Background and a look behind the scenes: The new jewellery collection — interview: part II/V

Inter­view with Janine Eisen­hauer, head of jew­ellery design at ENERGETIX Bingen.

Over the com­ing weeks, FROGBLOG will be upload­ing parts of the entire interview.
So it’ll be worth com­ing back to take a look!


Janine, let’s look at the Clas­sic cat­e­go­ry: the pen­dant 2068 and match­ing ear­rings 2142P are par­tic­u­lar­ly outstanding.

Pen­dant ele­ment (2068) and soli­taire (2079) in the Clas­sic range on cord (1779)

J. E.: Yes, we devel­oped a frame to sur­round the soli­taire pen­dant for this piece in the Soli­taire series. The frame puts me a lit­tle in mind of a rose tree. The sug­ges­tion of thorns on the edge and the ten­drils in the cen­tre. It was cre­at­ed by our design­er, Robin Ash­by, and you could think that the Tudor rose was his inspi­ra­tion.  The Tudor rose rep­re­sents England.

Janine Eisen­hauer and Heiko Prigge cre­at­ing the Clas­sic pho­to on cat­a­logue page 27

Clas­sic — EX in the City: the pho­to an cat­a­logue page 27


Let’s talk about the Basic cat­e­go­ry: what is char­ac­ter­is­tic for the jew­ellery in this easy-to-com­bine category?

J. E.: The Basic cat­e­go­ry stands for sim­ple jew­ellery that also does­n’t have to be expensive.

New jew­ellery in the Basic Range

We have a jew­ellery set here that we designed specif­i­cal­ly to sat­is­fy these require­ments. It is small, sim­ple, and, with its sparkling Swarovs­ki crys­tal, it goes with every­thing. Here, the ENERGETIX heart shape, which is very typ­i­cal for the style used in ENERGETIX jew­ellery, was tak­en up. The crys­tal is even set in three very fil­i­gree prongs.

The real­ly well done mod­el pic­tures stand out in the cat­a­logue. Where were the atmos­pher­ic pho­tos for the Basic cat­e­go­ry taken?

J. E.: The pho­tos for the Basic cat­e­go­ry were shot in the TRIBECA dis­trict of New York. The pho­to with the umbrel­la was, for exam­ple, tak­en oppo­site Hugh Jack­man’s café, at the „Laugh­ing Man“. That’s where I had the best cof­fee that I’ve had in a long time.

Mod­el shoot in the New York dis­trict of TRIBECA

Thank you, Janine, speak to you in Part 3.