Background and a look behind the scenes: The new jewellery collection — interview: part III/V

Inter­view with Janine Eisen­hauer, head of jew­ellery design at ENERGETIX Bingen.

Over the com­ing weeks, FROGBLOG will be upload­ing parts of the entire inter­view. So it’ll be worth com­ing back to take a look!


The „Inspired by Ralf Bauer“ cat­e­go­ry is very pop­u­lar. Are there any new pieces that have been cre­at­ed in coop­er­a­tion with the actor and declared Asia enthu­si­ast, Ralf Bauer?

Inspired by Ralf Bauer — page 66

Inspired by Ralf Bauer — page 72

J. E.: We’ve devel­oped a new range of bracelets appro­pri­ate­ly enti­tled „MOVE“ for the Ralf Bauer collection.

It works real­ly sim­ply and is made up of a plain leather bracelet with sim­ple clasp to which these ele­ments may be attached.

One of the ele­ments is adorned with the knot motif that is very fre­quent in Asian symbolism.

We have tak­en up an addi­tion­al sug­ges­tion for the hand-made pen­dant. There is a small clip loop so that the pen­dant may also be worn on a chain. The loop also goes with some oth­er pendants.

We have also returned to the mate­r­i­al of amber and slight­ly mod­i­fied the bracelet.




Cat­e­go­ry Pow­er — chain 2044

Long and mixed chains are the absolute trend. The asym­met­ri­cal Chain 2044 in the Pow­er cat­e­go­ry suc­cess­ful­ly takes up the style… 

J. E.: Yes! This chain is one of my favourite pieces! On the one hand, it is lav­ish but, on the oth­er, it is also light and pleas­ant to wear. Its spe­cial fea­ture is that we mixed dif­fer­ent chains togeth­er. They are joined on the side by two tri­an­gu­lar ele­ments. The entire chain pos­sess­es an asym­met­ri­cal design. Match­ing ear­rings that also take up the heart shape are also available.

Category Power - page 74

Thank you, Janine, speak to you in Part 4.