The livestreamed presentation of ENERGETIX’s collection for 2020 / 2021

The members of the audience that Sole Shareholder and CEO Roland Förster welcomed on Saturday evening were spread across the globe and had joined him to celebrate the new-format Collection Premiere on their TVs and even on large screens. Some of our business partners had also organized small garden parties in the style of public screenings – with the appropriate safety measures, of course.
It was quite sensational what Ralf Schmitt, the host who’s a presenter, author and actor, and Jessica Schlick, member of the management, served up to the participants – and not only in view of the short time that was available to realize the event. The broadcast location was a skyline bar at Vienna House Andel’s in Berlin.
What was new, what was different?
The new jewellery collection is really up to date and again full of fascinating surprises. One comment from the chat summed it up: “Incredible! It’s even better than last year!” More than deserved praise for the designer commentators, who were connected live from the studio in Bingen. They presented the highlights with freshness, vitality and flexibility.
And there’s even more because valuable sales advice was also shared this year about the uniqueness of the pieces in terms of exclusivity, material and quality. This advice was accompanied by great fashion tips that showed that the new jewellery is once again right on the mark where worldwide trends are concerned.
During the section dedicated to wellness, Ralf Bauer and a business partner revealed in exciting unboxing videos which new pieces the audience was now able to present to their customers. The practical product films that have been uploaded to ENERGETIX’s YouTube channel for the new ‘100 % Feel Good’ cushion and the HeadSpa can be easily incorporated into on-line presentations – as can the many other videos that focus on the new collection and the business idea.
On-line presentations. Don’t be shy!
Alexander Link, who on the management board is responsible for IT, among other things, was entirely in his element when he talked about on-line presentations. They’re going to be with us for some time to come so it’s all the more important that everyone gets to grips with this new tool. Besides practical help from the company, perhaps the most important piece of advice came from Alexander Link: “Don’t be shy! Just be authentic and then it’ll definitely work.”
The business partners who are now successfully using the new tool have shown that it does work and that it’s incredibly fun. Bianca Becker, the on-line pioneer, set out the three golden rules: “Do it, do it, do it”. And several video examples revealed that getting started can be a really big laugh.
The new webshop, which was launched only recently, is also a great help. Great design, great images and new opportunities, e.g. through broader options aimed at customer retention, are really valuable.
Is this the new Kelly family?
It’s no surprise when Joey Kelly performs at an ENERGETIX Collection Premiere. But the fact that he and his children Luke and Lilly recorded a song in the barn at his home exclusively for his ‘ENERGETIX family’ and thus delivered one of the emotional highlights of the evening was a sensation that no one expected. Bravo! And please: more of the same!
The interview that Jessica Schlick conducted with Maite Kelly was carried along by a wave of affection and was also simply sensational. Mother and job, how does that work? It works because the children possess the same strengths that characterize their ‘Tiger Mum’, who has worked her way up to incredible successes after a long dry spell. A message that encourages.
And Maite’s motto for life – ‘Love is Worthwhile’ – which she has interpreted in her new song and which was one of the musical highlights at the Collection Premiere – colours everything that she does.
Charity with heart
You can only be amazed at the level that the Ndlovu Youth Choir has reached. The choir was simply formed as a project by ENERGETIX’s charity partner Hugo Tempelman but is now celebrating global success. Hugo Tempelman and his wife Liesje linked to the Collection Premiere from South Africa. How they talked about their work was very moving. Around€ 50,000 are also going to the different health and social projects during this time, which brings donations from ENERGETIX to more than €1.5 million in total.
Together we’re strong
So what remains of this exceptional event, of this unique ENERGETIX Collection Premiere that has never been experienced in this way before? Fantastic new products as the basis for an attractive business idea, new tools to communicate with customers in extraordinary times, the sense of belonging to a unique and magnificent community and the confidence that together we’re strong! Helping each other and the will to fill the vision of ENERGETIX with life – MORE POWERFUL – MORE SUCCESSFUL – TOGETHER. Thanks to all those who never stop contributing.
You’ll find a video with all the new collection’s highlights here: