All photos, all, everything: Impressions of the launch, STARCLUB meeting and boat trip

The Cat­a­logue Launch week­end from 31 August to 2 Sep­tem­ber 2012 was real­ly some­thing. Three days full of action, attrac­tion, fun and entertainment.

The STARCLUB gets togeth­er in Mainz

Fri­day was entire­ly ded­i­cat­ed to the stars: the STARCLUB met for the one-to-one inter­view train­ing head­ed by Klaus Pertl and for all par­tic­i­pants to swap experiences.

On Sat­ur­day, Michael Rossié, com­mu­ni­ca­tions and speak­ing train­er, „coached“ the ENERGETIX dis­trib­u­tors under the mot­to, „Become who you are!“ This was fol­lowed by the excit­ed­ly await­ed pre­sen­ta­tion of the new jew­ellery col­lec­tion: the stage show was a high-ener­gy mix of infor­ma­tion and enter­tain­ment. Each cat­e­go­ry was under­lined by aes­thet­ic acro­bat­ic per­for­mances, music and impres­sions from New York – the place where the pho­tos were shot.

Alexan­der Link (CIO)
presents the FROGBLOG

A spe­cial sur­prise await­ed dis­trib­u­tors at the pre­sen­ta­tion of the new sportEX sil­i­con bracelets because none oth­er than swim­ming leg­end, Franziska van Alm­sick, took the stage. The like­able sports per­son­al­i­ty is the new face for the sporty col­lec­tion of colour­ful bracelets with three mag­nets inte­grat­ed in a water­proof encasing.

Ivy Quain­oo live on stage with her band

The event was crowned by the evening gala, which the guests and ENERGETIX employ­ees attend­ed in appro­pri­ate for­mal dress.

In line with this year’s „EX in the City“ mot­to, the culi­nary range was also themed with New York in mind: the live „Lit­tle Italy“, „Chi­na Town“ and „Man­hat­tan“ cook­ing sta­tions served Ital­ian, Asian and „typ­i­cal­ly“ US-Amer­i­can spe­cial­i­ties. A lav­ish dessert buf­fet and cock­tail bars per­fect­ly round­ed off the evening’s culi­nary presentation.

The launch week­end was con­clud­ed with the boat trip on the Sun­day. The leisure­ly excur­sion on the Rhine was pri­mar­i­ly planned as a gen­er­al­ly relax­ing event.

It was sun­ny and the cruise, was a cruise

The launch week­end was full of enter­tain­ing and emo­tion­al high­lights. The high­lights were real­ly mem­o­rable! A small but fine selec­tion of launch pho­tos has already been pre­sent­ed here on the FROGBLOG (where they are still avail­able for view­ing). But the big pho­to album may now also be viewed on Flickr!

Besides a large selec­tion of launch day pic­tures, you’ll also find pho­tos of the STARCLUB meet­ing on the launch Fri­day (31 August 2012) and the boat trip on the launch Sun­day (2 Sep­tem­ber 2012).

We hope you enjoy the pic­tures and have lots of fun reliv­ing the weekend!