to broad­en the Ethiopi­an side of my music and find a man­ag­er who can help me per­form on even big­ger stages. 

I’ll be singing at one of ENER­GETIX’s events in Jan­u­ary and I’m hap­py to do more shows for the company!

Thank you, Men­na, for the great inter­view. We’re look­ing for­ward to see­ing more of you and your band and wish you lots of suc­cess in the future!

Back from her US tour: The interview with Menna Mulugeta (Part I/II)

Menna USA Ann Arbor_2

Men­na spon­sered by ENERGETIX

Men­na has returned from the USA and has hard­ly had time to get over the jet lag. But, on the train to Baden-Baden where she’s going to record a jin­gle for the SWR3 radio sta­tion, the pop­u­lar young singer still found time to talk to FROGBLOG.

Men­na Muluge­ta is being spon­sored by ENERGETIX and cre­at­ed a gen­er­al­ly laid-back mood at the get-togeth­er on the Cat­a­logue Launch Sun­day with songs that were full of feel­ing. She then trav­elled to the USA to tour there with her band, which com­pris­es Julie Spencer (per­cus­sion) and Ger­not Blume (harp). The three played gigs in Ann Arbor, Indi­anapo­lis, New York, Wash­ing­ton D.C. and Boston.

Menna USA Washington

Con­cert in Washington

Men­na reveals that it was her first tour of the USA and that the band orga­nized and put the tour togeth­er them­selves. Here, the trio was able to call on Men­na’s fam­i­ly and Julie’s good con­tacts in the USA (Julie was born there). They main­ly per­formed at jazz clubs, which already „came with their own audi­ences“ so to speak. Prob­a­bly a good deci­sion because Men­na is not (yet) as famous in the USA as she is in Ger­many and is still build­ing a fan base.

Menna USA Ann Arbor

Men­na, for every­one who has­n’t been able to enjoy one of your live shows: what kind of reper­toire do you per­form? Did you also show­case your own work in the US?

Our reper­toire is based on my own songs from my CD, „FREE“. I also love soul, blues and even music from Ethiopia. My favourite singers are Bey­on­cé, Whit­ney Hous­ton and Ted­dy Afro. But I always try to be open to new music!

Wally's Café Boston

Wal­ly’s Café Boston

Asked whether any­thing spe­cial stood out on the tour, Men­na thought for a minute and then said: „Boston!“. Because the last of the five shows in the USA was a gig at Wal­ly’s Café (one of the old­est jazz clubs in the USA) and the atmos­phere there was­n’t only great, every­thing else went smooth­ly there as well – which pleased us all.Menna Boston

The pho­tos show that you wore ENERGETIX jew­ellery dur­ing the shows and a ban­ner with your pho­to also asso­ci­at­ed you with ENERGETIX. Was there any reac­tion to ENER­GETIX’s jewellery?

Yes, there was lots of pos­i­tive feed­back. The guests were usu­al­ly very inter­est­ed in the magnets.

To be continued…

In 2013 ENERGETIX participates together with actress Anja Kling in the Art Advent Calendar charity project

ENERGETIX is again tak­ing part this year in this remark­able char­i­ty cam­paign. All pro­ceeds from our par­tic­i­pa­tion will go to the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion and hence to the chil­dren in South Africa.

ESC_7587Last year ENERGETIX teamed up with artist Ilona Arndt and top mod­el Franziska Knuppe (who sub­se­quent­ly posed for ENERGETIX cat­a­logue shots with Ronan Keat­ing). The mem­bers of the team were respon­si­ble for the pic­ture behind the 15th door and it was they who opened it (as FROGBLOG reported).

In the run-up to this year’s cam­paign, actress and celebri­ty backer Anja Kling met artist Jür­gen Redelius in Mannheim, where they cre­at­ed anoth­er pic­ture to be auc­tioned off for a good cause.




Fri­day, 20 Decem­ber is the day the „ENERGETIX door“ of the giant Art Advent Cal­en­dar will be opened! Jür­gen Redelius’s art work „Vita Nuo­va“ will then be dis­played on pres­ti­gious façades in Ham­burg (Görtz Ham­burg), Munich (Hirmer Her­ren­mod­en) and Frank­furt am Main (MyZeil).

For more about the project, vis­it

Good news from ENERGETIX USA: models present ENERGETIX jewellery in Spanish language fashion magazine

ENERGETIX USA_Vanidades 04ENERGETIX is becom­ing more and more pop­u­lar world­wide. The glossy lifestyle and fash­ion mag­a­zine Vanidades (issue 5322) includes sev­er­al pages in which mod­els present ‚in‘ fash­ion trends, cos­met­ics… and also ENERGETIX jewellery.

An oppor­tu­ni­ty for imi­ta­tion pearl bracelet no. 1694 and two rings to cap­ti­vate thou­sands of fash­ion-con­scious female and male readers!


Joey, art and charity: Joey Kelly celebrity backer for the Art Advent Calendar 2013


Niko­lai Makarov

That there are many sides to Joey and that – besides his dar­ing sports under­tak­ings – he also likes to help char­i­ties is again fur­ther demon­strat­ed by his par­tic­i­pa­tion in this year’s „Art Advent Cal­en­dar“ char­i­ty project. This project aims to turn every day in Decem­ber into a spe­cial event in sup­port of the „fit-4-future“ project: with an artist, a backer and a busi­ness for each of the 24 days that lead up to Christ­mas. Joey Kel­ly is the celebri­ty backer for 9 Decem­ber. The artist of the day is the Russ­ian-born and Berlin-based Niko­lai Makarov and the day’s event is being spon­sored by Hochschwarzwald Card.

Joey Kel­ly vis­it­ed Niko­lai Makarov in his stu­dio before­hand. The artist is fas­ci­nat­ed by cock­roach­es and raced them for Joey on a spe­cial­ly built track. The win­ning cock­roach – named Pamir – was imme­di­ate­ly immor­tal­ized in a pic­ture that Joey Kel­ly also had a hand in creating.



The duo’s pic­ture of „Pamir“, the win­ner of the cock­roach race. The artist, Niko­lai Makarov, also wears sportEX

SAJ_8582It goes with­out say­ing that Joey did­n’t have any „reser­va­tions“ and did­n’t mind let­ting an XXL cock­roach run up his arm.

The „win­dow“ on the giant Art Advent Cal­en­dar was opened on 9 Decem­ber; the „Gold­fisch“ work is being dis­played on the façades of Görtz (Ham­burg), Hirmer Her­ren­mod­en (Munich) and MyZeil (Frank­furt am Main) until Christmas.

You can watch the film that was broad­cast on the N24 chan­nel on 9 Decem­ber here.

By the way: after tak­ing part for the first time in 2012, ENERGETIX has also joined in again this year. ENER­GETIX’s „win­dow“ is to be opened on 20 Decem­ber. FROGBLOG will be report­ing who the artist and who the celebri­ty backer are going be!

More infor­ma­tion about the project is avail­able at:

ENERGETIX in Turkey: the road shows

The “local pre­sen­ta­tions” fol­low­ing the kick-off event in Istan­bul on 2 Novem­ber 2013 (FROGBLOG report­ed) are now in full swing: Tol­ga Delik­taş, who heads the busi­ness in Turkey, has trav­elled to a total of eight cities to present the new col­lec­tion and explain ENER­GETIX’s busi­ness mod­el to inter­est­ed par­ties. The trips also con­sti­tut­ed a wel­come oppor­tu­ni­ty to estab­lish new contacts.

The pro­gramme over recent days includ­ed busi­ness pre­sen­ta­tions in Izmir, in the mega city of Istan­bul (where the ENERGETIX branch is based) and in Konya, Antalya and Bur­sa. In spite of dif­fi­cult con­di­tions – many regions in Turkey suf­fered heavy rain­storms and flood­ing – numer­ous inter­est­ed par­ties found their way to the venues to take a look at the jew­ellery and find out all about it.


Tol­ga Delik­taş, who heads the busi­ness in Turkey, pre­sent­ing bracelets in the cur­rent col­lec­tion to the enthu­si­as­tic participants.

Tol­ga Delik­taş report­ed that the recent pre­sen­ta­tions had helped per­suade sev­er­al peo­ple who had pre­vi­ous­ly remained unde­cid­ed to become busi­ness part­ners so that the num­ber of reg­is­tra­tions with ENERGETIX in Turkey had now risen to an amaz­ing 400. Sales have also increased notice­ably. A great suc­cess that augurs well for the future.

We hope he enjoys the upcom­ing meet­ings in Ankara, Turkey’s cap­i­tal city, Gaziantep and Karabük and wish him suc­cess there.

Train-the-trainer: Two-day seminar for beginners in Bingen

The Train-the-train­er Sem­i­nar for prospec­tive ENERGETIX train­ers was held on 19–20 Novem­ber. Twelve par­tic­i­pants from Ger­many, France, Den­mark, Hol­land and Turkey enjoyed the ben­e­fit of pow­er train­ing at the ENERGETIX head­quar­ters. The dis­trib­u­tor-train­er group is becom­ing increas­ing­ly inter­na­tion­al, so the train­ing was simul­ta­ne­ous­ly trans­lat­ed into Eng­lish — the first time this has been done!

Train the Trainer Nov. 2013 Biba

All the mod­ules – which the par­tic­i­pants had pre­pared before­hand — were worked through indi­vid­u­al­ly dur­ing the two-day train­ing marathon. Biba Marseglia, an expe­ri­enced dis­trib­u­tor with many years of prac­ti­cal knowl­edge, cor­rect­ed and sup­ple­ment­ed the infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed. Each par­tic­i­pant dealt with indi­vid­ual parts under the pro­fes­sion­al super­vi­sion of Silke Schol­mann from the KIZ Train­ing Cen­tre. This way all the can­di­date train­ers had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pol­ish up their rhetoric.

As well as the very suc­cess­ful learn­ing, the sem­i­nar also focused on get­ting to know one anoth­er and estab­lish­ing and cul­ti­vat­ing long-term contacts.

In clos­ing round-table dis­cus­sion the prospec­tive train­ers con­firmed that they were ful­ly aware of their respon­si­bil­i­ty as train­ers towards the new ENERGETIX distributors.