The world – a village: Training via Skype

A very spe­cial meet­ing of ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors took place last weekend. 

Diana Feli­ciano

The train­ing sem­i­nar was attend­ed by some of our top dis­trib­u­tors and fea­tured a Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tion by Puer­to Rican dis­trib­u­tor Diana Feli­ciano which was trans­mit­ted live from Puer­to Rico to Kirch­heim via Skype! This is the first time in the his­to­ry of ENERGETIX sem­i­nars that Skype has been used in this way. 

Pow­er­Point pre­sen­ta­tion trans­mit­ted via Skype

Ulrich Lang and Sjaak Janssen pro­vid­ed simul­ta­ne­ous trans­la­tion of the Eng­lish and sup­ple­ment­ed the pre­sen­ta­tion with addi­tion­al use­ful advice.
The 100 or so dis­trib­u­tors were extreme­ly enthu­si­as­tic – last but not least because Diana Feli­ciano was mag­nif­i­cent­ly suc­cess­ful in com­mu­ni­cat­ing all her ener­gy to her audi­ence in Ger­many. A com­pelling and tech­ni­cal­ly demand­ing pre­sen­ta­tion that will cer­tain­ly not be the last of its kind! 

The Skype pre­sen­ta­tion was, of course, only one ele­ment of the mul­ti­fac­eted three-day sem­i­nar. Thank you to the orga­niz­ing team for a suc­cess­ful weekend!