The making of… pictures of the photo shoot in New York City: II/II

Take o look behind the scenes ans see how the pho­tos for the EX in the City Cat­a­logue were cre­at­ed in Sum­mer 2012.

Ralf Bauer at the top: the actor ascend­ed to dizzy­ing heights for the photos

Relax­ing between shots

A look behind the scenes: the equip­ment of the styl­ists and make-up artists

FInal brush strokes of the make-up artist: Juan Anto­nio before the shots on Brook­lyn Bridge

Heiko Prigge and team in action

Sport-ori­ent­ed set on the roof of a Man­hat­tan skyscaper

Unfore­seen ‚vis­it‘: a typ­i­cal New York dog-sit­ter tra­vers­es the cup­cake set