More distributors happy about their cars in the ENERGETIXDRIVE programme

The 19 Sep­tem­ber 2012 was the long-await­ed day when not only top dis­trib­u­tors, Inge Møller-Nielsen, Renée Piguet, Ciselle Elgers & Rick Wes­sels, Car­men & Ernst Maas, Pia & Fred Petersen and Ruth & Klaus Kris­tensen, received their new cars from the ENERGETIXDRIVE pro­gramme but also Anja Schuch, who is a mem­ber of the STARCLUB.

The brand-new dream car was hand­ed over to Anja Schuch, Inter­na­tion­al Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor, in Bin­gen by Dr K.-P. Thiel, Mem­ber of the Exec­u­tive Board and COO.

„I would real­ly like to thank you for this award, it would­n’t have been pos­si­ble with­out you. You have cre­at­ed and built up a com­pa­ny for which peo­ple are able to work with great joy, warmth and deep com­mit­ment. And when I speak of Ener­getix, I am talk­ing about us. Some­thing as big as this can only be cre­at­ed when a bond is cre­at­ed between us all.“

Inge Møller Nielsen

Renée Piguet

Ciselle Elgers

Car­men und Ernst Maas

Pia und Fred Petersen

Ruth Kris­tensen

Dr Thiel hand­ing over the ENERGETIXDRIVE cars at the Cat­a­logue Launch dur­ing a live trans­mis­sion into the Rhein­gold­halle in Mainz. The hap­py recip­i­ents: Ulrike Lem­mel, Sabine Dreier-Schmülling & Ralf Schmülling, Sabine & Jörg Bre­da, Alexan­dra & Peter Pape-Vic­tor, Ker­stin Zschäck­el, Mar­i­on & Sven Erich­sen, Kor­nelia & Oth­mar Rom­bach, Brit­ta Hart­mann and Diana Römer.

The ENERGETIXDRIVE part­ner pro­gramme is avail­able to all dis­trib­u­tors: ENERGETIX Bin­gen sub­sidis­es the leas­ing pay­ments for the cars by up to 100%, in addi­tion to all the ben­e­fits of the mar­ket­ing plan. Dis­trib­u­tors should not ignore this opportunity! 

ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors can find more infor­ma­tion about the ENERGETIXDRIVE pro­gramme in the down­load sec­tion of the man­age­ment system.

We wish all dis­trib­u­tors lots of fun with their ENERGETIXDRIVE dream cars!