ENERGETIX with a job for the future — ‘Helping arguments’ for winning new business partners from a government minister


Andrea Nahles and Roland Förster

Andrea Nahles vis­it­ed ENER­GETIX’s Bin­gen head­quar­ters in Octo­ber last year. The Fed­er­al Ger­man Min­is­ter for Labour was not only delight­ed with the exclu­sive design­er jew­ellery but also with the work­ing con­di­tions that ENER­GETIX’s busi­ness part­ners enjoy.

No won­der that the min­is­ter was not only impressed but also sur­prised when she vis­it­ed. The prin­ci­ples that have gov­erned the suc­cess­ful activ­i­ties of ENER­GETIX’s busi­ness part­ners for years sat­is­fy almost all the require­ments that her min­istry has now set out in its White Paper about Change in the World of Employ­ment, which was pub­lished at the end of November.

And, accord­ing to the White Paper*, the fol­low­ing list sets out just a few of the things that appli­cants will want from the best jobs in the future:

    • Flex­i­ble work­ing hours
    • Home office instead of com­pul­so­ry presence
    • Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty between career and family
    • Appre­ci­a­tion
    • Work-life bal­ance
    • Fur­ther qual­i­fi­ca­tion in com­put­er-based skills
    • Per­son­al fulfilment
    • Hap­pi­ness, sat­is­fac­tion, self-fulfilment
    • Mean­ing and joy
    • Fun at work

This wish list for future jobs reads like an insid­er’s descrip­tion of the con­di­tions that ENER­GETIX’s busi­ness part­ners already enjoy. It’s good for all busi­ness part­ners to know that they’re work­ing in an envi­ron­ment that oth­ers can only dream of, par­tic­u­lar­ly in this group­ing of require­ments. Near­ly all of the tar­gets set out in the min­istry’s White Paper apply to the ENERGETIX job. So the next time you want to per­suade a prospec­tive busi­ness part­ner with pow­er­ful argu­ments, you can do so with the min­istry’s help. We could have hard­ly wished for bet­ter sup­port­ing arguments.

*The Fed­er­al Min­istry of Labour and Social Affairs has pub­lished a White Paper to doc­u­ment a broad­er dis­cus­sion in soci­ety about ‘Work 4.0’ and to explore how soci­ety could struc­ture work in the future.

Together for a good cause: ENERGETIX business partners, Joey Kelly and the RTL television channel’s telethon!

Social respon­si­bil­i­ty and the hunt for world records – how do they go togeth­er? ENERGETIX does not only design and sell high-qual­i­ty design­er jew­ellery with inte­grat­ed mag­nets but also always gives its busi­ness part­ners the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take part in extra­or­di­nary events and to expe­ri­ence very spe­cial and emo­tion­al moments with­in the team.

On 2425 Novem­ber, for instance, a group of ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners were able to take part in the 24-hour bike chal­lenge at the RTL tele­vi­sion chan­nel’s telethon and then break a world record: Joey Kel­ly, extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty and enthu­si­as­tic sportEX fan, joined the ENERGETIX team and 25 oth­er com­pa­ny teams to cycle for 24 hours on spin­ning bikes to gen­er­ate elec­tric­i­ty that was then sold with the pro­ceeds going to a good cause … the ‘RTL – Wir helfen Kindern’ foun­da­tion. They were even able to break the world record for the ‘largest amount of elec­tric­i­ty gen­er­at­ed by mus­cle pow­er on sta­tion­ary bikes’! Congratulations!


“Phys­i­cal­ly I feel quite good. I had a low dur­ing the night but every­one here cheered me on. I’m so grate­ful to be a part of the telethon,” Joey said hap­pi­ly as he climbed from his spin­ning bike for the first time in 24 hours.And the busi­ness part­ners also enjoyed the phys­i­cal­ly chal­leng­ing mega-event and bask in the feel­ing of hav­ing con­quered it as a team and hav­ing made an impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion to a good cause.

This way to the photos!

Jes­si­ca Schlick, mem­ber of ENER­GETIX’s man­age­ment, was even live in RTL’s stu­dio to hand over the funds col­lect­ed by ENERGETIX to the host, Wol­fram Kons, who accept­ed on behalft of the ‘RTL – Wir helfen Kindern’ char­i­ty: sym­bol­i­cal­ly in the shape of one of ENER­GETIX’s mag­net­ic bracelets in which the total had been engraved – a mag­nif­i­cent 70,000 euros!

Char­i­ty has always been and is of spe­cial impor­tance to Roland Förster. So ENER­GETIX’s founder was par­tic­u­lar­ly hap­py to be able to make a deci­sive con­tri­bu­tion to the foun­da­tion’s projects as one of the main spon­sors of the 24-hour bike challenge.

Joey Kel­ly, who is a friend of the busi­ness, and the 26 high­ly moti­vat­ed com­pa­ny teams that took on the chal­lenge gen­er­at­ed funds totalling 733,000 euros this year!   RTL’s 21st telethon, the longest char­i­ty show on Ger­man TV, gen­er­at­ed a remark­able sum of 7.8 mil­lion euros to help chil­dren in need.