Wellness (not only) for frog feet – ENERGETIX’s Summer Party

Mud pack includ­ed: well­ness is writ­ten large at ENERGETIX Bingen

It was the time of year again when ENER­GETIX’s man­age­ment invit­ed employ­ees and their
fam­i­lies to the com­pa­ny’s grand sum­mer par­ty 2012.

A har­mo­nious trio even in fash­ion: the graph­ic artist, Yun-mi Jo, and jew­ellery design­ers, Janine Eisen­hauer and Mar­cel­la Fer­ret­ti (from left)

The pro­gramme also includ­ed a trip to the 3.5 kilo­me­ter long adven­ture bare-foot path in Bad Sobern­heim where par­tic­i­pants eager­ly wad­ed through mud and a „rag­ing“ riv­er, walked over bark mulch, sand and grav­el, pass a plank bridge and bal­anced across tree trunks.

The plucky bare-foot walk­ers were „reward­ed“ with an com­pan­ion­able lunch and a prize draw for two
bal­loon trips.

Ford­ing the riv­er Nahe, a splash for everyone