ENERGETIX in Turkey: the road shows

The “local pre­sen­ta­tions” fol­low­ing the kick-off event in Istan­bul on 2 Novem­ber 2013 (FROGBLOG report­ed) are now in full swing: Tol­ga Delik­taş, who heads the busi­ness in Turkey, has trav­elled to a total of eight cities to present the new col­lec­tion and explain ENER­GETIX’s busi­ness mod­el to inter­est­ed par­ties. The trips also con­sti­tut­ed a wel­come oppor­tu­ni­ty to estab­lish new contacts.

The pro­gramme over recent days includ­ed busi­ness pre­sen­ta­tions in Izmir, in the mega city of Istan­bul (where the ENERGETIX branch is based) and in Konya, Antalya and Bur­sa. In spite of dif­fi­cult con­di­tions – many regions in Turkey suf­fered heavy rain­storms and flood­ing – numer­ous inter­est­ed par­ties found their way to the venues to take a look at the jew­ellery and find out all about it.


Tol­ga Delik­taş, who heads the busi­ness in Turkey, pre­sent­ing bracelets in the cur­rent col­lec­tion to the enthu­si­as­tic participants.

Tol­ga Delik­taş report­ed that the recent pre­sen­ta­tions had helped per­suade sev­er­al peo­ple who had pre­vi­ous­ly remained unde­cid­ed to become busi­ness part­ners so that the num­ber of reg­is­tra­tions with ENERGETIX in Turkey had now risen to an amaz­ing 400. Sales have also increased notice­ably. A great suc­cess that augurs well for the future.

We hope he enjoys the upcom­ing meet­ings in Ankara, Turkey’s cap­i­tal city, Gaziantep and Karabük and wish him suc­cess there.