Career tips from the STARCLUB: Christine Moussu at the ENERGETIX headquarters in Bingen

Her career has been noth­ing short of incred­i­ble. Chris­tine Mous­su has been out and about with ENERGETIX Bin­gen design­er jew­ellery for a mere 10 months in her native France, in the vicin­i­ty of the world famous Mont St. Michel, and has already achieved phe­nom­e­nal suc­cess­es: mem­ber of the STARCLUB, qual­i­fi­er in the Kenya com­pe­ti­tion, top of the list of the best for GSV and most recent­ly proud dri­ver of an ENERGETIXDRIVE vehicle. 

She is very mod­est when talk­ing about her spec­tac­u­lar start. „I love the prod­ucts, I love the peo­ple and I love work­ing,“ she said dur­ing her vis­it to the Bin­gen head­quar­ters on 1 July, a vis­it that enabled her and her col­league Rémy Truet to get a first impres­sion of how things oper­ate there.


Her recipe for suc­cess is very plau­si­ble: „I work in a very rur­al area. A lot of work­ers live there, a lot of peo­ple who work in agri­cul­ture. They love to have an oppor­tu­ni­ty to get togeth­er from time to time. And our prod­ucts sell best if you are sit­ting round a table with 10 or 12 peo­ple and you take your time. It’s not like being at a mar­ket or a super­mar­ket, where every­one wants some­thing dif­fer­ent. Here you can take your time, you are in good com­pa­ny, you find out about good prod­ucts and have good moments. In an atmos­phere like this, fol­low-up book­ings are a mat­ter of course. And then there’s the cri­sis and the weath­er’s been bad for weeks. When I show peo­ple the jew­ellery, it’s like giv­ing them a cou­ple of hours of sun­shine and a break from their dai­ly routine.“

There are always 2 or 3 cus­tomers at Christine’s get-togeth­ers who are already famil­iar with the prod­ucts and more or less take over the sales pitch. „It’s like with a car that you’re sat­is­fied with. You talk to friends and neigh­bours about it and sud­den­ly they are dri­ving the same sort of car themselves.“

Chris­tine has anoth­er tip that oth­ers would be well advised to fol­low: „If I vis­it a com­pa­ny to get new cus­tomers, ini­tial­ly I don’t sell jew­ellery – because the result would be good but lim­it­ed. No, I arrange jew­ellery pre­sen­ta­tion get-togeth­ers with the employ­ees. As a rule, I make 15 to 20 appoint­ments, then sales get going again. Obvi­ous­ly the result is that I have a lot of work to do but I’m absolute­ly enthu­si­as­tic about the job. And peo­ple notice it and this con­tributes to my success.“

Thank you, Chris­tine, for talk­ing to us. Here’s wish­ing you lots of con­tin­ued success!