The making of… pictures of the photo shoot in New York City: I/II

Take o look behind the scenes ans see how the pho­tos for the EX in the City Cat­a­logue were cre­at­ed in Sum­mer 2012.

Make-up artist and mod­el Lucin­da on set

Con­cen­tra­tion on set: Roland Förster and Heiko Prigge’s cam­era team

Men at work: Ralf Bauer and ENERGETIX Art Direc­tor Jörg Olejnik

A pho­to is creatted

Pho­tog­ra­ph­er Heiko Prigge’s team is always busy mak­ing sure the light is right

Roland Förster and the cam­era team look at the first pho­tos while Lucin­da is pre­pared for the next shots

Tech­nol­o­gy out of doors: work­ing on the rooftop set