HIGHLY EMOTIONAL: ENERGETIX’s international kick-off meeting 2021

The atmos­phere at ENERGETIX’s pre­vi­ous events to kick off the year has always been unique. Enthu­si­as­tic peo­ple in front of the cam­eras at the head­quar­ters in Bin­gen and in front of their screens at home demon­strat­ed that it’s also pos­si­ble to achieve the same effect on-line: goose bumps again and again, the desire to per­se­vere, opti­mism, moti­va­tion and always the heart­felt grat­i­tude for being giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty of belong­ing to the ENERGETIX fam­i­ly – all that marked an unfor­get­table day.

“The glass is half full.”

That was the opti­mistic approach that char­ac­ter­ized how Sole Share­hold­er and CEO Roland Förster wel­comed his vir­tu­al guests from 10 coun­tries. He high­light­ed the impres­sive achieve­ments that have been accom­plished in spite of the pan­dem­ic in his chat with host Markus Appel­mann. Lock­down in spring 2020 meant that ‘sales through our main dis­tri­b­u­tion chan­nels, the home par­ties and trade fairs, basi­cal­ly dropped to zero overnight’. But the rapid response and ini­tia­tives by both the busi­ness part­ners and the com­pa­ny allowed us to move most of the prod­uct pre­sen­ta­tions on-line. That shift result­ed in sales increas­ing again to more than 50% in just a very short peri­od. “I would nev­er have thought that pos­si­ble,” says the own­er of the fam­i­ly-run, self-financed com­pa­ny, which was able to fund the tran­si­tion and con­se­quent­ly the future thanks to suf­fi­cient reserves.

Awards that went to the heart

The strategy’s suc­cess was not least appar­ent in the many mov­ing trib­utes that Jes­si­ca Schlick and Alexan­der Link pre­sent­ed. The words of appre­ci­a­tion from the man­age­ment, as well as from accom­pa­ny­ing men­tors, struck a chord with the award recip­i­ents. The grat­i­tude that it was ‘pos­si­ble to belong to the ENERGETIX fam­i­ly’ and thus to be suc­cess­ful, par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing the cur­rent cri­sis, was expressed again and again. Per­son­al sales and com­pe­ti­tions along with team-build­ing and the STARCLUB pre­sent­ed lots of oppor­tu­ni­ty to high­light spe­cial achieve­ments and make very per­son­al trib­utes. Then there were the 10-year anniver­saries to cel­e­brate as well as a spe­cial appre­ci­a­tion of the suc­cess­ful new­com­ers. Live video links meant that those being hon­oured were able to share their moti­va­tion and grat­i­tude with viewers. 

Celebrating together thanks to technical skills

The event was not only char­ac­ter­ized by emo­tion­al trib­utes but also by the var­ied pro­gramme and the many oppor­tu­ni­ties that allowed par­tic­i­pants to join in. It was pos­si­ble, for exam­ple, for live music requests to be sent to the DJ dur­ing the event and pho­tos of smart out­fits to be uploaded from liv­ing rooms and cock­tails in the company’s colours to be shared. The inter­ac­tive sur­veys and live videos with danc­ing busi­ness part­ners also con­tributed to cre­at­ing a real par­ty feeling!

IT in a new light

Alexan­der Link was able to cre­ate new incen­tives with the lat­est ‘BOOST YOUR BUSINESS! FOR EVERYONE’ com­pe­ti­tion and to draw atten­tion to this year’s spe­cial offers. He also empha­sized at the same time that there were, of course, great peo­ple and many suc­cess sto­ries behind all the IT devel­op­ments and fig­ures of the last few months. “Sit­ting in front of a com­put­er is not where the fun is. It’s the get­ting new things off the ground togeth­er with busi­ness part­ners that I enjoy most,” says Alexan­der Link.

New jewellery to kick off the year

The new jew­ellery is, of course, one of the most pop­u­lar aspects of the kick-off event. It cre­ates the oppor­tu­ni­ty to specif­i­cal­ly get in touch with cus­tomers par­tic­u­lar­ly for the upcom­ing ‘spe­cial days’, in oth­er words, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and church hol­i­days, as jew­ellery design­er Brit­ta Rejek men­tioned while shar­ing a few moti­va­tion­al tips. Valu­able sales argu­ments also came from the cre­ative corner. 

As the caterpillar said to the butterfly …

Star train­er Tobias Beck pro­vid­ed so many tips that it brought the moti­va­tion­al bar­rel to over­flow­ing – like the exam­ple of a barn full of gold that he used to describe the sit­u­a­tion of net­work mar­ket­ing as it is now and after coro­na. There were just a few rules to add that net­work mar­keters should abide by, for instance: “Peo­ple don’t buy the prod­uct, they buy you and your ener­gy!” And this coach has plen­ty of that. “Become a peo­ple mag­net! Fly out like a bee – from flower to flower!” And, then, one day, you’ll hear, “My God, how you have changed, as the cater­pil­lar said to the butterfly!”

All in all, a max­i­mum of moti­va­tion from the top coach, who’s sure to pro­vide us with plen­ty of sup­port in the future, just as Joey Kel­ly has done for years.

Motivation and goal setting: Joey Kelly

A reunion that brought great joy even if there was no hug­ging allowed this time. But the words of the per­former and extreme sports per­son­al­i­ty were all the more heart­felt for that: “ENERGETIX is one big fam­i­ly and I’m glad we see each oth­er every year.” But how do you moti­vate your­self in crises like this? Moti­va­tion is not dif­fi­cult if you do what you love … those who remain flex­i­ble and who are will­ing take a new path will be the win­ners. His advice: “Nev­er give up, you have to set goals and be tough about achiev­ing them. Being suc­cess­ful is fun. Team­work is also very impor­tant in this regard.” And Joey had a reas­sur­ing pre­dic­tion: “2021 is going to be a strong year; dif­fi­cult at first – but then all the bet­ter.” Roland Förster also sees the pos­i­tive effect of flex­i­bil­i­ty and break­ing new ground: “The on-line sit­u­a­tion is enor­mous­ly impor­tant. Embrace the oppor­tu­ni­ties – with and with­out coro­na.” And his call to all: “Make 2021 your year!”

Many busi­ness part­ners start­ed doing so the fol­low­ing day with the addi­tion­al moti­va­tion of the col­lage train­ing with Ulrich Lang and Biba Marseglia. Even the on-line ver­sion of the train­ing was once again a unique expe­ri­ence and a great start to a year of visu­al­ized goals.

So with that in mind, let’s GROW TOGETHER. NOW MORE THAN EVER