In 2013 ENERGETIX participates together with actress Anja Kling in the Art Advent Calendar charity project

ENERGETIX is again tak­ing part this year in this remark­able char­i­ty cam­paign. All pro­ceeds from our par­tic­i­pa­tion will go to the Hugo Tem­pel­man Foun­da­tion and hence to the chil­dren in South Africa.

ESC_7587Last year ENERGETIX teamed up with artist Ilona Arndt and top mod­el Franziska Knuppe (who sub­se­quent­ly posed for ENERGETIX cat­a­logue shots with Ronan Keat­ing). The mem­bers of the team were respon­si­ble for the pic­ture behind the 15th door and it was they who opened it (as FROGBLOG reported).

In the run-up to this year’s cam­paign, actress and celebri­ty backer Anja Kling met artist Jür­gen Redelius in Mannheim, where they cre­at­ed anoth­er pic­ture to be auc­tioned off for a good cause.




Fri­day, 20 Decem­ber is the day the „ENERGETIX door“ of the giant Art Advent Cal­en­dar will be opened! Jür­gen Redelius’s art work „Vita Nuo­va“ will then be dis­played on pres­ti­gious façades in Ham­burg (Görtz Ham­burg), Munich (Hirmer Her­ren­mod­en) and Frank­furt am Main (MyZeil).

For more about the project, vis­it