A fresh wind blew through Bingen and our business premises last week. In appreciation of their outstanding achievements, we had invited the winners of the Newcomer Competition to see our headquarters.

But, once there, they were able to enjoy Joey Kelly, too, who is also a confirmed fan of magnetic jewellery and who enriched the day with a presentation about the power of setting goals and motivation.
The first day was dedicated to a guided tour of our premises with lots of information from the Customer Support, Marketing and Warehouse departments as well as an exchange with management and employees. But one of the highlights was definitely the entertaining and instructive ‘No Limits’ presentation by Joey Kelly.

No limits in your mind and pursuing your goals with the utmost motivation – that’s what Joey illustrated using his life with the Kelly Family and as an extreme athlete as an example.
The evening was then dedicated entirely to recognition because that’s when Roland Förster and Jessica Schlick presented the business partners with their certificates and awards against the backdrop of the Central Rhine Valley, which could have come straight from the movies. The buffet and BBQ on the terrace of the Palais am Rhein was followed by a party and dancing into the night in the company of a DJ.
The second day provided the opportunity to exchange experiences with like-minded people. A kind of speed dating with hiking and wine tasting around the Niederwald Monument provided the setting for entertainment, sightseeing and many answers to questions about the business.

The event is best summed up with what the newcomers themselves said: “two fantastic days”, “interesting exchange”, “beautiful landscape”, “fun people” and “great atmosphere”!
You will find more photos of this great event on our Flickr channel!