WE WILL RISE!’ — ENERGETIX is entering its 20th year!

ENERGETIX’s pro­pri­etor Roland Förster drew atten­tion to a spe­cial anniver­sary at the event to kick off the year on 15 Jan­u­ary 2022: the company’s 20th anniver­sary! The mot­to of the year sets the agen­da and goal for how we intend to con­tin­ue: ‘WE WILL RISE!’ 

The long list of busi­ness part­ners who’ve been with ENERGETIX from the out­set – many of whom are still among the company’s top busi­ness part­ners – demon­strat­ed right at the start of the event that long and con­tin­u­ous careers are pos­si­ble with ENERGETIX.

Flex­i­bil­i­ty among busi­ness part­ners and com­pa­nies has made an impor­tant con­tri­bu­tion, espe­cial­ly dur­ing the last two years, which have been marked by the chal­lenges that com­mu­ni­cat­ing online presents. “Dig­i­tal­iza­tion has picked up speed and will con­tin­ue,” Roland Förster said.

New­com­ers and new sales expert

The new online busi­ness tools are being uti­lized to their full effect by the suc­cess­ful new­com­ers who were intro­duced by Alexan­der Link. Sales expert Andrea Hön­ne­mann, who joined the com­pa­ny in August 2021, set out how espe­cial­ly impor­tant our mind­set is – and not only for new­com­ers: “Look for like-mind­ed peo­ple and live your enthu­si­asm! Things can only be good when you’re enthu­si­as­tic.” And her tip for online busi­ness: “Be curi­ous and dis­cov­er your potential!”

The awards: high­ly emotional

The awards with which Jes­si­ca Schlick and Alexan­der Link pro­duced sur­prise and moments full of touch­ing emo­tions not only among the win­ners rep­re­sent­ed a clear indi­ca­tion that ENERGETIX has suc­cess­ful­ly adapt­ed to the changed cir­cum­stances. Such out­stand­ing accom­plish­ments as ‘10 years of ENERGETIX’, goals achieved, per­son­al sales vol­umes, team-build­ing and, of course, STARCLUB mem­ber­ship were rec­og­nized. Two busi­ness part­ners, Biba Marseglia and Wolf­gang Düsen­er, who are always open to new oppor­tu­ni­ties and who, among oth­er things, make par­tic­u­lar­ly exem­plary use of online com­mu­ni­ca­tions, were interviewed.

Cre­at­ing a busi­ness by build­ing teams

“He’s pas­sion­ate about what he does,” says coach Tobias Schloss­er of Wolf­gang Düsen­er. “His sub­con­scious com­pe­tence means that he can’t help him­self.” There are no secrets to achiev­ing suc­cess. “The key is deep iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with the sub­ject mat­ter – with the great prod­uct and the great busi­ness.” Where­by Schloss­er nat­u­ral­ly placed the empha­sis on the busi­ness. “Talk­ing about the prod­uct will win you cus­tomers; talk­ing about the system’s ben­e­fits will win you busi­ness part­ners and cre­ate the oppor­tu­ni­ty for you to build up your own business.”

With fire and pas­sion: Joey Kelly

Joey Kel­ly – brand ambas­sador for ENERGETIX – focused both on team spir­it and a men­tal atti­tude that builds on both ‘fire and pas­sion’. “You need a strong team to be suc­cess­ful,” said the artist and extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty, who’ll soon be head­ing off on his big tours again. But he also draws on his expe­ri­ence to remind us that every day is pre­cious. Even more so in the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion. “Use the time now to build up strength!” And nev­er “lose the fire”, just like AC/DC, Joey’s favourite band, who, at the age of 70+, still rock the stage like they did in their 20s.

Heart and sun­shine: the new jewellery

Joey’s advice is right in line with the year’s mot­to, ‘WE WILL RISE!’. Two new small spring col­lec­tions with exclu­sive mag­net­ic jew­ellery con­sti­tute the foun­da­tion for ENERGETIX’s launch into its next chap­ter and its sec­ond decade. ‘Fol­low your Heart!’ and ‘Sun­shine on my Mind.’ There are two fly­ers for pre­sen­ta­tions to cus­tomers along with the cor­re­spond­ing online mate­r­i­al that’s avail­able for per­son­al­iza­tion. The mot­to-based com­pe­ti­tion defines var­i­ous­ly weight­ed tar­gets and is intend­ed to help kick-start and devel­op careers.

Great incen­tive: Men­na Mulugeta

New jew­ellery, moti­va­tion, train­ing and awards were, of course, the high­lights of the event staged to kick off the year and that was broad­cast online from a stu­dio in Mainz. Men­na Muluge­ta, our singing host, con­tributed enor­mous­ly to the fan­tas­tic atmos­phere on the day. The for­mer ‘Voice of Ger­many’ con­tes­tant is today huge­ly pop­u­lar with a wide audi­ence and was avail­able for our event on Sat­ur­day. Her appear­ance full of pas­sion, pow­er, tem­pera­ment and enthu­si­asm should be an incen­tive to all of us. Thank you, Menna!

Many busi­ness part­ners were able draw addi­tion­al moti­va­tion from the online col­lage train­ing with Ulrich Lang and Bis­er­ka Marseglia that took place the next day. The visu­al­ized goals make us opti­mistic that ‘WE WILL RISE!’

An excerpt from the feed­back for the event: 

Angela S.: That was great 🤩 Joey’s pre­sen­ta­tion was sim­ply fan­tas­tic 💪The ener­gy 🎉great 🥰 A bril­liant day

Mar­ti­na W.: Such a won­der­ful­ly suc­cess­ful start to the year, thank you 🤩 for this motivation

Uschi A.: A great start with so many fan­tas­tic con­tri­bu­tions 👍👏👏🥂

Elke E.: Such a great start to what is sure to be a real­ly good year.

Renee P.: It was anoth­er won­der­ful event 👍🤩👍🥂👍

Back from the ‘pura vida’ – the pure, happy life.

What our trav­ellers to the Ama­zon have just expe­ri­enced from 22 Octo­ber to 2 Novem­ber can hard­ly be put into words: “It was inde­scrib­able, an entire­ly dif­fer­ent world, the veg­e­ta­tion, the peo­ple, the sounds! None of us could stop our­selves from fre­quent­ly welling up! By far the best trip I have ever been on!”

We could con­tin­ue with such superla­tives. The group already expe­ri­enced the first high­light on the sec­ond day close to where they had arrived, i.e. in Bogotá: a salt cathe­dral with a nave and two aisles, 180 metres deep in a for­mer salt mine – gigantic!

And then it was off to the great Ama­zon adven­ture with Hervé Neukomm. The Swiss nation­al who turned his back on con­ven­tions has been liv­ing the ‘pura vida’ in the jun­gle for many years. On his 240-hectare prop­er­ty, the Resort Habi­tat Sur, he and his wife work on dif­fer­ent envi­ron­men­tal and cul­tur­al projects that are aimed at pro­tect­ing the rain­for­est and its inhab­i­tants. The ide­al guide for ENERGETIX’s trip! 

Joey Kel­ly was anoth­er per­son­al­i­ty who shaped this jour­ney. He’s a fan of ENERGETIX and had already made the trip to the Ama­zon region three years ago dur­ing which he was very touched by the unique nature, the peo­ple and Hervé’s desire to pro­tect the Ama­zon rain­for­est. Joey’s trip was the inspi­ra­tion for this prize for ENERGETIX’s com­pe­ti­tion and he was hap­py to seize the oppor­tu­ni­ty to return to this spe­cial place in the com­pa­ny of our busi­ness partners.

A jour­ney with­out roads. Dis­tances were cov­ered by speed­boat or canoe. Or on foot! There couldn’t be a more inten­sive way of expe­ri­enc­ing the jun­gle. The routes took the par­tic­i­pants across dif­fi­cult ter­rain, through mud and along paths with many obsta­cles. The trips were inter­rupt­ed with breaks for bathing in the mid­dle of the jun­gle – with spon­ta­neous mud packs.

Spon­ta­neous and unplanned was also the encounter with an old heal­er, who was sum­moned by the inhab­i­tants of a vil­lage as a minor injury had been suf­fered and whose per­son­al­i­ty and her sin­cere inter­ven­tion made a very pro­found impression.

The qual­i­fiers were able to get up close to the ani­mals at a res­cue sta­tion for injured ani­mals. The encounter with an ana­con­da may well be described as sen­sa­tion­al, even if the staff did say it was ‘tame’.

The adven­tur­ers got some time to relax briefly with music and dance at a typ­i­cal vil­lage in the mid­dle of the jun­gle before return­ing to Bogotá via Leti­cia after a trip to an ani­mal reserve. This is where the group expe­ri­enced why this city of mil­lions is inter­na­tion­al­ly famous for its graffiti.

The clos­ing high­light was a vis­it to a fam­i­ly-run eco­log­i­cal­ly sus­tain­able cof­fee plan­ta­tion. These were def­i­nite­ly the first cof­fee beans to be har­vest­ed direct­ly by ENERGETIX busi­ness partners.

‘Pura vida’ — the qual­i­fiers for the ‘Pure Nature’ prize were able to gain a small but inten­sive impres­sion of this spe­cial lifestyle and it cer­tain­ly pro­vid­ed lots of food for thought in regard to their own lifestyles on their return home. A trip that once again empha­sized the spe­cial and exclu­sive nature of ENERGETIX’s com­pe­ti­tions and demon­strat­ed how much the com­pa­ny appre­ci­ates its busi­ness partners.

Click here for more photos.

The STARCLUB meeting with a Mediterranean flair

A total of 39 STARCLUB mem­bers met with ENERGETIX’s man­age­ment on the beau­ti­ful Mediter­ranean island of Mal­ta from 1 to 3 Octo­ber. It was the first trip since the begin­ning of the pan­dem­ic for many of the participants. 

After arriv­ing on the Fri­day, the STARS were tak­en straight to Hotel-Resort Dol­men that’s locat­ed on the beach front. A bus then took the par­tic­i­pants for their evening meal to Val­let­ta, the island’s cap­i­tal. The par­tic­i­pants were giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to take a walk through the his­toric old town and explore its nar­row streets that were dec­o­rat­ed with fairy lights and filled with music and the aro­ma of Mal­tese cuisine. 

The next day was reserved for activ­i­ties, fun and team­work. So the par­tic­i­pants were tak­en by fer­ry to the island of Gozo where a small fleet of old off-road vehi­cles await­ed for a spe­cial island ral­ly. The trav­ellers were divid­ed into eight teams and giv­en a short brief­ing before they set off for their very own island adven­tures with indi­vid­ual schedules. 

The goal was to find their way across the island by using the sched­ules and solv­ing ques­tions and tasks along the way. Dri­ving on the nar­row, some­times unpaved roads with the old cars was a chal­lenge in itself. So this team chal­lenge wasn’t lack­ing in adren­a­line and fun. A unique expe­ri­ence that none of the par­tic­i­pants will ever for­get so quickly. 

Every­one was giv­en the chance to recov­er from the excit­ing day and spend some time on the beach or do a bit of shop­ping in the city in the late after­noon before it was time for the exclu­sive evening meal that was being served at Restau­rant Café del Mar. The win­ners of the ral­ly were cel­e­brat­ed in the mod­ern ambi­ence. The exquis­ite meal was com­ple­ment­ed with cake to cel­e­brate the birth­day of one of the par­tic­i­pants. In spite of the coro­na-relat­ed ban on danc­ing, it was a suc­cess­ful evening, which some of the trav­ellers found them­selves bring­ing to close at the beach bar. 

The next morn­ing, the last one before depar­ture, pro­vid­ed the time and scope for an inten­sive exchange with the man­age­ment. In the bright sun­shine and with a buf­fet lunch to fol­low, every­one was giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to address impor­tant top­ics that would help shape new devel­op­ments at ENERGETIX

The inter­na­tion­al STARCLUB meet­ing not only pro­vid­ed the set­ting for a great reunion that was char­ac­ter­ized by lots of fun, good food and long-await­ed per­son­al exchanges, it was also a total success. 

You will find more pho­tos of this great event on our Flickr chan­nel!

The Collection Premiere 2021: more creative, more professional, more motivated

Even more cre­ative, even more pro­fes­sion­al, even more moti­vat­ed and even more sup­port for busi­ness part­ners to make more time for sales talks and team-build­ing – those are just a few words that describe ENERGETIX’s Col­lec­tion Pre­miere on Sat­ur­day, 19 June 2021.

CEO and Sole Share­hold­er Roland Förster wel­comed guests from 13 coun­tries live from the company’s head­quar­ters in Bin­gen – with assis­tance from the management’s Alexan­der Link and Jes­si­ca Schlick. Pre­sen­ter Markus Appel­mann was also in atten­dance. It was the sec­ond time that he accom­pa­nied the audi­ence through an inten­sive pro­gramme and his charm made the time sim­ply fly by. 

Even more cre­ative: the new Jew­ellery Col­lec­tion for 2021/2022

Once again, the col­lec­tion sur­pass­es that of the pre­vi­ous year – as Biba Marseglia, who’s been one of ENERGETIX’s lead­ing fig­ures for years, said. The cur­rent trend towards gold has been afford­ed the sig­nif­i­cance it deserves with each item of jew­ellery being turned into a work of art. Fun, joie de vivre and ener­gy – that’s what the jew­ellery express­es, which is why it’s sim­ply bound to inspire cus­tomers, espe­cial­ly at this time of year. A time that’s also char­ac­ter­ized by the need for feel-good moments. Moments that ENERGETIX’s range of well­ness acces­sories – to which new prod­ucts have been added and which is now being pre­sent­ed along­side the jew­ellery in the cat­a­logue – is able to cre­ate. The new and larg­er-for­mat cat­a­logue with its cre­ative and sus­tain­able design makes you want the originals. 

Even more sup­port for busi­ness partners

Argu­ments that authen­ti­cal­ly and cred­i­bly sup­port sales – who bet­ter to deliv­er them than the jew­ellery design­ers at ENERGETIX? The cre­atives shared the tech­ni­cal back­ground to the pieces in casu­al one-to-ones with Markus dur­ing the pre­sen­ta­tion. And these impor­tant expla­na­tions have also been includ­ed in the cat­a­logue right next to the products. 

Even more pro­fes­sion­al: on-line communication

It’s now pos­si­ble to access all the oth­er impor­tant prod­uct details on-line in a tar­get­ed and pre­cise man­ner. The top­ic is gen­er­al­ly becom­ing more and more impor­tant. Jes­si­ca Schlick intro­duced a new addi­tion­al tar­get group with the on-line con­sul­tant. The ‘Hap­py from home’ ver­sion will open up a new field of activ­i­ty not only for busi­ness part­ners who are accus­tomed to work­ing on-line while the new par­ty code and Par­tyShop that Alexan­der Link pre­sent­ed will deliv­er effec­tive sup­port for home and on-line presentations.

WOW: the artists of the day

The den­si­ty of celebri­ties, as Markus put it, grew in inten­si­ty as time pro­gressed. And it was indeed so: Joey Kel­ly and his chil­dren Luke and Lil­li with their ver­sion of the song ‘I nev­er want­ed to be grown up’ as a world first at ENERGETIX’s Col­lec­tion Pre­miere; Maite Kel­ly, also with a new hit, and – sen­sa­tion­al­ly – the inter­view that Jes­si­ca Schlick con­duct­ed with Lili-Paul Ron­cal­li, the 2020 win­ner of the Let’s Dance TV show. They all shared with busi­ness part­ners advice that they had gained from their own expe­ri­ences: per­se­vere, stay flex­i­ble, be cre­ative, be open to new things, plan the day and keep on moti­vat­ing yourself. 

Char­i­ty: suc­cess and new projects

The fact that it’s pos­si­ble to achieve great suc­cess even when you find your­self in the most unfavourable of sit­u­a­tions was demon­strat­ed by the con­tri­bu­tion from ENERGETIX’s char­i­ty part­ners Hugo and Lies­je Tem­pel­man in South Africa: an incred­i­ble, emo­tion­al per­for­mance by the choir, which was brought to life as one of the projects there and which is now about to sign its first record deal. This year’s dona­tion of € 50,000 is going to help fur­ther advance cur­rent projects, such as work with dis­abled chil­dren and an urgent­ly need­ed food pro­gramme. ENERGETIX’s sup­port is help­ing demon­strate that ‘tal­ent can help grow out of pover­ty’ as Hugo Tem­pel­man said.

Moti­vat­ed down to their fingertips

Careers by the mem­bers of the STARCLUB – and par­tic­u­lar­ly the One Year STARCLUB – once again demon­strat­ed that ENERGETIX’s suc­cess mod­el con­tin­ues to cre­ate the best oppor­tu­ni­ties for both the present and the future. That was also shown by the 50 new­com­ers who were pre­sent­ed at the begin­ning of the event – many of whom have already revealed their great tal­ents that will con­tin­ue to devel­op with the moti­va­tion­al boost that the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere delivered. 

You’ll find a sum­ma­ry of the day and the fan­tas­tic atmos­phere here – it’s def­i­nite­ly worth a watch:

HIGHLY EMOTIONAL: ENERGETIX’s international kick-off meeting 2021

The atmos­phere at ENERGETIX’s pre­vi­ous events to kick off the year has always been unique. Enthu­si­as­tic peo­ple in front of the cam­eras at the head­quar­ters in Bin­gen and in front of their screens at home demon­strat­ed that it’s also pos­si­ble to achieve the same effect on-line: goose bumps again and again, the desire to per­se­vere, opti­mism, moti­va­tion and always the heart­felt grat­i­tude for being giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty of belong­ing to the ENERGETIX fam­i­ly – all that marked an unfor­get­table day.

“The glass is half full.”

That was the opti­mistic approach that char­ac­ter­ized how Sole Share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster wel­comed his vir­tu­al guests from 10 coun­tries. He high­light­ed the impres­sive achieve­ments that have been accom­plished in spite of the pan­dem­ic in his chat with host Markus Appel­mann. Lock­down in spring 2020 meant that ‘sales through our main dis­tri­b­u­tion chan­nels, the home par­ties and trade fairs, basi­cal­ly dropped to zero overnight’. But the rapid response and ini­tia­tives by both the busi­ness part­ners and the com­pa­ny allowed us to move most of the prod­uct pre­sen­ta­tions on-line. That shift result­ed in sales increas­ing again to more than 50% in just a very short peri­od. “I would nev­er have thought that pos­si­ble,” says the own­er of the fam­i­ly-run, self-financed com­pa­ny, which was able to fund the tran­si­tion and con­se­quent­ly the future thanks to suf­fi­cient reserves.

Awards that went to the heart

The strategy’s suc­cess was not least appar­ent in the many mov­ing trib­utes that Jes­si­ca Schlick and Alexan­der Link pre­sent­ed. The words of appre­ci­a­tion from the man­age­ment, as well as from accom­pa­ny­ing men­tors, struck a chord with the award recip­i­ents. The grat­i­tude that it was ‘pos­si­ble to belong to the ENERGETIX fam­i­ly’ and thus to be suc­cess­ful, par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing the cur­rent cri­sis, was expressed again and again. Per­son­al sales and com­pe­ti­tions along with team-build­ing and the STARCLUB pre­sent­ed lots of oppor­tu­ni­ty to high­light spe­cial achieve­ments and make very per­son­al trib­utes. Then there were the 10-year anniver­saries to cel­e­brate as well as a spe­cial appre­ci­a­tion of the suc­cess­ful new­com­ers. Live video links meant that those being hon­oured were able to share their moti­va­tion and grat­i­tude with viewers. 

Celebrating together thanks to technical skills

The event was not only char­ac­ter­ized by emo­tion­al trib­utes but also by the var­ied pro­gramme and the many oppor­tu­ni­ties that allowed par­tic­i­pants to join in. It was pos­si­ble, for exam­ple, for live music requests to be sent to the DJ dur­ing the event and pho­tos of smart out­fits to be uploaded from liv­ing rooms and cock­tails in the company’s colours to be shared. The inter­ac­tive sur­veys and live videos with danc­ing busi­ness part­ners also con­tributed to cre­at­ing a real par­ty feeling!

IT in a new light

Alexan­der Link was able to cre­ate new incen­tives with the lat­est ‘BOOST YOUR BUSINESS! FOR EVERYONE’ com­pe­ti­tion and to draw atten­tion to this year’s spe­cial offers. He also empha­sized at the same time that there were, of course, great peo­ple and many suc­cess sto­ries behind all the IT devel­op­ments and fig­ures of the last few months. “Sit­ting in front of a com­put­er is not where the fun is. It’s the get­ting new things off the ground togeth­er with busi­ness part­ners that I enjoy most,” says Alexan­der Link.

New jewellery to kick off the year

The new jew­ellery is, of course, one of the most pop­u­lar aspects of the kick-off event. It cre­ates the oppor­tu­ni­ty to specif­i­cal­ly get in touch with cus­tomers par­tic­u­lar­ly for the upcom­ing ‘spe­cial days’, in oth­er words, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and church hol­i­days, as jew­ellery design­er Brit­ta Rejek men­tioned while shar­ing a few moti­va­tion­al tips. Valu­able sales argu­ments also came from the cre­ative corner. 

As the caterpillar said to the butterfly …

Star train­er Tobias Beck pro­vid­ed so many tips that it brought the moti­va­tion­al bar­rel to over­flow­ing – like the exam­ple of a barn full of gold that he used to describe the sit­u­a­tion of net­work mar­ket­ing as it is now and after coro­na. There were just a few rules to add that net­work mar­keters should abide by, for instance: “Peo­ple don’t buy the prod­uct, they buy you and your ener­gy!” And this coach has plen­ty of that. “Become a peo­ple mag­net! Fly out like a bee – from flower to flower!” And, then, one day, you’ll hear, “My God, how you have changed, as the cater­pil­lar said to the butterfly!”

All in all, a max­i­mum of moti­va­tion from the top coach, who’s sure to pro­vide us with plen­ty of sup­port in the future, just as Joey Kel­ly has done for years.

Motivation and goal setting: Joey Kelly

A reunion that brought great joy even if there was no hug­ging allowed this time. But the words of the per­former and extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty were all the more heart­felt for that: “ENERGETIX is one big fam­i­ly and I’m glad we see each oth­er every year.” But how do you moti­vate your­self in crises like this? Moti­va­tion is not dif­fi­cult if you do what you love … those who remain flex­i­ble and who are will­ing take a new path will be the win­ners. His advice: “Nev­er give up, you have to set goals and be tough about achiev­ing them. Being suc­cess­ful is fun. Team­work is also very impor­tant in this regard.” And Joey had a reas­sur­ing pre­dic­tion: “2021 is going to be a strong year; dif­fi­cult at first – but then all the bet­ter.” Roland Förster also sees the pos­i­tive effect of flex­i­bil­i­ty and break­ing new ground: “The on-line sit­u­a­tion is enor­mous­ly impor­tant. Embrace the oppor­tu­ni­ties – with and with­out coro­na.” And his call to all: “Make 2021 your year!”

Many busi­ness part­ners start­ed doing so the fol­low­ing day with the addi­tion­al moti­va­tion of the col­lage train­ing with Ulrich Lang and Biba Marseglia. Even the on-line ver­sion of the train­ing was once again a unique expe­ri­ence and a great start to a year of visu­al­ized goals.

So with that in mind, let’s GROW TOGETHER. NOW MORE THAN EVER

Wow! What a Collection Premiere!

The livestreamed presentation of ENERGETIX’s collection for 2020 / 2021

The mem­bers of the audi­ence that Sole Share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster wel­comed on Sat­ur­day evening were spread across the globe and had joined him to cel­e­brate the new-for­mat Col­lec­tion Pre­miere on their TVs and even on large screens. Some of our busi­ness part­ners had also orga­nized small gar­den par­ties in the style of pub­lic screen­ings – with the appro­pri­ate safe­ty mea­sures, of course.

It was quite sen­sa­tion­al what Ralf Schmitt, the host who’s a pre­sen­ter, author and actor, and Jes­si­ca Schlick, mem­ber of the man­age­ment, served up to the par­tic­i­pants – and not only in view of the short time that was avail­able to real­ize the event. The broad­cast loca­tion was a sky­line bar at Vien­na House Andel’s in Berlin.

What was new, what was different?

The new jew­ellery col­lec­tion is real­ly up to date and again full of fas­ci­nat­ing sur­pris­es. One com­ment from the chat summed it up: “Incred­i­ble! It’s even bet­ter than last year!” More than deserved praise for the design­er com­men­ta­tors, who were con­nect­ed live from the stu­dio in Bin­gen. They pre­sent­ed the high­lights with fresh­ness, vital­i­ty and flexibility.

And there’s even more because valu­able sales advice was also shared this year about the unique­ness of the pieces in terms of exclu­siv­i­ty, mate­r­i­al and qual­i­ty. This advice was accom­pa­nied by great fash­ion tips that showed that the new jew­ellery is once again right on the mark where world­wide trends are concerned.

Dur­ing the sec­tion ded­i­cat­ed to well­ness, Ralf Bauer and a busi­ness part­ner revealed in excit­ing unbox­ing videos which new pieces the audi­ence was now able to present to their cus­tomers. The prac­ti­cal prod­uct films that have been uploaded to ENERGETIX’s YouTube chan­nel for the new ‘100 % Feel Good’ cush­ion and the HeadSpa can be eas­i­ly incor­po­rat­ed into on-line pre­sen­ta­tions – as can the many oth­er videos that focus on the new col­lec­tion and the busi­ness idea.

On-line pre­sen­ta­tions. Don’t be shy!

Alexan­der Link, who on the man­age­ment board is respon­si­ble for IT, among oth­er things, was entire­ly in his ele­ment when he talked about on-line pre­sen­ta­tions. They’re going to be with us for some time to come so it’s all the more impor­tant that every­one gets to grips with this new tool. Besides prac­ti­cal help from the com­pa­ny, per­haps the most impor­tant piece of advice came from Alexan­der Link: “Don’t be shy! Just be authen­tic and then it’ll def­i­nite­ly work.”

The busi­ness part­ners who are now suc­cess­ful­ly using the new tool have shown that it does work and that it’s incred­i­bly fun. Bian­ca Beck­er, the on-line pio­neer, set out the three gold­en rules: “Do it, do it, do it”. And sev­er­al video exam­ples revealed that get­ting start­ed can be a real­ly big laugh.

The new web­shop, which was launched only recent­ly, is also a great help. Great design, great images and new oppor­tu­ni­ties, e.g. through broad­er options aimed at cus­tomer reten­tion, are real­ly valuable.

Is this the new Kel­ly family?

It’s no sur­prise when Joey Kel­ly per­forms at an ENERGETIX Col­lec­tion Pre­miere. But the fact that he and his chil­dren Luke and Lil­ly record­ed a song in the barn at his home exclu­sive­ly for his ‘ENERGETIX fam­i­ly’ and thus deliv­ered one of the emo­tion­al high­lights of the evening was a sen­sa­tion that no one expect­ed. Bra­vo! And please: more of the same!

The inter­view that Jes­si­ca Schlick con­duct­ed with Maite Kel­ly was car­ried along by a wave of affec­tion and was also sim­ply sen­sa­tion­al. Moth­er and job, how does that work? It works because the chil­dren pos­sess the same strengths that char­ac­ter­ize their ‘Tiger Mum’, who has worked her way up to incred­i­ble suc­cess­es after a long dry spell. A mes­sage that encourages. 

And Maite’s mot­to for life – ‘Love is Worth­while’ – which she has inter­pret­ed in her new song and which was one of the musi­cal high­lights at the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere – colours every­thing that she does.

Char­i­ty with heart

You can only be amazed at the lev­el that the Ndlovu Youth Choir has reached. The choir was sim­ply formed as a project by ENERGETIX’s char­i­ty part­ner Hugo Tem­pel­man but is now cel­e­brat­ing glob­al suc­cess. Hugo Tem­pel­man and his wife Lies­je linked to the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere from South Africa. How they talked about their work was very mov­ing. Around€ 50,000 are also going to the dif­fer­ent health and social projects dur­ing this time, which brings dona­tions from ENERGETIX to more than €1.5 mil­lion in total.

Togeth­er we’re strong

So what remains of this excep­tion­al event, of this unique ENERGETIX Col­lec­tion Pre­miere that has nev­er been expe­ri­enced in this way before? Fan­tas­tic new prod­ucts as the basis for an attrac­tive busi­ness idea, new tools to com­mu­ni­cate with cus­tomers in extra­or­di­nary times, the sense of belong­ing to a unique and mag­nif­i­cent com­mu­ni­ty and the con­fi­dence that togeth­er we’re strong! Help­ing each oth­er and the will to fill the vision of ENERGETIX with life – MORE POWERFULMORE SUCCESSFULTOGETHER. Thanks to all those who nev­er stop contributing.

You’ll find a video with all the new collection’s high­lights here:

Collection Premiere 2019 – also with wellness catalogue for the first time

Roland Förster was greet­ed by thun­der­ous applause on the stage in Berlin on to which he had been invit­ed by Alexan­der Link and Jes­si­ca Schlick both of whom were pre­sent­ing. In his open­ing speech, the Sole Share­hold­er and CEO drew the atten­tion of his 1,000 guests to the company’s his­to­ry of 17 years that had been char­ac­ter­ized by con­tin­u­ous devel­op­ments. Devel­op­ments that had start­ed from the small­est of begin­nings and had grown into a pro­gres­sive­ly opti­mized col­lec­tion, high-qual­i­ty cat­a­logues and sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments in IT and logis­tics and also includ­ed the acqui­si­tion of the build­ing com­plex in Bin­gen. The lat­est mile­stone in the company’s progress is the exten­sive range of well­ness prod­ucts, which was pre­sent­ed in a sep­a­rate cat­a­logue for the first time in Berlin and which offers part­ners new poten­tial for sus­tain­ably boost­ing their busi­ness­es as well as their income and team-build­ing, which as Roland Förster par­tic­u­lar­ly point­ed out was of cen­tral significance.

In its pur­suit of these con­tin­u­ous devel­op­ments, ENERGETIX also attach­es great impor­tance to new­com­ers to the com­pa­ny. They were giv­en a spe­cial wel­come in Berlin. The num­ber of peo­ple who had joined since the last Col­lec­tion Pre­miere and who were invit­ed on to the stage was impressive.


Large groups, also among the teams, that had come dressed espe­cial­ly for the occa­sion of the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere in Berlin. The stage was hard­ly big enough to show off their creativity.



The company’s top busi­ness part­ners and mem­bers of the STARCLUB – the company’s high­est acco­lade – were also giv­en spe­cial recog­ni­tion and enjoyed loud applause.



The day’s high­light came this year in a dou­ble pack: well­ness prod­ucts and a new jew­ellery col­lec­tion. Both were pre­sent­ed dur­ing impres­sive stage shows. As were the two new cat­a­logues – in a new design and real­ized in the most sophis­ti­cat­ed of styles. The audi­ence enjoyed a breath­tak­ing per­for­mance dur­ing the show when Sergey Mishchurenko, who is famous for his tele­vi­sion appear­ances, impressed with a dar­ing rou­tine on his ‘Fly­ing Pole’.

He wasn’t the only celebri­ty of the day: the actor Ralf Bauer was also wel­comed as a guest and charm­ing­ly focused addi­tion­al atten­tion on the top­ic of well­ness. Joey Kel­ly and his son Luke, who is fol­low­ing in his father’s foot­steps, made an authen­tic con­tri­bu­tion to the moti­va­tion of the attend­ing busi­ness part­ners. They fur­ther issued a heart-felt invi­ta­tion to the par­tic­i­pants to join them at the next half marathon in Mainz where they’ll also be run­ning in ENERGETIX’s colours.

The busi­ness part­ners were also giv­en suf­fi­cient time to dive into the extreme­ly cre­ative­ly designed worlds of jew­ellery and well­ness. That was where par­tic­i­pants were able to take a close look at the new prod­ucts and get expert and knowl­edge­able advice about them. The enthu­si­asm was lit­er­al­ly tangible.




Anoth­er first was the fact that suc­cess­ful busi­ness part­ners were giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share their knowl­edge in the fields of jew­ellery, well­ness, team-build­ing and com­pe­ti­tions on stage in four inten­sive and enter­tain­ing pan­el dis­cus­sions. Com­pe­tence and expe­ri­ence in the ‘Tal­ent Are­na’ also pro­duced effi­cient exchanges between the man­age­ment, suc­cess­ful busi­ness part­ners and new­com­ers, who were able to ben­e­fit from the invalu­able knowl­edge that was pre­sent­ed there. Build­ing your own team was anoth­er of the cen­tral top­ics at the are­na as were tips and expe­ri­ences from many impres­sive careers.

With this prepa­ra­tion under their belts, the par­tic­i­pants eager­ly await­ed the pre­sen­ta­tion of the new com­pe­ti­tions, which were then revealed in an excit­ing launch: as is tra­di­tion, new­com­ers will be trav­el­ling to Bin­gen; win­ners of the sec­ond cat­e­go­ry will be get­ting to enjoy ‘Pure Nature’ in the Basque Coun­try while first-cat­e­go­ry qual­i­fiers may expect some­thing incred­i­ble: a trip to the Ama­zon – an expe­ri­ence that’s going to be an absolute one-off in the lives of those lucky enough to take part.

The day was round­ed off with the gala evening that was accom­pa­nied by a deli­cious meal and the pre­sen­ta­tion of the cheque to ENERGETIX’s char­i­ty part­ner Dr Hugo Tem­pel­man and that was then fol­lowed by a daz­zling par­ty with DJ and one of the best cov­er and par­ty bands in Germany.


The fol­low­ing Sun­day saw busi­ness part­ners decid­ing between the choice of tak­ing part in a socia­ble get-together.

An all-round suc­cess­ful Col­lec­tion Pre­miere! ENERGETIX’s most impor­tant event of the year has made a last­ing impres­sion: effec­tive exchanges of expe­ri­ences, top moti­va­tion and enthu­si­asm for two new ranges. The par­tic­i­pants are look­ing for­ward to the next Col­lec­tion Pre­miere in July 2020.

Pho­tos: The day / Gala / Get-togeth­er


The ENERGETIX STARCLUB ahead of its Collection Premiere in 2019 – simply infectious!

From the start, the atmos­phere at the sum­mer STARCLUB meet­ing couldn’t have been bet­ter. The mem­bers of ENERGETIX’s supreme body met two days before the Col­lec­tion Pre­miere in the ESTREL Hotel’s sum­mer gar­den in Berlin for a lunch snack that was already await­ing the guests. It was a meet­ing that was actu­al­ly a warm gath­er­ing of friends in the most pleas­ant of Berlin set­tings that pre­sent­ed the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for small talk and inten­sive shar­ing of experiences.

The lat­est first-hand news was pre­sent­ed dur­ing the exchange with the man­age­ment that fol­lowed. That was when Roland Förster, Alexan­der Link and Jes­si­ca Schlick talked about devel­op­ments and trends, includ­ing, for exam­ple, the grow­ing impor­tance that well­ness prod­ucts are enjoy­ing. The new Bal­an­ce­Plus Bot­tle met with great enthu­si­asm at its pre-launch intro­duc­tion to the STARCLUB members. 

The STARCLUB’s new mem­bers were giv­en a par­tic­u­lar­ly warm wel­come. Men­tors and close­ly asso­ci­at­ed busi­ness part­ners found the appro­pri­ate and mov­ing words to praise the suc­cess­ful new­com­ers to the club – a demon­stra­tion of the close ties between peo­ple that are char­ac­ter­is­tic of the atmos­phere that exists at ENERGETIX and that cer­tain­ly also con­tribute to the suc­cess of every individual. 

The STARCLUB mem­bers then got to spend the evening in the com­pa­ny of ENERGETIX’s man­age­ment at Schloss Britz. The atmos­phere was excel­lent. The sum­mer par­ty fol­lowed the hon­ours and a supe­ri­or evening meal.



Our STARS express how much they enjoy their suc­cess when they start to cel­e­brate. Although things weren’t real­ly any loud­er than usu­al, it was hot and so the win­dows were open. And then the police arrived. It must be said, how­ev­er, that the offi­cers deployed their de-esca­la­tion strat­e­gy per­fect­ly in the form of a Vien­nese waltz and that they were an unplanned but valu­able addi­tion to the evening. ENERGETIX’s atmos­phere is sim­ply infectious!

The announce­ment of the next three-day STARCLUB event on Mal­ta in April 2020 gave every­body a spe­cial moti­va­tion­al boost! An incen­tive for ded­i­cat­ed, con­tin­u­ous work for all busi­ness partners! 

Find more pho­tos of this event on Flickr.

Pure motivation – the newcomer event in Bingen with Joey Kelly

A fresh wind blew through Bin­gen and our busi­ness premis­es last week. In appre­ci­a­tion of their out­stand­ing achieve­ments, we had invit­ed the win­ners of the New­com­er Com­pe­ti­tion to see our headquarters.

But, once there, they were able to enjoy Joey Kel­ly, too, who is also a con­firmed fan of mag­net­ic jew­ellery and who enriched the day with a pre­sen­ta­tion about the pow­er of set­ting goals and motivation. 

The first day was ded­i­cat­ed to a guid­ed tour of our premis­es with lots of infor­ma­tion from the Cus­tomer Sup­port, Mar­ket­ing and Ware­house depart­ments as well as an exchange with man­age­ment and employ­ees. But one of the high­lights was def­i­nite­ly the enter­tain­ing and instruc­tive ‘No Lim­its’ pre­sen­ta­tion by Joey Kelly. 

No lim­its in your mind and pur­su­ing your goals with the utmost moti­va­tion – that’s what Joey illus­trat­ed using his life with the Kel­ly Fam­i­ly and as an extreme ath­lete as an example. 

The evening was then ded­i­cat­ed entire­ly to recog­ni­tion because that’s when Roland Förster and Jes­si­ca Schlick pre­sent­ed the busi­ness part­ners with their cer­tifi­cates and awards against the back­drop of the Cen­tral Rhine Val­ley, which could have come straight from the movies. The buf­fet and BBQ on the ter­race of the Palais am Rhein was fol­lowed by a par­ty and danc­ing into the night in the com­pa­ny of a DJ

The sec­ond day pro­vid­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to exchange expe­ri­ences with like-mind­ed peo­ple. A kind of speed dat­ing with hik­ing and wine tast­ing around the Nieder­wald Mon­u­ment pro­vid­ed the set­ting for enter­tain­ment, sight­see­ing and many answers to ques­tions about the business. 

The event is best summed up with what the new­com­ers them­selves said: “two fan­tas­tic days”, “inter­est­ing exchange”, “beau­ti­ful land­scape”, “fun peo­ple” and “great atmos­phere”!

You will find more pho­tos of this great event on our Flickr chan­nel!

The training trip to South Africa

“Great, incredibly impressive! Thanks for this totally amazing trip. It was again something very special and very pleasant.”

The trip to South Africa allowed the first-cat­e­go­ry qual­i­fiers to get very close to the peo­ple and nature there. The promis­es that were made weren’t exag­ger­at­ed. It would hard­ly be pos­si­ble to expe­ri­ence this excit­ing coun­try as a vis­i­tor any more inten­sive­ly, emo­tion­al­ly or closer.

The trip start­ed in Elans­doorn, where Hugo Tem­pel­man, our long-stand­ing char­i­ty part­ner, works. The busi­ness part­ners were able to see for them­selves in the hos­pi­tal ward and research lab­o­ra­to­ry that ENERGETIX’s dona­tions over recent years are being put to extreme­ly good use. 

A per­for­mance by a few mem­bers of the now world-famous choir showed how much qual­i­ty of life Hugo Tempelman’s work is pro­duc­ing in South Africa. 

These first mov­ing impres­sions accom­pa­nied the group as the trav­ellers immersed them­selves direct­ly into the near­by nature where a beau­ti­ful lodge where they could relax was wait­ing for them.

The next day offered pure adven­ture when the par­tic­i­pants were tak­en on a safari to expe­ri­ence the Big Five with excit­ing and even dra­mat­ic aspects. The pic­tures speak for them­selves. The evening end­ed with a bush din­ner against the fan­tas­tic back­drop of dusk.

The next day’s pro­gramme of con­trasts saw the group take a short flight to the pul­sat­ing metrop­o­lis of Cape Town. 

The impres­sion that this ‘pearl at the south­ern tip of Africa’ offered was very pro­found with fan­tas­tic beach­es on the shores of two oceans, scenic diver­si­ty and a vibrant mul­ti­cul­tur­al soci­ety. The renowned ‘Gold Restau­rant’ took the guests on a culi­nary jour­ney across the entire con­ti­nent in the evening. 

Next con­trast: Cape Town’s town­ship. The guide let us take a look behind the scenes. One of the high­lights of the jour­ney was a trip to a gen­uine med­i­cine man and to the guide’s moth­er, who lov­ing­ly pre­pared an African lunch for the group. It couldn’t have been more authentic!

The vis­tas from Table Moun­tain are, of course, always a must-see on any trip to Cape Town. The view at sun­set was magnificent. 

And only ENERGETIX busi­ness part­ners could have expe­ri­enced the con­sump­tion of night cof­fee this way: the evening meal was served at the home of jazz musi­cians who pre­sent­ed a sam­ple of their skills with music that has con­quered the entire world. 

The Cape of Good Hope’s pop­u­lar mas­cots, the charm­ing pen­guins, were one of the final last­ing impres­sions of a ‘stun­ning’ jour­ney before the first-cat­e­go­ry qual­i­fiers were appro­pri­ate­ly rec­og­nized for their out­stand­ing per­for­mances dur­ing ‘Din­ner at the Stack’.

An incred­i­ble trip but it can already be revealed that the new competition’s des­ti­na­tion for first-cat­e­go­ry qual­i­fiers that is going to be pre­sent­ed in Berlin at the end of August is eas­i­ly going to match these stan­dards for excite­ment and adventure. 

We’ll be see­ing you in Berlin! 

More impres­sions from this extra­or­di­nary jour­ney are to be found on Flickr.