Even more creative, even more professional, even more motivated and even more support for business partners to make more time for sales talks and team-building – those are just a few words that describe ENERGETIX’s Collection Premiere on Saturday, 19 June 2021.

CEO and Sole Shareholder Roland Förster welcomed guests from 13 countries live from the company’s headquarters in Bingen – with assistance from the management’s Alexander Link and Jessica Schlick. Presenter Markus Appelmann was also in attendance. It was the second time that he accompanied the audience through an intensive programme and his charm made the time simply fly by.
Even more creative: the new Jewellery Collection for 2021/2022
Once again, the collection surpasses that of the previous year – as Biba Marseglia, who’s been one of ENERGETIX’s leading figures for years, said. The current trend towards gold has been afforded the significance it deserves with each item of jewellery being turned into a work of art. Fun, joie de vivre and energy – that’s what the jewellery expresses, which is why it’s simply bound to inspire customers, especially at this time of year. A time that’s also characterized by the need for feel-good moments. Moments that ENERGETIX’s range of wellness accessories – to which new products have been added and which is now being presented alongside the jewellery in the catalogue – is able to create. The new and larger-format catalogue with its creative and sustainable design makes you want the originals.
Even more support for business partners
Arguments that authentically and credibly support sales – who better to deliver them than the jewellery designers at ENERGETIX? The creatives shared the technical background to the pieces in casual one-to-ones with Markus during the presentation. And these important explanations have also been included in the catalogue right next to the products.
Even more professional: on-line communication

It’s now possible to access all the other important product details on-line in a targeted and precise manner. The topic is generally becoming more and more important. Jessica Schlick introduced a new additional target group with the on-line consultant. The ‘Happy from home’ version will open up a new field of activity not only for business partners who are accustomed to working on-line while the new party code and PartyShop that Alexander Link presented will deliver effective support for home and on-line presentations.
WOW: the artists of the day

The density of celebrities, as Markus put it, grew in intensity as time progressed. And it was indeed so: Joey Kelly and his children Luke and Lilli with their version of the song ‘I never wanted to be grown up’ as a world first at ENERGETIX’s Collection Premiere; Maite Kelly, also with a new hit, and – sensationally – the interview that Jessica Schlick conducted with Lili-Paul Roncalli, the 2020 winner of the Let’s Dance TV show. They all shared with business partners advice that they had gained from their own experiences: persevere, stay flexible, be creative, be open to new things, plan the day and keep on motivating yourself.
Charity: success and new projects

The fact that it’s possible to achieve great success even when you find yourself in the most unfavourable of situations was demonstrated by the contribution from ENERGETIX’s charity partners Hugo and Liesje Tempelman in South Africa: an incredible, emotional performance by the choir, which was brought to life as one of the projects there and which is now about to sign its first record deal. This year’s donation of € 50,000 is going to help further advance current projects, such as work with disabled children and an urgently needed food programme. ENERGETIX’s support is helping demonstrate that ‘talent can help grow out of poverty’ as Hugo Tempelman said.
Motivated down to their fingertips
Careers by the members of the STARCLUB – and particularly the One Year STARCLUB – once again demonstrated that ENERGETIX’s success model continues to create the best opportunities for both the present and the future. That was also shown by the 50 newcomers who were presented at the beginning of the event – many of whom have already revealed their great talents that will continue to develop with the motivational boost that the Collection Premiere delivered.
You’ll find a summary of the day and the fantastic atmosphere here – it’s definitely worth a watch: