Background and a look behind the scenes: The new jewellery collection

Inter­view with Janine Eisen­hauer, head of jew­ellery design at ENERGETIX Bingen.

Over the com­ing weeks, FROGBLOG will be upload­ing parts of the entire inter­view. So it’ll be worth com­ing back to take a look!

Part 15

Mrs. Eisen­hauer, New York City was cho­sen as the loca­tion for the pho­tos for the new cat­a­logue. The pho­to shoot­ing in the Big Apple was prob­a­bly a highlight?

J. E.: Yes, New York as the shoot­ing loca­tion was incred­i­bly excit­ing, mul­ti­fac­eted and stim­u­lat­ing. We vis­it­ed many dif­fer­ent dis­tricts for the cat­a­logue and gained many impres­sions. From the rooftops in Mid­town very near the Empire State Build­ing to the indus­tri­al dis­trict on the banks of the East Riv­er under Brook­lyn Bridge. And, of course, on Brook­lyn Bridge itself which fea­tures in the back­ground on the new cov­er. Some­times we had to work at two or three dif­fer­ent loca­tions on a sin­gle day. A mobile home then became the back­stage area for our styling, hair and make-up as well as the pro­duc­tion office and can­teen. Every­thing in the small­est of spaces with up to 20 peo­ple work­ing on the project on a sin­gle pro­duc­tion day. So it was every­thing but a lux­u­ry hol­i­day, but it was fun and the atmos­phere was creative.

A glance at the con­tents reveals that ENERGETIX has – although the sequence has changed slight­ly – remained true its categories. 

J. E.: That’s right, every cat­e­go­ry rep­re­sents its own direc­tion, from fash­ion­able to sim­ple pieces of jew­ellery and from ele­gant to sporty designs.

Well, let’s talk about the most impor­tant new aspects in the new indi­vid­ual categories!


Sym­bol­ic is pleas­ant­ly dif­fer­ent. Where did the inspi­ra­tion for these imag­i­na­tive pieces of jew­ellery come from?

J. E.: The Sym­bol­ic cat­e­go­ry was inspired by many dif­fer­ent things, includ­ing nature and tech­nol­o­gy and even entire­ly abstract and mod­ern shapes.

SYMBOLIC: Chain sys­tem with spring ring and clip loop

This new design pos­sess­es both abstract and Asian influ­ences, the for­mer even being inspired by a paint­ing by Kandin­sky. The pen­dant may be worn with a chain of pearls from the ENERGETIX range of chains or with a clip loop or sim­ply with a string. There are match­ing ear studs and ring tops and a bracelet in the same pearl colours.

How did you get the idea to shape a piece of jew­ellery in the shape of a hummingbird? 

J. E.: We are always being asked to real­ize ani­mal motifs, which is why they were essen­tial to this collection.

SYMBOLIC: hummningbirds and flowers

SYMBOLIC : Lit­tle hum­ming­birds and flowers

The final result was achieved through many inter­me­di­ate stages. The end prod­uct is a coop­er­a­tion with the design­er, Robin Ash­by, who cre­at­ed the vir­tu­al hum­ming­bird con­tours for us in a CAD pro­gramme. Two small match­ing hum­ming­bird ear studs and match­ing ear studs with the flow­ers that are also found on the hum­ming­bird’s branch were cre­at­ed to accom­pa­ny this piece.

Every­thing is rep­re­sent­ed from nature to tech­nol­o­gy … ENERGETIX is so to speak con­quer­ing space? 

SYMBOLIC: Small robots, rock­ets and planets

J. E.: Well, we did use the work­ing title, „Out of Space“, here. The motifs are very wit­ty and cute, small robots, rock­ets and plan­ets. Real­ized here as lit­tle charms.
As a high­light, we added a large robot that pos­sess­es a turn­ing loop so that it may be com­bined in many ways with clip loops and chains: lav­ish­ly worked with Swarovs­ki crys­tals and cold enamel.

SYMBOLIC: Robot with var­i­ous details

Thank you, Mrs. Eisen­hauer, until the next and sec­ond part.