Visitors from the Netherlands: highly motivated business partners drop in at ENERGETIX in Bingen

There’s noth­ing bet­ter than the direct con­tact that results from a per­son­al vis­it. That’s why ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners were hap­py to take the – always wel­come – oppor­tu­ni­ty to vis­it their com­pa­ny, get bet­ter acquaint­ed with the man­age­ment and to see what the employ­ees get up to at work.

Busi­ness part­ner Jean­nette Bal van Schi­jn­del and her team trav­elled to Bin­gen from the Nether­lands on Fri­day, 31 March. After the warm wel­come by Jes­si­ca Schlick (CMO) and the infor­ma­tive busi­ness pre­sen­ta­tion by Thomas Gör­mar, the morn­ing was round­ed off with a train­ing ses­sion that was pre­sent­ed by Jean­nette Bal van Schi­jn­del. After lunch, Mar­cel­la Fer­ret­ti, who is a jew­ellery design­er at ENERGETIX, gave the group the oppor­tu­ni­ty to see items of jew­ellery in the new SPRING / SUMMER col­lec­tion. The hap­py group was then giv­en a guid­ed tour of the ware­house, engrav­ing depart­ment, Cus­tomer Sup­port and mar­ket­ing and so gained an insight into how the com­pa­ny oper­ates. It is par­tic­u­lar­ly the new team mem­bers who ben­e­fit from the per­son­al impres­sions and broad range of infor­ma­tion that result from such events.

Com­mu­ni­ca­tions were ‘bar­ri­er-free’ because Thomas Gör­mar was able to show off how inter­na­tion­al Cus­tomer Sup­port at ENERGETIX is by pre­sent­ing the tour in the native tongue of the com­pa­ny’s friends and busi­ness part­ners from the Netherlands!

When jewellery hits the road: Collection on Tour – another huge success in 2017!

In view of last year’s great response to the col­lec­tion going on tour, it was only nat­ur­al that the new items of jew­ellery from the SPRING / SUMMER brochure would hit the road again in spring this year! The high­light was, of course, that the col­lec­tion went on tour BEFORE the offi­cial launch!

The spring-fresh col­lec­tion made stops at six loca­tions: Berlin, Wutach, Essen, Kem­pen, Wer­mel­skirchen and Nurem­berg. Anoth­er Col­lec­tion-on-Tour event was also held in Klein­bottwar / Baden-Würt­tem­berg on the first week­end of April.

The response was extreme­ly pos­i­tive over­all: busi­ness part­ners and every­one else who was inter­est­ed turned up in large num­bers at the local events to be the first to take a look at the new cre­ations, to try them on, ask ques­tions about them and to talk to oth­ers about them. The spe­cial pre­sen­ta­tions in the shape of red-car­pet fash­ion shows were also very well received!

It’s safe to say that ENER­GETIX’s jew­ellery and the inter­na­tion­al­ly tried-and-test­ed busi­ness idea won many new friends wher­ev­er it appeared!