The making of: the film of the photo shooting in New York City

EX in the City… The name says it all: the pho­tos for the ENERGETIX cat­a­logue just pub­lished were shot this year in the pul­sat­ing US metrop­o­lis of New York City. 

The atmos­pher­ic „Mak­ing of“ film, which reveals all the com­plex­i­ties of a pro­fes­sion­al pho­to shoot in Man­hat­tan in a short clip, pro­vides a fas­ci­nat­ing glance behind the scenes.

Impres­sions of New York, the mod­els – Lucin­da, Car­ol, Alessia, Juan Anto­nio, Jonathan, Hali and Ralf Bauer, mem­bers of ENER­GETIX’s cre­ative team Janine Eisen­hauer (Jew­ellery Design­er) and Jörg Ole­jnik (Art Direc­tor), the styl­ists, hair-and-make-up artists, the pho­tog­ra­ph­er Heiko Prigge with his crew and Roland Förster, ENERGETIX Sole Share­hold­er and CEO

Are you ready to take a short trip to New York? Then just click on the „Mak­ing of“ film!

You can also see this and oth­er ENERGETIX films on ENER­GETIX’s YouTube chan­nel at